Yoga can be wonderfully beneficial for pregnant women. It can strengthen the body, alleviate any aches and pains and help prepare for a calmer childbirth. That being said, there are some asanas that should be avoided during pregnancy.
Yoga Benefits for Pregnant Women
For some women, pregnancy can be a trying and tiring time. The body is going through a raft of changes – many of which appear as pain, discomfort and stress.
Thanks to its gentle nature, mind-body approach and health benefits, yoga can work wonders for expectant mothers.
Here are some benefits you may experience:
- Relaxation
- Better breathing
- Less stress
- Meet and share with other mothers-to-be
- Prepare the body for baby
- Alleviate fatigue
- Strengthen your back
Yoga Poses to Avoid in Pregnancy
While many yoga asanas are perfectly suited to pregnancy, others should be avoided. These include:
- Backbends: unless you’re proficient at these, it’s best to avoid backbends as you could experience pain or diastasis.
- Inversions: with the risk of falling, these poses should be avoided.
- Bikram or hot yoga: given your increased body temperature while pregnant, you’ll probably find ‘normal’ classes are warm enough!
- Twists and forward bends: these lower circulation, so be careful.
- Overexertion: avoid stepping up your practice frequency or intensity.
- ‘Core’ workers: forget about your abs, as core work can cause diastasis.
- Also avoid handstands, headstands, camel and balancing poses.
Safer poses include cat-cow, cobra, side angle pose, triangle pose (with a chair), butterfly stretvh and standing forward bend.
Pregnancy Yoga Tips
- Let your practitioner know you’re pregnant before every class, so they can suggest alternative asanas.
- Stay hydrated before, during and after every yoga session.
- Avoid any poses lying on your back, as it lowers blood flow to your uterus.
- Always support yourself with a bolster, chair, wall or other object, so you don’t fall.
- When twisting, try not to put pressure on your belly. Instead, twist from the shoulders and back.
- Understand your body and don’t do anything that feels unnatural or strained.