Best Applied Kinesiologists in Greendale VIC

Immanence Healing

Jackie Desengano

Immanence Healing

Moonee Ponds, VIC, 3039

Member since 2017

Currently based in Mermaid Beach, Gold Coast, I am a qualified kinesiologist and RESET TMJ  practitioner passionate about bringing...

Arthritis Trauma Back pain Temporo Candida Energy Tension Subconscious Lower back pain Pain relief
About Melbourne Chiropractic & Bedding Clinic

Dr. Jim Skivalidas | Chiroprac

About Melbourne Chiropractic & Bedding Clinic

Port Melbourne, VIC, 3207

Member since 2010

Welcome to The Melbourne Chiropractic Wellness House & Bedding Clinic at the beautiful 55 Rouse Street in the heart of Port Melbourne. We offfer Musculoskeletal Pain Relief for Back Pain, Neck Pain and Headaches and Posture Correction Programs for families (Adults and Children) including Family Chiropractic Care, Kinesiology and Massage, Exercise Program and advice on Sleep Mattresses, Pillows and Bed Protectors

Paediatrics Back pain Fatigue Neck pain Orthotics Mind-body connection Flexibility Injury recovery Movement Tension
Malvern Natural Health Care - Kinesiology

Desma Carver

Malvern Natural Health Care - Kinesiology

Melbourne, VIC, 3000

Member since 2004

The body/brain has innate intelligence and knowledge of its own needs, and through gentle muscle testing, our kinesiologist assesses this information and uses techniques to detect imbalances, unlock energy, release stresses and promote harmony in the body, mind and spirit.

Colitis Crohn's disease Menopause Depression Sleep disorders Assessments Fatigue Ankle pain Foot problems Insomnia
Holistic Kinesiology

Julianne Begg

Holistic Kinesiology

Macleod, VIC, 3085

Member since 2005

Specialising in Providing a Range of Holistic Kinesiology Services for Men, Women and Children - For Any Reason! Dealing with...

Depression Anxiety Fears Overwhelm Postnatal depression Teenage anxiety Relationship issues Intimacy issues School refusal Nightmares
Kinesiology Treatments & Muscle Testing

Margaret Gough N.D.

Kinesiology Treatments & Muscle Testing

Hawthorn, VIC, 3122

Member since 2005

Margaret has been a practitioner for 35 years and provides the following services - Homoeopathy, Naturopathy, Herbal Medicine, Iridology, Kinesiology, Bach and Bush Flower Essences and Nutrition

General health Immunity Stress Anxiety Depression Grief Infections Colds Flu Allergies/Intolerances
Dana Buczek - Kinesiology and Neuro-Training

Dana Buczek

Dana Buczek - Kinesiology and Neuro-Training

Belmont, VIC, 3216

Member since 2010

Hormonal imbalance Menopause Muscle pain Anger management Depression Phobias Trauma Back pain Fatigue Migraine
Natural Healing Centre

Rick Loader

Natural Healing Centre

Malvern East, VIC, 3145

Member since 2009

Rick Loader has been a practising health care professional since 1993. He combines the modalities of Homeopathy, Kinesiology and Bowen Therapy in his treatments. Rick begins his treatments by pursuing a symptom and following it through to the cause of the problem. The emotional, physical and mental aspects are addressed cohesively. Check out our brochures for our newsletters.

Holistic health Stress Management
Eastwood Myotherapy (inc Boronia Myotherapy & Allied Health Centre)

Kylie Bult

Eastwood Myotherapy (inc Boronia Myotherapy & Allied Health Centre)

Boronia, VIC, 3155

Member since 2006

Boronia Myotherapy and Allied Health - your professional team of Myotherapists, Massage Therapists, Podiatrist, Nutritionist...

Supervision Arthritis High cholesterol Muscle pain Depression Rehabilitation Trauma Assessments Fatigue Colic
Rebecca Richards Kinesiology

Rebecca Richards

Rebecca Richards Kinesiology

Greendale, VIC, 3341

Member since 2017

Kinesiology is a powerful, non-invasive, holistic natural therapy.

Cancer management Trauma Business Chakras Bladder cancer Movement Mentoring Love Trauma release Stress Management
Kari Hoskin Kinesiologist

Kari Hoskin

Kari Hoskin Kinesiologist

Daylesford, VIC, 3460

Member since 2016

Applied Kinesiology, Children's Health, Kinesiology, Men's Health, Women's Health

Dr Lisa Young - Chiropractor

Lisa Young

Dr Lisa Young - Chiropractor

Malmsbury, VIC, 3446

Member since 2022

Applied Kinesiology, Chiropractic, Neuro Emotional Technique (NET), Physiotherapy, Structural Integration

Rowen D'Souza Chiropractic

Dr Rowen D'Souza

Rowen D'Souza Chiropractic

Melbourne, VIC, 3000

Member since 2008

A balanced approach to health... At Rowen D'Souza Chiropractic, we believe that everyone should be able to attain optimum health...

Allergies Weight management Happiness Pregnancy support

Andrea Muthu Lakshmi



Member since 2019


Back pain Telehealth Energy Elderly Pellowah Health issues Happiness Emotional wellbeing Relaxation Self-esteem
Bron Evans Kinesiology

Bron Evans

Bron Evans Kinesiology

Carlton North, VIC, 3054

Member since 2007

Bron Evans is a registered ATMS Kinesiologist with 14 years experience successfully working with babies, children, teenagers...

Cancer management Feeding Hormonal imbalance Muscle pain Bullying Depression Teenagers Trauma Back pain Dyslexia
Live Your Best Life - Healing & Wellness Therapies

Susanna Del Vescovo

Live Your Best Life - Healing & Wellness Therapies

Richmond, VIC, 3121

Member since 2012

Acupressure, Applied Kinesiology, Colour Therapy, Educational Kinesiology, Energy Healing, Flower Essences, Kinesiology, Men's...

Depression Learning difficulties Reading Allergies Chakra balancing Empath Transformation Holistic health Nervous disorders Private health
Recharge Kinesiology

Janine De La Zilwa

Recharge Kinesiology

Brighton, VIC, 3186

Member since 2019

Kinesiology helps to clear blocks, release unhelpful patterns & helps you connect to your own power and inner knowing.

Eczema Hormonal imbalance Depression Phobias Trauma Fatigue Acne Psoriasis Rashes Emotional eating
Neuro Rehab Centre & Greensborough Family Chiropractic


Neuro Rehab Centre & Greensborough Family Chiropractic

Greensborough, VIC, 3088

Member since 2007

4 HIGHLY EXPERIENCED CHIROPRACTORS IN GREENSBOROUGH - opp WaterMarc on Grimshaw St. Trauma Informed, Shiatsu, Clinical Nutrition; Occupational...

Dementia Paediatrics Tinnitus Feeding Mental health Reflux Snoring Attention deficit Depression Memory problems
Body Mind Spirit Harmony


Body Mind Spirit Harmony

Greensborough, VIC, 3088

Member since 2015

Stress is considered to be the root cause of all diseases in kinesiology. Because it interferes with the body's communication, it...

Face to face appointments The emotion code Online session In-person sessions Muscle testing Mind-body connection Mind-body healing Self-healing Emotional wellbeing Emotional blockages
Dr Adeline Soh - Kinesiology

Dr Adeline Soh, Chiropractor

Dr Adeline Soh - Kinesiology

Camberwell, VIC, 3124

Member since 2016

Explore the benefits of Applied Kinesiology 

Movement Sympathetic dominance Emotional wellbeing Neonatal reflexes Nervous system Wellbeing
Finding Health Osteopathy

Dale Wilson

Finding Health Osteopathy

East Geelong, VIC, 3219

Member since 2019

Finding Health Osteopathy offers experienced, and dedicated health practitioners, who thrive on the opportunity to help you get...

Movement Optimal health Love Growth

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