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Tone and Tighten with Cosmetic Applicators

Last Updated Jun 08, 2022

Tone and Tighten with Cosmetic Applicators

In this video, Marnie from It Works! shows Kat a series of cosmetic applicators that help tone and tighten various areas on the body to aid detoxing. The product is unique to Australia and works on the cellular level.

You can read through the written transcription of the interview below.

Natural Therapy Pages: I'm Kat from NTPagesTV, and I'm here with Marnie from It Works! How are you, Marnie?

Marnie Rangan: Hi, how are you?

NTP: I'm very well. Tell me about your company.

MR: So, the company in America, based in Michigan, came out to Australia late last year. So, we're looking for distributors and wellness companies, beauty products that want to take this onboard. It's a wonderful set of cosmetic applicators that help tone and tighten and spot train those areas for people that need a little bit of help with detoxing.

NTP: Fantastic. What sets your product apart from the others that are out there?

MR: It's completely unique to Australia. The company is 10 years old in America now, so it's finally come here. Great opportunities for Australia for this product. All natural. All ingredients that work on a cellular level through the skin, and results last from two to six months.

NTP: Oh wow! It's pretty impressive.

MR: It is. So, for those that don't want to go through those chemical versions of things like that, or any surgery, this will help people dramatically.

NTP: Fantastic, and where can we get your products from?

MR: You can get a product from my website. People can also call me as well. And again, looking for distributors, especially around the states of Australia. I'm Melbourne-based, but we'd love to get it around Australia. So, I can give you my website which is So that's a long one.

NTP: Thanks Marnie. Enjoy the expo.

MR: Okay, wonderful. Thank you.

Originally published on Mar 10, 2011

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