Penny & Colleen
College of Neuro-Training South West WA Campus
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College of Neuro Training FAQ's
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South West WAWhat is Neuro-Training and what is Kinesiology?
Neuro-Training is a model based on the universal laws that the person innately desires to heal themselves. The approach provides the philosophy, a working model, the tools, techniques and practices to train a person for long-term recuperation. It is the result of over 30 years of research and practice by Neuro-Training Pty Ltd, and is considered to be at the forefront of Neuro-Science. The Neuro-Training approach is endorsed by Neuro-Training Pty Ltd, and accredited by the Australian Institute of Kinesiology (“AIK”) professional association. Kinesiology is the verification tool used to best direct the Neuro-training session.Many other students who have trained in Kinesiology elsewhere will go on to study the Neuro-Training approach and integrate the previous information using our Solution Based Model.
Why Study Kinesiology?
Kinesiology is one of the fastest growing natural therapies in the world. Kinesiology gives you the tools to help yourself and others. As a career it is highly satisfying to be able to be able to create profound results for your clients in a very short space of time.Are the courses nationally recognised?
Yes, the College of Neuro-Training is a Registered Training Organisation registered with the NSW Vocational Education & Training Accreditation Board and the Australian National Training Authority.Why a double Diploma?
Years of offering a dual Diploma shows us that combining Kinesiology with the Solution-Oriented Neuro-Training gives the practitioner the best model with which to assist clients on their recuperation journey. The model is a client-focused model that references an individual’s patterns on how to best recuperate, rather than just being techniques. By using the Neuro-Training approach within the wider Kinesiology scope the student (and their prospective clients) learn new ways to work with pre-existing challenges, activating recuperation and the discovery of healing.What qualification do I receive?
The Diploma of Kinesiology (HLT52415) will qualify you as a Kinesiologist once every unit is complete. It is a government recognised qualificationThe Diploma of Neuro-Training entitles you to be a more advanced Neuro-Trainer and be recognised by professional associations at a higher level of expertise. It is also part of the Diploma of Kinesiology Classes.
The Activation Certificate (the first 4 days) entitles you to study further other Neuro-Training Activation courses or train as a trainer of Neuro-Training. It is also our entry point for all courses. It is also part of the Kinesiology Diploma classes.
The Recuperation Certificate enables you to earn using the NT recuperation clinic as you continue to learn more NT and Kinesiology. (Modules 1-3 plus Activation). It is also part of the Kinesiology Diploma classes.
The Certificate of Solution Oriented Neuro-Training (SONT) entitles you to be a Neuro-Trainer with the knowledge of Solution Oriented Clinic focus. You are qualified to practice as a Neuro-Trainer and Natural Therapist. You can apply for and receive professional indemnity insurance at this level. You must complete modules 1-6 and the Activation class for this entitlement. It is also part of the Kinesiology Diploma classes.
Is the course full-time or part-time?
Kinesiology and Neuro-training modules are typically held over a weekend or midweek, usually a month apart. Other modules such as communication or business management are self-study and completed at home.What if I can’t make one of the classes?
All classes require 100% attendance. Class dates may be flexible, depending on the class. More suitable dates or a catch up class may be arranged with your trainer if you are unable to attend.How long do I have to complete the course?
Typically a student has 2-3 years within which to complete the DiplomaWhat if I’m not sure that the course is for me?
The College offers the option of enrolling in a one day activation class or one class of the Certificate and Diploma courses such as Module One (without the need to complete any assessments at a reduced price) to give you a taste of the course content and help with your decision.How much is the course?
The fee for our one-day classes, small certificates and Diplomas are itemised on our course guide. Please ask us for one.Do I pay the total of the course fees up front?
No, however an initial $100 deposit secures your place at the time of enrolment. Payment for each module must be received 14 days prior to commencement of the module.What financial assistance might be available to me?
Centrelink support is available for income-based applicants. Please contact Centrelink for more details.HECS is not available.
Do I have to be proficient in one module before I do the next one?
No, each module that you do helps to consolidate what you have already learned in the previous one.What is the workload?
While it will vary for every student, on average we expect students to spend 3-6 hours per week of self study. There are workbooks to complete for each module and as part of the Health Sciences component of the course, online study of anatomy, physiology and practice management.Do your fees include textbooks?
Yes, our fees include your manuals and workbooks.I have qualifications from another organization/school/university. Can these count toward my kinesiology course?
You can apply for Recognised Prior Learning (RPL) if you think that your prior learning and / or experience is relevant to the course, and you can provide evidence to show that you are already competent.Am I able to keep working at my current job while I am learning?
Yes, modules may be taken on weekends and some are completed online. Modules may also be offered on weekdays depending on demand.When can I earn as I learn?
Upon completing the Certificate of Recuperation, you have the ability to earn as you learn in a campus Neuro-Training Recuperation Clinic (available at participating campuses only)Are there other courses I can complete once I have completed my certificate or Diploma?
We have almost 50 different classes. Some classes combine Kinesiology and Neuro-Training, some only have Neuro-Training (we refer to these as the activation classes).Many other classes are offered with Neuro-Training and Kinesiology combined, such as; Iridology and Neuro-Training, Astrology and Neuro-Training, Financial Intelligence and Neuro-Training etc.
How do I enrol?
Contact us with your location to begin the pre-enrolment interview processLimited spots remaining. Enquire now to secure your spot. Click the Button Below ▼
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