Caloundra Naturopathic and Bowen
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Naturopath, Herbal Medicine, Homeopathy, Bowen Therapy, Iridology, Nutrition, Vitality Longevity Aging, Heavy Metal Testing & Massage.
Caloundra Naturopathic and Bowen
Servicing area
Caloundra, QueenslandFocus areas
Specializing in Depression, Weightloss, Children's Health, Hormonal Imbalances, Infertility & Cancer support. If you have a health ailment that you have failed to successfully treat with either conventional or natural medicine than this is the clinic to you need to go to. Our practitioners have various qualifications in Natural Therapies.
Specializing in -
Increasing Energy Levels, Hormonal Imbalances and conditions (such as PCOS, Endometriosis, Menstruation Problems, Ovarian Cysts Uterine Fibroids & Menopause, ), Depression, Weightloss, Childrens Health, Infertility, Immune Boosting and designing Wellness Programs.
Naturopathy -
It is different from orthodox medicine as it aims to address the cause of the problem, therefore, providing long-term elimination of problematic symptoms and eliminating the need for long term medication. Diagnostic tools are used including Live Blood Analysis, Iridology, urine Testing (body pH, heavy metal, digestive and gut health) Tongue and Nail diagnosis. Whilst many Naturopaths diagnose without doing any of the above tests, I believe this is an educated guess. These tests are necessary for a more accurate diagnosis leading to faster relief of the symptoms and hence why we feel they are necessary. No extra charge for any of these tests we carry out at our Clinic, they are included in the consultation fee.
Nutrition -
You are what you eat. This is a well-known phrase and is extremely true. It makes sense that what you put in your mouth is going to directly affect the body, resulting in either good health or bad health. Sometimes patients need advice on what foods to avoid/increase for weight loss. Whilst others require advice on what foods may be responsible for sinus/allergies/low energy etc.
Herbal Medicine -
Most pharmaceutical medicines are actually synthetic copies of natural medicine. More often than not though these synthetic copies aim to suppress symptoms and often lead to other problematic symptoms. Many Herbalists agree that there is a herb on earth for every possible ailment. By combining different liquid herbs we are able to address a range of different disorders without causing further problematic symptoms. A good herbalist should always aim to address the cause of problems. Herbal medicine is an extremely effective modality.
Live Blood Analysis-
Seeing is believing!
At Caloundra Naturopathic Clinic we use a variety of scientific tests to get more information as to what is happening inside of you. The more information that can be gathered the quicker you will feel "on top of the world". Seeing your own blood and being explained what different presentations if your blood means is an amazing experience. Your blood will tell us if you are lacking certain vitamins, if inflammation is occurring in any part of the body, iron levels, liver function, bowel health, cholesterol clearance....and so much more. This test is routinely included in initial consultations at no extra cost.Accurate & Reliable
Testing is based on the medical science of Hematology. It provides an accurate and immediate indication of the state of your general health which can help your Practitioner assess you for the following factors:
High-fat diets
Poor nutrition
Vitamin levels
Hydration levels
Gastrointestinal issues/health
Smoking, alcohol
Immune system health
Oxidative stress and free radical damage
Liver health
Causes of your health problem
Iridology -
The eyes....windows to the soul. And the physical body. Each different part of the iris refers to a different part of the body. Iridology can be an extremely useful diagnostic tool. At Caloundra Naturopathic & Massage Clinic using specialized equipment, we photograph the patient's eyes and it is enlarged and displayed on a computer monitor. This process takes only a few minutes. This makes the iridology consultation more exciting for the patient as we are able to point out different qualities of the eye, followed by an explanation of what this means. The photo can then be printed out and kept on file to compare to the subsequent photo's once a treatment plan is implemented.
Bioimpedance Analysis -
Caloundra Naturopathic Clinic is one of a select group of healthcare professionals who focusses on healthy aging and improving vitality, making them ideally suited to help you achieve your goals. Your Practitioner uses a scientifically validated test known as Biological Impedance Analysis (BIA), which assists them to design a program specifically for your needs. Nutritional supplements, exercise recommendations, and dietary advice will be provided, giving your body the building blocks for maximum health and energy.
Bowen Therapy -
The amazing results we continue to attain in the clinic with Bowen Therapy never ceases to amaze even us. Though simple muscle rolling Bowen Therapy can address the following complaints - frozen shoulder, knee pain, back pain, neck restrictions, bedwetting, jaw disorders, misaligned spine, scoliosis, kyphosis, muscular tension....just to name a few!
Health Fund Rebates & Hicaps may be applicable depending on treatment and therapist, please ask when booking if applicable to you.
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