Best Breathwork Practitioners in Raymond Terrace NSW

BodySense Kinesiology, Mind Body Spirit Transformation

Sue Saxby

BodySense Kinesiology, Mind Body Spirit Transformation

Raymond Terrace, NSW, 2324

Member since 2008

"Positive living and learning." Holistic Health and Wellbeing for children and adults."Emotion = Energy in Motion" to create change energy has to shift! Transform, break through, clear blocks in your energy, align your body, mind and spirit live with joy!"Are you in pain? Do you feel stressed, anxious or overwhelmed? Are you scared to just be yourself? Are you fearful, unsure and worried all the time? Do you have enough energy to get through the...

Balance issues Emotional wellbeing Stress Management Babies Australian bush flower essences Mind-body medicine Wellbeing Fears Anxiety Depression
Breakthrough to A Better You

Bradley Levey

Breakthrough to A Better You

Maitland, NSW, 2320

Member since 2020

A Better You Life Change specialises in Coaching, Hypnotherapy, Neurolinguistic Programming and Time Line Therapy® to help people become better versions of themselves.

Business Telehealth Coaching Subconscious Habits Emotional wellbeing Purpose Life purpose Business performance Self awareness
Lottelife Breathwork


Lottelife Breathwork

Newcastle, NSW, 2300

Member since 2012

A Lottelife Individual Breathwork session is a personalised process based on your specific needs.  To enter non ordinary states of consciousness (beyond the thinking mind) Lottelife Breathwork is centred around conscious connected breathing, transpersonal states (going beyond the personal self), shamanism, specialised body work and specific music for your journey.

Depression Parenting Trauma Chakras Soul retrieval Overwhelm Shamanic healing Self-healing Empath Spiritual development
About Happy U HQ

Samantha Bowker

About Happy U HQ

Caves Beach, NSW, 2281

Member since 2015

Welcome to Happy U HQ At Happy U HQ, we will coach you through, and get you back to a Winning Frame of Mind!

Mindset coaching Anxiety Drug, alcohol & gambling Positive mental health coaching Health coaching Wellness retreats Happiness Healing relationships Confidence Career coaching
Life Flow Yoga

Nicole Shields

Life Flow Yoga

Taylors Beach, NSW, 2316

Member since 2016

Suitable for everybody, Yoga is a way to relax & reduce the stress of living in a world of mobile phones and devices, high pressure...

Depression Energy Flexibility Pranayama Movement Posture Emotional wellbeing Relaxation Joy Fitness
Donna Lavell - Pilates & Fitness Classes

Donna Lavell

Donna Lavell - Pilates & Fitness Classes

Tighes Hill, NSW, 2297

Member since 2008

Looking for a professional Pilates or Fitness Class to join in the Newcastle area? Then look no further than Donna Lavell.

Relaxation Fitness Pregnancy support
About Yoga Wisdom

Kym McDonald

About Yoga Wisdom

Teralba, NSW, 2284

Member since 2016

Here at Yogic Wisdom we are committed to sharing the true essence of Yoga through a range of Yogic methods to assist you in reaching...

Mind-body connection Business Chakras Yoga therapy Pranayama Movement Coaching Vision Injury prevention Posture
Inner Connection

Robyn Fernance

Inner Connection

Blackalls Park, NSW, 2283

Member since 2006

Breathwork, Kinesiology, Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), Touch for Health

Soul retrieval Energy Seichim Aura Personal growth Self-esteem Lifestyle Love Self awareness Growth
Times of Reflection


Times of Reflection


Member since 2020

Breathwork, Breathwork Online, Counselling, Counselling Online, Holistic Counselling, Holistic Counselling Online, Meditation, Meditation...

Hatha Yoga

Marnie Lane

Hatha Yoga

Norah Head, QLD, 2263

Member since 2010

Become truly aware of your Body, Mind and Soul, with a professional Hatha Yoga Class with Marnie

Back pain Heartburn Varicose veins Energy Flexibility Pranayama Movement Tension Fluid retention Subconscious
Bluey's Yoga

Sarah Downs

Bluey's Yoga

Smiths Lake, NSW, 2428

Member since 2016

Experience Freedom In Your Body, Quiet In Your Mind And Space In Your Heart With Vinyasa Yoga.

Hypertension Energy Flexibility Pranayama Tension Creativity Posture Happiness Relaxation Stress Management
Your Soul Sanctuary

Mitchell April Young

Your Soul Sanctuary

The Entrance, NSW, 2261

Member since 2018

Readings - psychic tarot and palm, Healings - Energy,Bowen Therapy, Breathwork, MeditationMagical gifts made with love

Rachelle Tomlinson

Rachelle Tomlinson

Rachelle Tomlinson

Forresters Beach, NSW, 2260

Member since 2016

Breathwork, Children's Health, Hatha Yoga, Meditation, Men's Health, Mindfulness, Pregnancy Yoga, Women's Health, Workshop

The Salt Therapy Centre

Shawna Hartley

The Salt Therapy Centre

Newcastle, NSW, 2300
This account is currently inactive on Natural Therapy Pages, but you can browse from hundreds of other practitioners in your local area.

Member since 2018

Breathe Well, Feel Well and Be Well

Relaxation Chronic skin conditions Wellbeing Heavy metals Complementary Aches & pains Muscle recovery Health goals Arthritis Joint pain
This account is currently inactive on Natural Therapy Pages, but you can browse from hundreds of other practitioners in your local area.
Tina Szerszyn Personal Training

Tina Szerszyn

Tina Szerszyn Personal Training

New Lambton, NSW, 2305
This account is currently inactive on Natural Therapy Pages, but you can browse from hundreds of other practitioners in your local area.

Member since 2018

I've been working as a fitness instructor for 30 years. I work with family and children.  

Coaching Wellness
This account is currently inactive on Natural Therapy Pages, but you can browse from hundreds of other practitioners in your local area.

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