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Kidney Health 101: Diseases, Symptoms & Treatments

Last Updated May 27, 2022

Kidney Health 101: Diseases, Symptoms & Treatments

The kidneys, those two bean-shaped organs located on either side of the spine below the rib cage, are interconnected with the other vital organs of your body. The loss of kidney function could result in other degenerative diseases such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes, high blood pressure and even cancer. This guide walks you through the risk factors for kidney disease, its telltale signs, and the treatment options available to prevent or slow the progression of kidney disease.

What causes kidney disease?

Kidney diseases are caused by an abnormal build-up of waste products in the blood. A large number of kidney diseases happen because of chronic conditions that affect the whole body, such as diabetes or high blood pressure. Some types of kidney disease are rooted in genetic conditions, so your parents may have passed on a predisposition to get the disease. However, there are a variety of other factors that can increase your risk for developing many types of kidney diseases, including obesity and diet.

If your kidneys become diseased, they may not function properly, resulting in symptoms of kidney disease to appear. Many types of kidney diseases progress slowly, so symptoms may seem unimportant at first. It's important to stay on top of your symptoms and see your doctor regularly so that treatment can begin before permanent damage occurs.

What are the common signs of kidney disease?

The symptoms of kidney disease vary depending on the cause and nature of the disease. There are various stages of kidney disease, but it does not always begin with mild symptoms. Individuals with a hereditary predisposition to kidney disease have a higher risk of developing the disease, and it may progress faster than people who acquired the disease by eating the wrong foods. People with kidney disease commonly experience the following symptoms:

  • Frequent urination
  • Foamy urine
  • Recurring infections like urinary tract infections or yeast infections
  • High blood pressure
  • Fatigue
  • Dry, itchy skin
  • Metallic taste in mouth
  • Loss of appetite
  • Decreased mental clarity

Those with acute kidney failure may experience abdominal pain, shortness of breath and back pain. Swelling in the legs or feet, nausea and vomiting are among the symptoms that patients with polycystic kidney disease experience. In addition to these symptoms, those with chronic kidney disease may be at risk for anaemia, a condition in which the body does not have enough red blood cells to carry oxygen throughout the body, resulting in bone disease or electrolyte imbalances, which occur when there are too many chemicals in the bloodstream.

If you have been experiencing these symptoms for an extended period of time, consult a kidney doctor to see if there is an underlying cause.

What are the signs of a kidney disease?Source: CityMirror News

Diagnosis of kidney disease

There is no cure for kidney damage in most cases, but there are many treatment options to help improve symptoms and slow the progression of the disease. Health professionals use a variety of diagnostic procedures to determine which course of treatment is best for patients, including:

  • Urine tests to measure the levels of protein in the urine
  • Blood tests to measure specific substances in the blood
  • Imaging tests like ultrasound and CT scans can help detect tumours, stones or abnormal structures within the kidneys
  • Kidney biopsy helps doctors identify the root cause of kidney issues and their seriousness

Treatments for kidney disease

Treatment options for kidney disease vary depending on what type of kidney disease you have. Your treatment plan may include lifestyle changes (such as quitting smoking), medications, diet restrictions or permanent dialysis treatment. Dialysis works by replacing the kidneys' function of filtering blood and removing excess fluid, wastes and electrolytes. Aside from being expensive, dialysis should be done on a regular basis unless a kidney transplant is obtained.

There are also natural remedies that can be used in conjunction with standard medical treatments to help improve kidney health. Dietary changes may improve symptoms and prevent further damage to the kidneys. Patients are advised to eat smaller portions, less fatty foods and more fruits and vegetables.

Limiting alcohol consumption and lowering sodium intake are also a must. There are also some natural supplements that can make the condition more manageable, such as cranberry capsules or juice, vitamin B9 and magnesium supplements.

The key to healthy kidneys

Your kidneys' main responsibility is to filter the blood which gives life to the rest of your body. Interestingly, the same factors of good kidney health are also essential to overall wellness. What's good for your kidney is good for your entire body.

  • Balanced nutrition. The food you eat has a direct impact on your kidneys. Modern diets are dominated by processed, instant and fast foods which are high in fat, salt, sugar and artificial ingredients that do no more than make your stomach feel full. The availability of these quick and tasty food solutions make it seem difficult for most people to choose the right kinds of food. Excessive amounts of sodium, sugar and food additives can put a lot of strain on your kidneys. Your health plan should start with a diet that is devoid of junk, processed, high-fat, high-sodium and high-sugar foods. If you are unable to make a drastic change in your diet, then try incorporating modifications gradually until your taste buds are used to your healthy eating plan. Add more fresh fruits and vegetables and moderate amounts of white meat to keep your kidneys healthy.
  • Hydration. As a natural solvent, water helps dissolve and flush out calcified material and waste products that remain in your kidneys. If your body does not have enough water, your kidney will not be able to eliminate mineral deposits that can gradually turn into kidney stones. Drinking enough water not only helps the kidneys function properly, but also aids digestion, makes your skin beautiful, helps regulate blood pressure and body temperature, among others. Just exactly how much water is considered enough for your body. While the usual recommendation is to drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water everyday, what you need really depends on your body type, gender, body size, level of physical activity and heat exposure. Another suggested formula for adequate water intake considers drinking the equivalent of one-half of a person's weight in ounces everyday. Theoretically, if you weigh a hundred pounds, then your minimum daily water consumption should be around 7 to 8 glasses of water.
  • Exercise. Two of the leading causes of kidney failure are diabetes and high blood pressure. Both diseases can be controlled with vigorous exercise of at least 30 minutes everyday. A regular workout helps lower or control blood pressure and increases insulin sensitivity to prevent diabetes. Exercise is also a preventive measure for other health problems such as obesity, heart disease, poor digestion, unhealthy skin and premature ageing.
  • Stress management. Your body's response to stressful situations can also contribute to the development of a variety of problems, including kidney disease. People react to problems and challenges that come their way differently. Some are able to view challenges as mere bumps along the way that eventually pass, while others tend to sink into depression or anger when they feel overwhelmed by certain situations. Constant feelings of anger can increase your blood pressure and put undue strain on your heart. In time, this may lead to heart disease or stroke. Stress can also weaken your immune system making you susceptible to illnesses. It can also contribute to poor kidney health. When you are unable to take stressful situations well, you may experience hypertension. Hypertension is a known cause of kidney failure as it prevents the kidneys from filtering blood properly. Make stress management a part of your health plan. Learn stress release techniques like meditation, breathing exercises and yoga.

You can protect yourself from any type of kidney disease by getting an annual physical exam, being aware of risk factors like obesity or diabetes, and contacting a kidney specialist right away if you suspect that what you are experiencing is a sign of kidney disease.

Originally published on Jun 08, 2009

FAQs About Kidney Health

What are 3 diseases that affect the kidney?

Lupus, high blood pressure, diabetes and a family history of kidney failure are just a few of the common conditions that can harm your kidneys and lead to chronic kidney disease and end-stage renal disease.

How can I fix my kidneys naturally?

Although chronic kidney disease is rarely curable but can be managed, an acute kidney injury has a good chance of healing on its own. Drinking plenty of water, cranberry juice and probiotics, as well as avoiding alcohol and coffee, are all important for supporting the kidney's natural healing abilities.

What fruit is good for kidneys?

Most fruits are beneficial to the kidneys because they contain antioxidants and essential vitamins such as A, B12, D and E. Plums, peaches, clementines, blueberries, pineapple and cranberries are among the fruits recommended by doctors for kidney health.

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