What is Feldenkrais?
The Feldenkrais Method is a set of exercises designed to raise body awareness to improve movement and coordination. In a Feldenkrais class, an experienced Feldenkrais practitioner will lead you through a series of gentle movements to help you overcome limitations and pain. The Feldenkrais Method aims to increase your mobility as well as your mental clarity and quality of life.
What are the Benefits of Feldenkrais?
Feldenkrais exercises lead to increased flexibility, posture improvement, increased range of motion and enhanced problem-solving abilities. In addition, they can treat a variety of issues, such as:
- Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Lower back pain
- Frozen shoulder
- Headaches and migraines
- Fibromyalgia
- Frozen shoulder
- Breathing problems
- Spinal cord injuries
- Multiple sclerosis
- Whiplash
- Stress
- Anxiety
How Much Does Feldenkrais Cost in Melbourne?
In Melbourne, Awareness Through Movement (ATM) classes cost anywhere from $15 to $23, while private Functional Integration classes cost between $70 and $130. Pricing is determined by a number of factors, including the length of a class and where you plan to attend it. It's worth noting that a Feldenkrais class online can be much cheaper than taking one face-to-face.
How Many Feldenkrais Practitioners are There in Melbourne?
Australian Feldenkrais Guild Inc., which is the peak body for Feldenkrais practitioners in Australia, has more than 50 registered members working in Melbourne and other parts of Victoria. Some specialise in ATM or Functional Integration, but the majority are doing both.
How Many People in Melbourne Use the Feldenkrais Method?
Many people in Melbourne and elsewhere in Australia swear by the Feldenkrais Method because it offers more than just a regular exercise routine; it gives you the chance to retrain your body through movement regardless of your age or health condition. The Feldenkrais Method was used by researchers at the University of Melbourne (Connors et al., 2011) on older adults aged 75 and older to demonstrate this. Participants in the study showed significant improvements in gait speed, balance and psychological health after three months of attending Feldenkrais classes.