Sue Saxby therapist on Natural Therapy Pages
Member since 2008

Sue Saxby

BodySense Kinesiology, Mind, Body, Spirit Transformation

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"Positive living and learning." Holistic Health and Wellbeing for children and adults."Emotion = Energy in Motion" to create change energy has to shift! Transform, break through, clear blocks in your energy, align your body, mind and spirit live with joy!"Are you in pain? Do you feel stressed, anxious or overwhelmed? Are you scared to just be yourself? Are you fearful, unsure and worried all the time? Do you have enough energy to get through the day? Are your kids irritable and hard to handle leaving you frazzled and having no fun? Imagine feeling freedom and joy, direction and purpose every day as you get out of bed. You need some calm, some peace, you need focus and clarity about who you are and what you are doing. How important is your HEALTH, MIND, RELATIONSHIPS AND THE ABILITY TO ACHIEVE ALL THAT YOU DREAM OF? I provide you with practical, effective answers and strategies, evolving into a deep understanding of yourself, that helps you to relieve stress and pain and balance your body, mind and spirit. Relax, Renew, Revitalise! Relax, Renew, Revitalise!

BodySense Kinesiology, Mind Body Spirit Transformation

Servicing area


Focus areas

Balance issues Emotional wellbeing Stress Management Babies Australian bush flower essences Mind-body medicine


Payable by Cash or Direct Deposit:
$125.00 per hour

Initial Consultations
1.5 to 2 hours $190 - $250

Follow Up Consultations
  1 hour - $150     
1.5 hours - $190

Special Investment Plan:
Book in and pay for 3 x 1 hour sessions for $345 ( does not include Initial Consultation of 2 hours)

Preschool and School Age Initial Consultations - $180 to $240
Applies to all issues that may involve assessment for learning and behaviour issues.

Extensive assessments are carried out and an assistance plan devised for your child.
Your Investment is $125 per hour.

Special Investment Plan:
Book in and pay for 3 x 1 hour sessions for $345 ( does not include Initial Consultation of 1.5 hours)

My Story...
Holistic Kinesiology, Mind Body Spirit Transformation
What Do You Do During a Kinesiology “Balance”?
Session Fees
My Qualifications


Today I am a body translator, spirit connector, heart opener, soul brightener and I shine a light on who you are ...I help you solve the Rubik's Cube that is you, find a way through the labyrinth maze of your life to help you find your heart and realise its phenomenal power! The power to be exactly who you want to be, enriching your own life and that of the people who share their life with you and care about you.This description of who I am and how I help others is from Tarin, a beautiful soul who came in and trusted me to go on her personal journey of growth and development.
I always knew I would work closely with others in a helping role. At 7 years of age I was enthralled by the dedication of Florence Nightingale (Nursing Pioneer). I wanted to be her. Also at 7 I suffered a serious illness, Rheumatic Fever that had me experiencing severe pain, unable to walk for a few months, missing 8 months of Year 2. I had to repeat.
I was treated with aspirin daily for months and penicillin daily for 10 years! By the time I was 15 I had a stomach ulcer and also had severe endometriosis although I did not have that diagnosed until I was 28. In the meantime I had developed a keen interest in the body, its workings and Nutrition.
I decided to be a Primary School Teacher which I absolutely loved. It was always fulfilling to me to be bringing the best out of little kids and laying great learning foundations for them. But I also continued with my interest by starting a Degree in Herbal Medicine with the great Dennis Stewart. 18 months later I was madly in love and wanting to have children. The endometriosis had left me with extensive adhesions so it was the miracle of IVF treatment that helped me achieve my most treasured goal of being a mother... of TRIPLETS! Wow! One more than we thought we could have since only 2 embryos were implanted. One of our kids just had be here with us at the same time! We have 2 sons ( not identical) and a daughter.
Life was extremely hectic but fun.By the time they went to school it became clear that one of our sons just did not fit the mould of regular regimented school and he found it very difficult to play team games and socialise well. He is extremely creative.
So I was always on the lookout for a way to help him. When he was about 13 years old a friend asked me to attend an open day about Kinesiology. I knew nothing but went along. I signed up on the day for the course - Diploma Health Science, Holistic Kinesiology.
It seemed like everything was lining up as the course met all my interests - -the body, anatomy and physiology, muscles and movement, nutrition, counselling, TCM 5 elements and the related personality traits and beliefs, and the amazing field of energy healing. I believed this could help my son, and it did.
It also helped me as I went on my personal journey of change. I learned lessons about myself that without the work that I did would never have changed. I became free to be myself living authentically, dropping lots of unhelpful restrictive rules that I had been living by thinking that's what I had to do but this was only suppressing my true spirit.
I have now been in Clinic for many years and I am passionate about helping others transform themselves so that they too can live with freedom and joy!


Transform your life! Allow your unique self to shine! I am passionate about helping the world change through positive living and learning, one soul at a time. My goal is to help you bring more freedom, joy, inner peace, harmony, confidence, clarity and truth to how you live.
I encourage you to believe in your worth, value and dignity, to give yourself permission to express your spirit, to live through heart-felt wisdom, self-approval and self-acceptance. I help you to tap into to your inner wisdom and learn to trust that you do know what to do, that you can all evolve, grow with emotional resilience and intelligence from any experience.
I facilitate deep understanding of yourself. You gain awareness about the attitudes, beliefs and experiences that have shaped your life and most importantly how to bring about profound long term changes. You learn to understand yourself, why you are the way you are, why you react the way you do. This brings about a feeling of purpose and empowerment that enables you to create positive changes in all aspects of your life. Human beings have an endless capacity to change themselves. You do too.



During each therapy session or "balance" as Sue calls it, you are welcomed into a very relaxing environment where you are given time and space to be heard and gently worked with, not on. Sue helps you to identify and deal with whatever situation has you feeling pain or stress. After an in-depth chat about your medical and life experience history and about your current issues Sue has you go through some physical and mental asessments including the gentle non-invasive assessment of muscle states which gives her information about what's happening for you in your body and mind. While lying on the treatment table, you remain fully clothed and Sue will talk to you and work with your body to resolve the stress that is causing pain, emotional stress or illness.


Sue achieves changes in your BodyMind through a very comprehensive blend of a unique Wellness Coaching approach and natural medicine therapies. Some of the following modalities and skills selected by your body as priority to help, will be used for you at each Balance:

  • Kinesiology & Neural Organization Technique - Gentle manipulations of ligaments, tendons, fascia, muscles & reflex points such as lymphatic stimulation points, blood circulation stimulating points and acupressure points - exactly the same as an acupuncturist only no needles are used, instead there may be holding, tapping or rubbing pressure applied, light, colour or essences applied at these points. All of this stimulates the creation of new pathways and neuronal connections in your brain, you are retraining your brain through Neuroplasticity

  • Transformational Counselling Kinesiology - this Client Centred Counselling (where it goes is directed by you, by Sue listening to you) facilitates change at the deepest level of understanding, empowering life changing choices. It is much like Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) and is a type of therapy that helps you to change your negative, unhelpful or unhealthy thinking habits, feelings and behaviours. It helps you to understand the thoughts and feelings that influence your choices, your behaviours so that they can be reframed into a positive belief and positive change.

  • Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) - Tongue and Pulse Diagnosis as characterised and categorised by TCM.( this does not ever include a medical diagnosis which only Doctors can make) Acupressure, 5 Element Theory of emotional motivations and actions, Clinical conditions are assisted as characterised and categorised by TCM

  • Nutrition and Lifestyle advice - Sue is able to adviseguide you on the use of foods and nutrition. Sue will guide you to a more supportive and helpful mindset.

  • Energetic Therapies also known as Vibrational Healing Systems may be used during a session or sent home with you. They include Sound and Colour Therapy, Crystal Therapy and Flower Essences (Bach Flower Essences, Australian Bush Essences and Desert Essences.)
    Most people experience some positive change after one balance session but will continue for on average 6 sessions to achieve very significant positive results. The length of time taken over an issue and frequency of sessions is based on each individual's level of response. Many people continue to come in for a "Maintenance Balance" or "Tune Up" every few months.

Children who attend Sue's Clinic for developmental, learning or behaviour issues generally make remarkable progress exhibiting very noticeable improvements in learning and behaviour within 4 to 8 visits. Children benefit greatly from a regular "Tune-Up" for not only continued ease of learning and socialisation but also regular boosts to overall health and well-being particularly in relation to anxiety levels or their Immune and Digestive Systems, which are crucial to good health, avoidance of food sensitivities and optimal learning.


Payable by Cash or Direct Deposit:
$120.00 per hour

Initial Consultations
1.5 to 2 hours $190 - $250

Follow Up Consultations
  1 hour - $125     
1.5 hours - $190

Special Investment Plan:
Book in and pay for 3 x 1 hour sessions for $345 ( does not include Initial Consultation of 2 hours)

Preschool and School Age Initial Consultations - $190 to $250
Applies to all issues that may involve assessment for learning and behaviour issues.

Extensive assessments are carried out and an assistance plan devised for your child.
Your Investment is $125 per hour.

Special Investment Plan:
Book in and pay for 3 x 1 hour sessions for $345 ( does not include Initial Consultation of 1.5 hours)


"I found out about Sue at BodySense Kinesiology while chatting with a group of Mums at a psychologist office. By the time my son was 8 years old he had been to Numerous therapists, speech pathologists, occupational therapists and psychologists for numerous issues including, Sensory Integration sensitivity issues, language and social delays not to mention poor focus and hyperactivity. One of the mothers said that the Kinesiologist they were seeing managed to help her son improve his poor hand writing in just one session by strengthening his hand muscles, and her other son’s sensitivity to light. I remember thinking “impossible!" David had been to an occupational therapist for almost a year to work on muscle tone and hand writing with little improvements. The other mum went on to say that Sue helps kids with all sorts of neurological and developmental delays. Although I was a little skeptical I was desperate as many parents are in my situation, trying to find solutions to their kids’ struggles and lift the load which to them is overwhelming. I asked for Sue’s number, not knowing at the time that Sue at BodySense Kinesiology would be the turning point for my son and the whole family.

In very few sessions Sue managed to not only improve David’s hand writing but turn his whole life around for the better. His teachers commented on the vast improvements in his attention and distractability, as well as his more rounded thinking and most importantly improvement in his social skills. He was less impulsive and had far fewer issues with the kids at school. Half way through his sessions With Sue I remember writing to her this “ I was just visiting David’s school where I spotted him playing peacefully on the playground during lunch with a few boys, This is something I had never seen him do before! Sue I think you managed to turn this boy’s life around….. for that I am forever grateful to you! Thank you!”

My son has now completed his Therapy. He has fully integrated his primitive reflexes and he is more purposeful in his behaviours and more logical in his thinking. He is more able to understand and voice his emotions. He is a lot less frustrated and a lot less anxious as he is able to deal with his environment.

Sue I can not thank you enough! You are that someone that I will be forever grateful to! You have brought healing and peace to our whole family.


I have known Sue for over 22 years and have found her to be a person of utmost integrity and a true professional.

Sue is absolutely passionate about her work and is a dedicated and caring practitioner of Kinesiology.

After having experienced the care of Sue when having a Kinesiology session I was impressed at the results she was able to help me with.

I had carried a deep grief for over 47 years and she "held the space" and allowed me to feel and release the grief which I had buried for so long,.
Thank you Sue, you are doing amazing work, and I highly recommend your services to anyone who wishes to BE the best version of themselves possible, whether that is in health, relationships or any area of life.
Lots of love ~x

Meredith Martinek


"My husband and I have a young daughter (9) who has unfortunately struggled to learn the art of reading. She was not showing any signs of learning difficulties in any other subjects so we felt quietly confident that she did not have an overall learning problem, particularly since her behaviour was faultless. Following all of the traditional avenues, our daughter completed a speech pathology programme, numerous in house school programmes, daily support in the home environment and a year of personal tutoring.

Unfortunately none of these methods were making much of a difference to her ability to read and spell. As a mother, you are always looking for answers and searching for other avenues to support your children and this is how we met Susie and tried Kinesiology. When we learnt that Susie had had years of experience teaching, together with her qualifications in Kinesiology, we felt sure that her level of understanding and empathy for our daughter’s needs would be met and we were not let down. Susie has provided extensive information to help us understand what our child needs and how we can help her. We are happy to say that our daughter’s reading has improved and we would not hesitate in recommending Susie to anyone."

Carolyn , Brisbane


"Sue has treated me for back problems four times. Each balance gave me months of freedom to do all the things I needed to do such as gardening and mowing. It also helped my sleeping. I would encourage anyone with body or mind problems to see Sue."

Maureen, 76


"Hi Sue,
Many thanks for your advice and treatments.

My first experience with Holistic Kinesiology with you was so different to the conventional medicine approach of focusing on addressing one solution for one problem without really considering the overall body balance. I am still taking the medicinal supplements that you recommended and soft tissue repair appears to be continuing satisfactorily. I didn't even realise that my posture was slightly slumped or that you could so easily correct this in the first session.

I wish you every success in your business and am sure that your clients will appreciate your open and approachable manner as much as the health benefits that you can provide for them."

Rodney, 56


"Driving had always been a stressful experience for me. Reverse parking and changing lanes were a challenge because it seemed wherever my eyes went, my hands followed. A friend recommended I try kinesiology as she'd had similar issues with coordination and it had worked for her. Susie found I had problems with a reflex which was causing my head and shoulders to move together instead of independently. After one session with Susie the problem was resolved and driving has been a breeze! My balance and coordination have also improved which helps with my dancing. Thank you Susie!"

Emma, 21


  • Advanced Diploma Health Science, Holistic Kinesiology, (College of Complementary Medicine Sydney) 2012
  • Diploma Health Science and Holistic Kinesiology (College of Complementary Medicine Sydney) 2008
  • Clinical Excellence Award and Academic Excellence Award
  • Advanced N.O.T. Neural Organisation Technique, Level 2, 2013
  • Diploma of Teaching, General Primary, (Newcastle) 1981

  • Registered Specialised Kinesiology Practitioner - Australian Kinesiology Association (AKA) Member 9981
  • Accredited Fellow of Australian Traditional Medicine Society (ATMS) Member 22073




5 Services

Kinesiology, Energy Healing. Mind Body Spirit Transformation

$125 Per hour

Emotion=energy in motion. To create change energy has to shift. You can break through, clear blocks in your energy fields. I help you discover why you think and act the way you do, and through deep understanding of yourself create the power to change.

Structural Kinesiology, Body Alignment

$125 Per hour

Imagine the freedom you'll feel when your body is aligned, functioning well. Ease physical pain, restriction, stiffness, and swelling. Improve balance and co-ordination. Get excited about moving easily, no fear, doing more of what you want to do.


  • Advanced Diploma of Health Sciences In Holistic Kinesiology (College of Complementary Medicine, Sydney, 2012)
  • Diploma of Health Science In Holistic Kinesiology (College of Complementary Medicine, Sydney, 2008)
  • Diploma of Teaching In General Primary (Newcastle,1981)
  • Registered Specialised Kinesiology Practitioner (Australian Kinesiology Association (aka), Member 9981)
  • Diploma of Mind Body Medicine (College of Complementary Medicine, Sydney, 2012)

Professional Membership

  • ATMS - Australian Traditional Medicine Society
  • Australian Kinesiology Association
  • AKA - Australian Kinesiology Association

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