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Fluid Retention & Bloating: What You Need to Know

Health Tips
Last Updated Aug 18, 2023

Do you sometimes feel bloated? Maybe your shoes are tighter than normal or your ring isn’t fitting quite right. It’s probably fluid retention. While it is uncomfortable, there are some natural ways to find relief. Read on to learn about your options.

Symptoms of Fluid Retention

Fluid retention symptoms can include:

  • swelling of the affected body parts
  • commonly affects the feet, ankles, and hands
  • aching in the affected body parts
  • feeling stiff in the joints
  • rapid weight gain over days or weeks
  • unexplained weight fluctuations
  • when pressed, the skin may hold the indent for a few seconds

Common Causes of Fluid Retention

Common causes of fluid retention include:

  • gravity – long periods of standing allows fluid to pool in the tissues of the lower leg
  • hot weather – the body can be less efficient at removing fluid from tissues during hotter weather
  • burns – the skin retains fluid and swells in response to burn injuries
  • menstrual cycle – some women experience fluid retention in the two weeks prior to menstruation
  • pregnancy – hormones encourage the body to hold on to excess fluid
  • the pill – oral contraceptives that contain oestrogen can trigger fluid retention
  • dietary deficiency – such as insufficient protein or vitamin B1 in the diet
  • medications – certain drugs are known to cause fluid retention
  • chronic venous insufficiency – the weakened valves in the veins of the legs fail to efficiently return blood to the heart

Dietary Tips to Reduce Fluid Retention

If you've been feeling a bit bloated and puffy lately, it might be time to take a closer look at your diet. Certain foods can contribute to fluid retention, making you feel less like yourself. But fear not, we've got some good advice to help you remain on top of things.

Cut down on the salt, folks. That's the first port of call. High sodium intake can lead to water retention in your body. Swap out the salty snacks for fresh fruits and veggies, which are naturally low in sodium and packed with goodness.

Now, let's talk about the diuretic all-stars. Foods like watermelon, cucumber and celery have a high water content and can help flush out excess fluids. Onions and garlic, with their natural diuretic properties, are worth adding to your culinary creations as well.

Make sure you're getting enough potassium as well. Bananas, potatoes and spinach are top-notch sources of this mineral, which can help balance your body's fluids.

The protein punch

Protein isn't just for building muscles, it's a key player in maintaining fluid balance too. How's that, you ask? Well, protein helps to keep the levels of albumin in check, which is a protein found in your blood. Albumin has a nifty job—it keeps fluids from leaking out of your blood vessels and into the surrounding tissues. So, if your protein intake is on the low side, your body might not have enough albumin to do its job effectively, and that can lead to fluid retention.

Include good sources of protein in your meals, including:

  • lean meats
  • poultry
  • fish
  • eggs
  • plant-based options like beans, lentils and tofu

These protein-packed foods not only help keep your muscles strong, but they also play a role in maintaining that fluid balance.

The power of Vitamin B1

Vitamin B1, also known as thiamine, might not be as well known as some other vitamins, but it's a true hero when it comes to managing fluid retention. This vitamin is a real team player, working alongside your nervous system and metabolism to keep things in check.

One of the ways Vitamin B1 helps combat fluid retention is by supporting proper kidney function. Your kidneys play a big role in regulating your body's fluid balance, and Vitamin B1 helps them do their job efficiently. This means that having enough Vitamin B1 in your diet can assist in preventing fluid buildup.

To get your fill of Vitamin B1, turn to whole grains like brown rice, whole wheat bread and oats. You can also find it in nuts, seeds, legumes and lean meats. So, next time you're whipping up a meal, make sure to include some of these Vitamin B1-rich foods on your plate.

Herbal Remedies and Natural Supplements

When it comes to tackling fluid retention, Mother Nature's got your back with a swag of herbal remedies and supplements. Let's have a look at what the great outdoors of natural remedies has to offer.

Dandelion and fluid retention

Dandelion extracts are well known for their diuretic action. Dandelion root is also used to help treat high blood pressure (a risk factor for edema) – as its water eliminating ability reduces the water content in the blood, which helps to lower blood pressure. This is how prescription medications work.

Nettle leaf and fluid retention

Nettle leaf has the ability to help combat water retention and oedema. The leaf of the plant is effective against oedema while the root is used for prostate problems. Do not confuse the two as the roots contain natural plant chemicals that influence male hormones while the leaves contain active ingredients that help with oedema, particularly silica which is a diuretic.

Juniper berry and fluid retention

Juniper berry is another top-notch choice. It's said to have properties that encourage urination, giving fluid retention the old heave-ho. But keep in mind, moderation is the key.

As for supplements, magnesium is your best friend. It helps regulate water balance in your cells and can be a real game-changer. And don't forget about vitamin B6, which assists in managing fluid retention by supporting kidney function.

But keep in mind that it's always a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional before beginning any of these natural therapies.

Lifestyle Habits and Stress Management

Stress can mess with your hormone levels, causing your body to retain fluids. So, finding ways to unwind and relax is a ripper idea. Whether it's yoga, meditation or just a good ol' beach stroll, give yourself that much-needed downtime.

Water and fluid retention

Speaking of the beach, hydration is key. When you're parched, your body can hold onto fluids, thinking it's in survival mode. So, keep the water intake steady and your body will be as happy as a clam. Drinking plenty of water promotes proper kidney functioning and this is vital as the kidneys excrete excess water from the body. However, avoid tea, coffee and alcohol as these are dehydrating and can cause fluid retention.

Put your feet up

To help with water retention, put your feet up at regular intervals throughout the day and regularly rotate your ankles to prevent fluid build up in the legs.

Get enough Zzz's

Lastly, don't skimp on sleep. Lack of sleep can lead to stress and mess with your fluid balance. Aim for those solid 8 hours and wake up feeling as fresh as a daisy.

Beat Fluid Retention with Exercises and Physical Activity

Regular exercise can be your secret weapon in the battle against fluid retention. Let's break it down, shall we?

Get your blood pumping with cardio exercises like brisk walks, cycling, or even a bit of skipping. These activities help stimulate your lymphatic system, which plays a vital role in fluid balance.

Don't forget about resistance training either. Lifting weights or doing bodyweight exercises can boost muscle tone, which in turn improves circulation and lymphatic drainage.

And hey, if you're keen on getting wet, swimming is a ripper option. The water pressure can actually assist in pushing excess fluid out of your tissues.

So, slip on those sneakers, grab your water bottle and let's keep the fluid retention at bay, one squat at a time!

What Research Says About Natural Remedies for Fluid Retention

Over the years, several clinical trials and studies have explored various herbs, supplements and practices to see if they hold the key to keeping fluid balance in check. Let's take a look at what they've uncovered:

Dandelion Root Extract

Studies have shown that dandelion root extract could have diuretic properties that help your body flush out excess fluids. A study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine found that dandelion extract increased urine output without causing electrolyte imbalances. However, more research is needed to fully understand its effects and potential long-term use.

Horse Chestnut Seed Extract

Often used in traditional medicine, horse chestnut seed extract has been put to the test as a potential remedy for fluid retention. Clinical trials have indicated that it could help reduce oedema, especially in people with chronic venous insufficiency. A study published in Advances in Therapy found that the herb showed improvements in leg swelling and pain associated with fluid retention. Nevertheless, it's wise to consult a healthcare professional before using it, especially if you're on other medications.

Juniper Berry

Juniper berry has also caught the attention of researchers for its potential diuretic properties. Some studies have suggested that juniper berry extracts could increase urine output, potentially assisting in reducing fluid retention. However, it's important to note that juniper berry should be used cautiously, as excessive consumption can lead to kidney irritation.

Herbal Tea Blends

Various herbal teas have been sipped and studied to see if they can help manage fluid retention. Blends containing parsley, dandelion and hibiscus have been explored for their diuretic effects. A study published in the Journal of Herbal Pharmacotherapy found that a blend of these herbs increased urine output and showed potential benefits in reducing edema. As always, moderation and consulting a healthcare pro are key when incorporating herbal teas into your routine.

While these studies provide some promising insights into the potential natural remedies for fluid retention, it's important to tread with caution. Everyone's body is different, and what works for one might not work for another. Before you jump headfirst into a new remedy, it's best to check with a healthcare professional, such as a qualified dietitian, herbalist, physical trainer or integrative medicine physician. They can guide you on the best course of action based on your individual health needs.

Originally published on Jan 17, 2009

FAQs About Fluid Retention & Bloating: What You Need to Know

What causes fluid retention, and how can I prevent it?

Fluid retention can happen for a few reasons. It might be due to high salt intake, hormonal changes, or even sitting or standing for long periods. To help prevent it, watch your salt intake, stay active to encourage circulation and try elevating your legs when resting to ease swelling.

Can certain foods help reduce fluid retention?

Absolutely! Foods with diuretic properties like watermelon, cucumber and celery can help your body flush out excess fluids. Plus, including potassium-rich foods like bananas and spinach can balance fluid levels. Remember, a balanced diet is like a treasure trove for managing fluid retention.

How does stress impact fluid retention?

Stress can be a real culprit behind fluid retention. When you're stressed, your body releases hormones that can mess with your fluid balance. Finding ways to relax, like taking a beach stroll or practising yoga, can help keep those stress-related swellings at bay.

How can I tackle fluid retention without resorting to medication?

There are heaps of natural approaches you can try. Regular exercise, like brisk walks or a dip in the pool, can get your blood pumping and encourage fluid drainage. Also, keep an eye out for diuretic foods like watermelon and celery. They're like your body's drain cleaners!

Are there any traditional Aussie remedies for fluid retention?

There sure are! Some Aussies swear by drinking dandelion tea to help flush out that excess fluid. Dandelion's got diuretic properties that can give your body a nudge to get rid of the bloating. However, before you try it, talk with a healthcare practitioner to ensure that it is the best option for you.

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