Hawaiian Spiritual Lomi Lomi Massage Training Retreats and Courses

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Christina is passionate in her quest to help others to reach their full potential in life, to achieve optimal wellbeing, better health and obtain their health goal successes.

Christina Martin

About Me - Christina Martin

Christina has had a keen interest in Natural and Energetic medicine for many years. She obtained a diploma of Homoeopathy in 1994 and since then has studied other forms of Natural and Energetic Therapies.

Having completed an Advanced Diploma in Naturopathy and Diploma in Reflexology, Christina combines the knowledge from these to help others to achieve their health goals.

She was drawn to the Hawaiian form of bodywork because of the energy and spiritual focus as well as the massage.

Christina leant this wonderful therapy with Tania Hodder of 'Touch of Aloha', who is based on the Gold Coast and has also been to Hawaii to study Lomi Lomi and Hula with Susan Pa`iniu Floyd of Huna International.


Testimonies for the course

"Christina’s Lomi Lomi massage training was life changing. It got me in touch with a deep place inside myself that is able to give and share in abundance, with feminine care and beauty. In the heart of Melbourne winter, somehow through Christina’s magic teachings, the practice and the ambiance, I got a taste of the spirit of Hawaii. The space was like a coconut womb of bliss, a joyous healing for all of us”.
Kia Maddock, Artist.

"I am forever grateful to Christina for sharing her vast knowledge of this sacred healing art. Christina is a very funny, caring and compassionate teacher, always encouraging us to grow from within. Her light-hearted teaching approach allowed me to learn at my own pace and ask many questions. The early sunrise “flying” on the beach was one of my favourite magical moments. The delicious organic vegetarian food was not only delicious but very healing as well. I thoroughly enjoyed the course. Thank you, Christina, for sharing all of it. Blessings."
Hang Nhan.

"I very much enjoyed everything that we did. It was good to get up early in the morning and see the sunrise etc. My favourite aside from the massage was the dancing or movement one morning, especially the shaking bit. The teaching was supportive, but firm and not judgmental which was perfect.
The most I got out of the course was learning to be more present again. Think less and do more. Since the course, when the drama and trauma builds up I just take a few deep breaths and think ‘whatever, it is all just stuff, no big deal’, and then mind my pono.
One week after the course and my wife has enjoyed three ninety minute massages. I love it and just find the whole lomi lomi experience beautiful. Thanks for all the effort you have made to create the course and for giving me the chance to participate."
T Whinney.

"Christina’s workshop was brilliant! My fellow students were patient, beautiful people; the accommodation was modern with clean lines and very spacious; the organic vegetarian food was magnificent and worked like a complete detox for me; the meditation and yoga an interesting experience; the free-form dancing rejuvenating and hilarious; and the beach walks, greeting the sunrise and ‘flying’ was more than just a breath of fresh air for me. It was out of the norm but exhilarating! The Lomi Lomi massage being somewhat different to any other massage I’ve done before, it wasn’t difficult but was quite challenging. Christina was extremely supportive and would demonstrate the techniques but it was up to us to ‘make it our own’. Encourage us to work slowly and intuitively. Thank you for enlightening me and helping me to discover all that is good in me and with the universe."
P Barton



      Advanced Diploma of 'Naturopathy'
      Member ATMS
      Diploma of 'Dru Yoga teacher'
      Member 'Yoga Australia'
      Diploma 'Homoeopathy' Member 'ATMS'
      Certificate 'Advanced Lomi Lomi Massage'
      Certificate 'Hot Stone Massage'
      Diploma 'Reflexology'
      Certificate 'Reiki 2'
      Certificate of 'Ear Candling'.
      Certificate 'Spiritual Healers Course'


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