Bernadette English
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Bernadette English
Servicing area
Mova Vale and BrookvaleFocus areas
Bernadette English
Address 34 Heathe Street, Mona Vale, 2103
Phone 0467 606 000
Clinic hours 9am-5pm Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday
Harbord Homeopathic Clinic 110/20 Dale St., Brookvale, 2100
Phone 99059415
Clinic hours 9am-5pm Friday
About Bernadette
Bernadette has worked for over 40 years in the health industry. She is the mother of two boys and currently works at the Harbord Homeopathic Clinic in Brookvale and from her home clinic in Newport.
She started working in mental health in an attempt to understand the nature of mental illness and worked in a wide variety of mental health related areas. Following this she worked as a midwife in England and then went on to study early childhood at Tresillian and Womens Health at Sydney University.
Bernadette graduated as a classical homeopath in London in 1990. Her love of homoeopathy stemmed from the fact that this modality examined the mental and emotional aspects of human nature in relation to physical disease seeing the entire system as intimately connected.
She then went on to study Breath Integration with Colin Sisson. This simple but very powerful modality uses the breath to unlock and release old trapped emotional agenda that can prevent people from moving forward in their lives. Bernadette uses this in conjunction with homeopathy if indicated.
Some years after the birth of her children, Bernadette became particularly interested in parenting issues and has for many years been searching for creative ways to make parenting a more fulfilling and enjoyable experience.
She has been practicing meditation and exploring spiritual philosophies for over 25 years, and found many ways to integrate this into her parenting. After reading a book on HeartMath she was inspired to become a Licensed HeartMath Provider. HeartMath has taken the heart out of the confines of philosophy and spirituality and put it into a practical, commonsense understanding, useful in everyday life and essential to emotional intelligence. This system incorporates simple tools and techniques designed to prevent, manage and reverse the effects of stress in our lives using heart intelligence.
Bernadette runs Inspired Parenting courses and HearthMath courses for parents wanting to get the most out of their relationship with their kids.
She also trains licd providers in Australia for the Macquarie institute of HeartMath.
Homeopathy is a system of healing which uses immeasurably small doses of medicine to stimulate the bodys own healing ability. Founded by Samuel Hahnemann it is based on the law of like cures like meaning that any substance that can make you ill can also heal you. For example a raw onion will make your eyes water and your nose stream, so a homeopath may prescribe Allium Cepa (the homeopathic remedy from onion) to treat a cold or hay fever with those symptoms.
Homeopathic remedies
Hahnmann devised a process called Potentization which involves successive dilution and succussion (vigorous shaking) of a substance which renders medicines non-toxic and without side effects while increasing their potential for cure. This is in keeping with the law which states, large doses poison, moderate doses palliate and small doses cure. All homeopathic medicines are proven on humans, not on animals, and remedies can be of animal, vegetable or mineral origin.
An integrated approach
Fundamental to homeopathy is that every human is an integrated whole therefore all aspects of an illness are taken into account. In fact homeopathy does not treat diseases per se, but it treats disease states, taking into account the physical, emotional and mental symptoms as well as the possible origin of the illness. Many people can relate the onset of an illness back to a specific event such as a shock, grief, or a loss. The human system is always striving towards balance and symptoms are signals that the system is out of balance. Homoeopathic medicines can help by stimulating the bodys innate healing energy to unblock the energy flow and alleviate the symptoms of dis-ease.
The initial consultation usually takes 1-1.5 hours, sometimes less for a child. This involves a detailed history of symptoms, relevant life events and family history. Sometimes it is recommended in the case of children to have the initial consult split and for the child not to be present if difficult behavioural issues or delicate issues need to be discussed. Depending on the conditions being treated follow up treatments can vary from 1/2 hour to 1 hour.
You may be given a single dose or repeated doses of a remedy depending on the symptoms being treated. In more chronic conditions remedies may need to be repeated at intervals over a period of time.People respond to remedies in a variety of ways. Sometimes there is an immediate relief of symptoms and sometime there is an aggravation of symptoms, which can be a necessary part of the healing journey depending on what is being treated. Naturally chronic symptoms will take longer than acute symptoms.
Breath Integration
Breath Integration is a system of personal growth through the expansion of awareness. The breath is the link between our life force and our physical body. When we are connected to our breath we are automatically present and in the moment. By using a specific technique, suppressed material trapped at a cellular level in the body can be released.
Breath Integration is based on the philosophy that thought is creative and that we create our lives according to what we consciously and subconsciously believe in. These thoughts in our subconscious can manifest a life script of fear, doubt, or victim-hood. Our life will always conform to those unconscious hidden agendas and all their supporting psychological structures; such as unwanted behaviours, addictions and fears etc. These get transformed into unhappy relations, feelings of failure or addictive life-styles.
However, recognizing this, our work is not about going back to the past, but rather, working with whatever is happening NOW, as a result of the past. Breath Integration gives you an understanding of the power of the breath and its ability to expand Awareness.
For further information about Breath Integration visit www.iap.nz
Stress is a major problem in our modern world. The more stress we have the more difficult it is to function physically, emotionally and mentally. HeartMath is designed to put you in touch with heart intelligence, an intelligence based on higher perception and awareness as opposed to our everyday habitual reactions to life, many of which are habitual stress reactions. HeartMath is a system of powerful, easy-to-learn, easy-to-use tools and technology to prevent, manage and reverse the effects of stress in our lives. Without stress we have more joy, energy, clarity and creativity in our lives.
These tools can be taught to children, adolescents and adults from any walk of life where stress exists.
The HeartMath system is a coaching system run over 4-8 weeks involving one on one sessions.
Courses are run for couples or in small groups for parents. In the parent courses the focus is on the use of the tools in the family and home environment and how to model and teach the tools to young children.
For further information about HeartMath www.heartmath.com.au
Inspired Parenting Workshops.
These workshops are about making a paradigm shift in your approach to parenting. We examine what is and isnt valuable in the beliefs we hold, expanding what works and letting go of what doesnt. We learn the value of acknowledging our childrens experience and communicating authentically with them to engender respect. We explore ways of relating to our children to minimize and disperse conflict as well as finding more creative ways of changing old repetitive patterns.
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