Would you like to be more resilient and assertive in the face of adversity? Natural disasters, weakened economies and terrorist activity are all part of the uncertain world in which we live. Thankfully, it’s possible to build resilient and thrive in challenging times.
What is Resilience?
Resilience is a psychological concept of coping effectively to help alleviate stress. When we practice resilience, we are able to ward off depression, anxiety and other stress-related conditions.
According to authors Charney and Nemeroff, who wrote ‘The Peace of Mind Prescription’, resilience includes:
- Physical resilience: being physically fit stands you in good stead to withstand stress. It also ensures you can reduce your risk of high blood pressure, poor sleep, anxiety and depression.
- Psychological strength: this involves seeing situations as challenges, rather than a threat. This keeps your blood pressure, pulse and blood glucose levels low. If you feel challenged, you’re also likely to be calm and energised, rather than scared and panicky.
- Challenging yourself
- Learning new things: Research has found that studying in adult life keeps the brain active and ensures ongoing brain plasticity. It also helps to wire new brain cells that have been affected by stress.
- Getting involved
- Surrounding yourself with a support network
- Developing strong and healthy relationships
How to Be More Resilient
As well as developing the above skills, here are a few top tips for being more resilient:
- Volunteer in your community
- Focus on your feelings, rather than ignoring them
- Avoid alcohol and drugs
- Exercise your creativity
- Look for a sense of purpose in your life
- Shift your mindset from victim to survivor
- Focus on helping others
A life coach or counsellor can also advise you on how to develop your resilience.
Originally published on Jul 17, 2013