Our skin is unique in that it is able to regenerate and renew itself while providing protection, sense and cooling functions for our body. Because it is exposed to a varied and often hostile environment, our skin is also susceptible to developing a range of problems including acne, eczema, dermatitis, sunburn, fungal infections and skin cancer. This has generated a huge selection of products all aimed at providing relief and healing for what is the largest organ of the human body. We spoke with Amelia Trappett from Thermo C Aesthetic Equipment to find out about their technique, which uses micro droplets of oxygen infused with saline to resurface and promote healing.
How did you get involved in health and beauty?
“I have owned two successful skin clinics in Melbourne for the last eight years, with a team that has over 30 years experience in the industry. Our team of therapists and trainers have a passion for the beauty industry and strive to find the most advanced treatments that deliver exceptional results, whilst still being all natural and paraben free.”
What are the biggest dangers for the condition of our skin?
“Sun, smoking, stress and pollutants!”
Is it possible to reverse skin damage such as acne scarring?
“It is possible to improve the appearance of skin damage such as acne scarring, due to the improvement of cellular functions. It's also possible due to the improvements to overall skin tissue, collagen regeneration and stimulation of the healing process that are initiated by the HydraPeel treatment. A series of treatments and thorough consultation would be recommended to achieve optimum results.”
What are your other healthy skin tips?
“Maintain your skin with regular maintenance treatments and don’t skimp on home care! Homecare products are what you use on your skin on a daily basis, so maintain your skin with great ingredients such as hyaluronic serums and vitamin C. We recommend serums that are free from parabens and harmful chemicals and are Australian made and owned. Wear SPF daily to prevent environmental damage. Maintain your skin through healthy habits such as eating and living well, drinking water and taking natural supplements. This will promote inner health and shine through in your skin.”
What is HydraPeel?
“HydraPeel is a safe, non aggressive alternative to traditional microdermabrasion and oxygen facial treatments. It uses medical grade saline and oxygen to effectively resurface and promote healing, whilst having an anti inflammatory, antibacterial, hydrating and anti-aging effect on the skin.”
Is this the same process as microdermabrasion?
“No. We consider this process to be an advancement on traditional microdermabrasion style treatments, as it provides a nonabrasive alternative to resurfacing the skin without the need for crystals, diamond tip heads or sands. It also does not produce heat or redness in the skin. Unlike traditional microdermabrasion treatments, HydraPeel can be used to treat acne sufferers and can safely and effectively exfoliate rosacea and heat sensitive skins, as well as providing health promoting medical grade oxygen and saline to the skin.”
What are the advantages of this process?
“HydraPeel is beneficial for almost all skin types and conditions especially: acne clogged or congested skin, aging and sun damaged skins, fine lines and wrinkles and dull, thickened and asphyxiated skins requiring detox."
How long will it take for me to see results?
“Results can be felt and seen after one session with no down time. Skin cell growth and metabolism are improved by the partial oxygen pressure. This improves skin tissue health, collagen regeneration, rejuvenates aging skins and stimulates the healing process in damaged skin. The delivery of oxygen to the skin destroys acne causing anaerobic bacteria, improving break out prone skins without the need for harsh chemicals.”
Why is oxygen so crucial to skin health?
“Medical science has demonstrated that the most common cause in the skin aging process is oxygen deficiency. Our skin needs an extra supply of oxygen to stay healthy. This can be seen in our skin by reduced cellular activity, premature aging, loss of firmness and withdrawn, pale complexions. As we age our oxygen level decreases. By age 30, our skin tissue loses around 65 per cent of its oxygen level and in turn loses its nourishment. As a result, cellular metabolism and turnover slows down, collagen and elastin are reduced, causing fine lines, wrinkles and pigmentation to appear. Bacteria responsible for skin breakouts cannot live in an oxygenated environment. Medical grade oxygen administered via HydraPeel can kill anaerobic bacteria and assist in healthy collagen regeneration. Whilst the skin consumes only small amounts of oxygen when compared to other organs of the body, 50 percent of this consumption comes from the surface.”
Why is saline water used?
“Physiological saline is a water of sodium chloride with a concentration of 0.9 per cent - the same proportion as in the human body. It maintains the penetrating pressure of the cells, alleviating inflammation and refilling body fluid. Saline water is also used as a carrier and mixed with oxygen, as this prevents the oxygen from spreading into the atmosphere, neutralising any possible negative effects of the oxygen gas.”
How long is a session?
“A session usually lasts for around 30 - 45 minutes.”
How many treatments would I need to notice discernable results?
“As a one off treatment, patients will notice an immediate visible improvement in texture, hydration and overall vitality. The skin will look a lot cleaner, smoother and more hydrated almost instantly, and will continue to improve in the days following, as will skin breakouts. For optimal results or more severe conditions a series of four to ten sessions is recommended atfour to seven days apart, depending in the condition of the skin."
When should I avoid using HydraPeel?
“Whilst there are no dangers to the condition of our skin, HydraPeel is not recommended for patients currently undergoing laser treatment or those prone to keloid scarring. Extra care is taken for patients with other medical conditions as required.”
Originally published on Sep 21, 2011