Best Sports Injury Therapists in Holden Hill SA

Esma Morrissey

Esma Morrissey

Esma Morrissey

Hope Valley, SA, 5090

Member since 2005

With over 22 years experience as a Remedial Massage Therapist. You are worth it!

Lifeforce health solutions - Physiotherapy, Massage


Lifeforce health solutions - Physiotherapy, Massage

Modbury, SA, 5092

Member since 2007

Lifeforce health solutions offers you a range of body therapies all under one roof! Call to book for Physiotherapy and Massage.

Arthritis High cholesterol Infertility Obesity Osteoporosis Reflux Attention deficit Depression Rehabilitation Trauma
Men's Health

Anke Koelman, Spec. Nat., MHSc

Men's Health

Kensington, SA, 5068

Member since 2005

We specialise in identifying and treating the causes of health, gut, weight, fatigue, allergies and stress issues using a holistic, integrated and multi-disciplinary approach. 

Autism spectrum disorders Brain injuries Dementia Early intervention Learning disabilities Colitis Crohn's disease Disabilities Eczema Reflux
Body Sync Bowen Therapy Adelaide

Melissa Merrett

Body Sync Bowen Therapy Adelaide

Norwood, SA, 5067

Member since 2008

Bowen Therapy, Kinesiology, Massage: Remedial, Therapeutic, Relaxation, Pregnancy massage, Lymphatic drainage, Nutrition, Weight Loss, Reiki & Energy Healing, EFT

Arthritis Depression Ankle pain Asthma Foot problems Migraine Scoliosis Whiplash Carpal tunnel syndrome Allergies
Bioresonance Therapist & Nutrition Counsellor

Joanne Garner

Bioresonance Therapist & Nutrition Counsellor

Prospect, SA, 5082

Member since 2015

When the body is at its optimal frequency, it can repair and shield itself from the environment. BioResonance therapy corrects the body's frequency so you can live healthy, happy and stress-free. Contact Jo for a consultation so you can begin your healing process.

Clearing blocks Energetic medicine Personalised nutrition Family nutrition Chronic stress Stress Allergies Insomnia Food intolerance Viral infections
Bowen Therapy Body Solutions

Greg Whitford

Bowen Therapy Body Solutions

Adelaide, SA, 5000

Member since 2009

Bowen Therapy is a relatively gentle and non invasive therapy providing effective long term pain relief for a number of conditions. It works not only on the physical level but also the emotional, mental and spiritual levels as well.-

Back pain Shoulder problems Asthma Foot problems Migraine Carpal tunnel syndrome Manipulation Movement Tension Elderly
Michele Preiss - Rehabilitation

Michele Preiss

Michele Preiss - Rehabilitation

Adelaide, SA, 5000

Member since 2010

Looking for a professional Rehabilitation Treatment in the greater Goodwood area? Then Michele Preiss is the professional to...

Rehabilitation Trauma Dogs Complementary medicine Energy Feet Manipulation Movement Elderly Chronic pain
Matt Norris Massage Therapy-Remedial, Sports &  Therapeutic

Matt Norris

Matt Norris Massage Therapy-Remedial, Sports & Therapeutic

Kingswood, SA, 5062

Member since 2006

Specialised Remedial Massage Therapist-highly qualified & dedicated with extensive experience & proven results (Check out my...

Ageing Energy Sporting performance Acute sports injuries Sports medicine Myofascial stretching Private health All health fund rebates Muscle pain Back pain
Jennifer Doubell

Jennifer Doubell

Jennifer Doubell

Stirling, SA, 5152

Member since 2011

Suffering from Migraine, Back or Neck pain? I specialise in 'Neuralign' a non-manipulative, painless, effective method of skeletal alignment. Together with an array of massage techniques, my aim is to promote sustained whole body wellness. Member ATMS. Health Fund rebates apply.

Neuralingn Low level laser therapy Positional release therapy (PRT) Massage Realignment
Berts Bowen Therapy & Reflexology Clinic - Bowen Therapy

Bert Heisters

Berts Bowen Therapy & Reflexology Clinic - Bowen Therapy

South Plympton, SA, 5038

Member since 2011

PAIN RELIEF-FAST-EFFECTIVE-GENTLE!!! Bowen Therapy helps to facilitate lasting relief from pain, long term injuries and illnesses, improves...

Relaxation Postnatal depression Touch therapy Lymphatic system Pressure points Head massage Healing art Circulation Back pain Headaches
Holdfast Bay MusculoSkeletal Centre

Dr. Vanessa Wall

Holdfast Bay MusculoSkeletal Centre

Plympton, SA, 5038

Member since 2007

Female Chiropractor available. Techniques used : Manual Chiropractic techniques, Non-manipulative Chiropractic techniques, COX Flexion/Distraction, Soft tissue therapy, Trigger point therapy, Dry Needling.

Back pain Leg pain Scoliosis Manipulation Movement Tension Stenosis Injury prevention Posture Circulation
Bowen & Beyond

Bowen & Beyond

Bowen & Beyond

Marion, SA, 5043

Member since 2008

BOWEN THERAPY - TRAINED BY BOWTECH " the original Bowen technique"-----------Gentle, effective relief for pain and ill health. Do you know someone who could benefit from Bowen Therapy? A Gift voucher is a perfect way to introduce Bowen to a friend, family member or collegue. Contact Michaela at Bowen and Beyond to organise a Gift Voucher.

Back pain Asthma Migraine Scoliosis Feet Constipation Movement Tension Elderly Feet problems

Philip Renfrey


Blackwood, SA, 5051

Member since 2017

NeuroKinetics(formerly Neuroskeletal Dynamics or NSD). Skeletal Alignment Without Manipulation. Treating headaches and migraine, hip, back, neck and shoulder pain. A non invasive and very gentle technique that treats the entire skeletal structure. The aim is to remove pain, restore optimum balance, improve flexibility and mobility. Instead of forcing joints into a new position, working through clothing, nerve receptors around the skeleton are activated...

Arthritis Cancer management Depression Trauma Back pain Fatigue Fibromyalgia Migraine Neck pain Physical injuries
Mary Speirs - Emmett and Bowen Therapist (Western Suburbs Mobile Service)

Mary Speirs

Mary Speirs - Emmett and Bowen Therapist (Western Suburbs Mobile Service)

Hallett Cove, SA, 5158

Member since 2007

What my clients have said ...

Memory Wellbeing Disc related pain Chronic health issues Respiratory problem Infections Sciatica Stress Management Muscle tension Frozen shoulder
Back in Balance Remedial Massage

Caleb Murray

Back in Balance Remedial Massage

Reynella, SA, 5161

Member since 2017

Movement is a key to life, Massage is a key to movement. Let me help you to achieve comfortable, pain free movement.

Arthritis Vertigo Prolapse Lung Movement Massage therapy Inflammation Therapeutic massage Golfers elbow eDISC
Lotus Shiatsu

Neil Pitt

Lotus Shiatsu

Holden Hill, SA, 5088

Member since 2005

Neil specialises in providing a range of professional Natural Therapy treatments, to people of all ages in the greater Holden...

Arthritis Neck pain Reading Intuitive reading Energy Feet Empath Weight management Chronic pain Nerve damage
About Physio One

Physio One

About Physio One

Modbury, SA, 5092

Member since 2010

Physio One is amongst one Adelaide’s leading physiotherapy and rehabilitation groups. We provide you with in-depth comprehensive...

Rehabilitation Spinal pain Manipulation Movement Posture Hydrotherapy Joy Fitness
Health First Chiropractic

Health First Chiropractic

Health First Chiropractic

Modbury North, SA, 5092

Member since 2011

Professional, Safe and Effective Chiropractic Care and Remedial Massage Therapy for you and your family.

Leg pain Migraine Massage therapy Love Sciatica
Arjun Massage

Arjun Massage

Oakden, SA, 5086

Member since 2016

Mobile Massage Therapy & Services

Rehabilitation Manipulation Flexibility Pranayama Tension Massage therapy Vision Lymphatic system Relaxation Circulation
Naturopath & Chiropractor for Chronic & Acute Conditions

Douglas Dickmann

Naturopath & Chiropractor for Chronic & Acute Conditions

Rostrevor, SA, 5073

Member since 2007

Each injury or pain is unique, which is why you need a treatment plan tailored specifically to your needs. Get a better understanding...

Back pain Neck pain Headaches Work injuries Physical injuries

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