Stress occurs when we think we won't be able to handle what life throws at us. From preparing for exams to getting the nod from a client, we will never run out of stressful events to face, so we must be prepared once they strike.
Everyone has their own strategies for dealing with stressful times. The problem with some strategies is that they actually make you feel worse instead of better. Learning how to manage stress is one of the most important things you can do for your health and wellbeing.
Here are some effective stress management tips to keep your stress levels under control:
Source: Larkr
- Plan your day. Create a daily to-do list so you don't forget what needs to be done throughout the day. You can then prioritise what needs to be done first. It is important to allow yourself time for fun in case an activity causes unnecessary stress.
- Get regular exercise, even if it's just a short walk in the park or at the mall. Physical exercise helps the body process stress-related hormones. It also helps us feel good, which makes us more resilient to stress. Just don't overdo it because that could increase your levels of stress instead of decreasing them like what was intended.
- Spending time in nature is a great way to revitalise and reduce stress. If you live in a city, take a walk through a local park or turn your garden into an oasis. If you live near a beach, go for a refreshing swim. Additionally, communing with nature allows you to engage in positive self-talk, which reduces stress hormones.
- Drink filtered water and nourish your body with a balanced diet. Being dehydrated can trigger the fight or flight response because the body thinks it is in survival mode. It's the same with food, if we nourish the body with good food, it gets the message that all is well in our world. Eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables to keep the nutrients flowing in your body and provide an energy boost for mental clarity.
- Be mindful of the breath. Engaging in deep breathing exercises slows your heart rate and induces progressive muscle relaxation, which helps calm the mind. Breathing from the belly turns on the relaxation response, which is the antidote to the stress response. Don't try too hard, just follow the breath with your mind as it comes into the body and let it go down into the belly before slowly letting the breath out. Find a meditation class in your local area to learn and master this breathing technique.
- Be mindful of the signs of stress. Everyone is different so it is important to understand how your body reacts to stress. Do you feel a tightening in your shoulders or are you prone to headaches or tummy upsets? Just notice what happens when you are stressed. Increasing awareness can help us manage stress better.
- Pay attention to your thinking patterns. We can stress ourselves out by ruminating on things that we can't do anything about, or which have already happened. Rather than dwelling in feelings of stress, let go of past mistakes and set your intention to do better next time.
- Learn what nourishes you. What makes you smile? Write down things that don't stress you out but nourish your soul in a stress journal. Spend a few minutes every day writing a list of your 10 most favourite things to do and schedule some of these things into your week.
- Think about what matters most to you. This can help you put things in perspective. You may not be living the life of your dreams, but what are its positive effects that give you meaning and a sense of purpose? For example, you might be working at a job you don't like, but if it pays the rent, then focus on the outcome while you look for a job that suits you better.
- The brain can't tell the difference between a memory or visualisation and the real thing, so visualise being happy. You may have a favourite memory of a time when you felt calm and contented. Bring this image to mind whenever you are in a stressful situation or feel anxious about the future.
- Love is a natural stress reliever so spending time with those you love can reduce stress. If you have nobody special in your life right now, spend time with good friends or family. Social interaction at work or school is another way to reduce excessive stress. Alternatively, you can volunteer at your local charity and help someone facing a difficult situation. Love comes in all shapes and sizes. Be kind to yourself and everyone around you.
- Get rid of things. Cutting out things or people that trigger stress isn't bad; in fact, it's one of the healthy coping skills that a mental health professional would recommend. Peace of mind is achieved by identifying and eliminating the sources of stress. Don't watch the late-night news if it only triggers negative emotions. Eliminate alcohol and caffeine from your diet if they disrupt your circadian rhythm. Making lifestyle changes is the key to reducing the effects of stress and improving your quality of life.
Stress is a part of life, but it doesn't have to take over your entire being. There are many positive outcomes that will come from learning how to effectively cope with stressors in everyday life. By doing these simple things every day, you can find what works best for you and be well on your way to achieving personal wellness through self-care habits.