Best Applied Kinesiologists in Medowie NSW

BodySense Kinesiology, Structure, Pain Relief & Management

Sue Saxby

BodySense Kinesiology, Structure, Pain Relief & Management

Raymond Terrace, NSW, 2324

Member since 2008

Positive living and learning. Relax, Renew, Revitalise!

Balance issues Emotional wellbeing Stress Management Babies Australian bush flower essences Mind-body medicine Wellbeing Fears Anxiety Depression
Sarah Morgan Therapies

Sarah Morgan

Sarah Morgan Therapies

Gosford, NSW, 2250

Member since 2020

Free yourself of old energetic patterns so you can respond instead of reacting to situations and people. We are taught/programmed from a very young age how to deal with situations and people - family, friends, work colleagues etc. Those programmes are held within the body/mind through emotions, and create either positive or negative outcomes. By taking the 'sting' out of the programmed emotions that have been locked in the body creating pain or fear, and...

Family health Rekindled ancient wisdom Anxiety Emotions Stress Management Love Energetics Addiction Natural health Telehealth
E K Kinesiology

Kim Cameeron

E K Kinesiology

Ashtonfield, NSW, 2323

Member since 2017

Are you where you want to be? Restore Your Natural Balance Your First step to Wellness

Depression Natural health Energy Disconnection Adults Tapping Wellness Headaches Nurturing Stress Management
Terrigal Chiropractic & Natural Therapies Centre

John Seisun, Nicola Stutterd,

Terrigal Chiropractic & Natural Therapies Centre

Terrigal, NSW, 2260

Member since 2010

Are there times when your body lets you know that it needs some help? You deserve to get the most out of life, at Terrigal Chiropractic...

Back pain Neck pain Learning difficulties Ear infection Movement Chronic pain Joy Wellness Headaches Nervous system
About Us

Wholistic Health Group

About Us

Newcastle, NSW, 2300
This account is currently inactive on Natural Therapy Pages, but you can browse from hundreds of other practitioners in your local area.

Member since 2004

Welcome to Wholistic Health Group!

Wholistic health Herbalist Energetic medicine Transformational kinesiology Arthritis Cancer management Eczema Hormonal imbalance Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) Mental health
This account is currently inactive on Natural Therapy Pages, but you can browse from hundreds of other practitioners in your local area.

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Enlightened Kinesiology & Remedial Massage

Renae Armitage

Enlightened Kinesiology & Remedial Massage

Lemon Tree Passage, NSW, 2319

Member since 2019

Service Category :


Kinesiology is a gentle, non-invasive complementary medicine which uses manual muscle monitoring to access information about a person’s well-being.

Mind-body medicine Stress Management Emotional wellbeing Physical well-being Therapeutic massage Wholistic health Nervous system Relaxation Wellness Anxiety
BodySense Kinesiology, Transformational Mind Body Healing

Sue Saxby

BodySense Kinesiology, Transformational Mind Body Healing

Raymond Terrace, NSW, 2324

Member since 2008

Service Category :


Positive living and learning. Relax, Renew, Revitalise!

Balance issues Emotional wellbeing Stress Management Babies Australian bush flower essences Mind-body medicine Wellbeing Fears Anxiety Depression

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