Best Past Life Regression Therapists in Childers VIC

Past Life Regression


Past Life Regression

Lilydale, VIC, 3140

Member since 2022

Past Life Regression utilises hypnotherapy to access soul memories of a past life experience where trauma or emotional blocks have occurred and are effecting an individual’s current circumstances today. Whether an individual is simply curious about their past lives, or are wanting to heal trauma that has occurred, past life regression has proven to be a powerful tool for growth and wellbeing.

Personal counselling Tapping Soul realignment Energy work Relaxation Holistic healing Intuitive reading Online reading Spiritual awakening Energy alignment
Intuitive Freedom Healer Andrea Simm - Healing

Andrea Simm

Intuitive Freedom Healer Andrea Simm - Healing

Lilydale, VIC, 3140

Member since 2012

I assist my clients by balancing their energies and helping them with the process of shifting into freedom.

Cancer management Depression Trauma Fatigue Migraine Reading Breast cancer Business Allergies Overwhelm
Welcome to the Australian Institute of Self Development

Russell Cunningham

Welcome to the Australian Institute of Self Development

Croydon, VIC, 3136

Member since 2006

discover the easy way to get rapid lasting results, Relationships, Self Development Career or Leading Emotional Freedom Techniques Tapping Trainer and Practitioner since 2003 NLP Time Line Therapy and Hypnotherapy since 2000Emotional Freedom Techniques Master Trainer

Cancer management Depression Parenting Phobias Sexual abuse Trauma Back pain Abuse Business Telehealth

Donna Kovacs


Mulgrave, VIC, 3170

Member since 2012

Reiki is a hands on healing modality that restores the natural energy flow of prana within the body which prompts the healing and a harmonizing of the mind, body and soul. Spiritual Healing allows the mind to relax and allows any blockages be released, balanced or neutralized depending on what is needed. At times the the changes are felt immediately and at others a more subtle change will take place with each session. All the healing is done or the...

Clinical hypnotherapy Fears Social anxiety Anxiety Depression Trauma Destructive behaviors Grief Quantum healing Empath
QHHT Past Life Regression, Reconnective Healing & Reconnection

Mayda Parseghian

QHHT Past Life Regression, Reconnective Healing & Reconnection

Wantirna, VIC, 3152

Member since 2008

Welcome to Reconnect to Heal a holistic practice promoting healing and wellness on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level. We offer QHHT Quantum Healing Hypnosis, Past Life Regression, Reconnective Healing and the Personal Reconnection for healing,, transformation and to empower your life and achieve a higher level of consciousness.

Cancer management Disabilities Suicide Back pain Migraine Neck pain Spirituality Breast cancer Telehealth Pets
Peaceful Encounters - Services

Peaceful Encounters

Peaceful Encounters - Services

Warragul, VIC, 3820

Member since 2017

Tony has extensive experience in the following fields.

Depression Reading Business Telehealth Energy Psychic medium Seichim Movement Happiness Love
Kate L Thomas

Kate L Thomas

Wonthaggi, VIC, 3995

Member since 2018

Hypnotherapy, Past Life Regression Therapy

Kinesiology & Past Life Regression

Carolyn Gill

Kinesiology & Past Life Regression

Berwick, VIC, 3806

Member since 2010

With kinesiology, we can understand the causes of stress, what you really want and need to be balanced and happy. You can break...

Professional kinesiology programme (PKP) Past life healing Oracle card reading Muscle pain Stress Management Headaches Behaviour problems in animals Intuitive energy healing Life path
Magpie House

Nino Borsari

Magpie House

Upway, VIC, 3160

Member since 2016

Children's Health, Hypnotherapy, Men's Health, Past Life Regression Therapy, Women's Health

Emeraldine Energy Therapies

Alessandra Viglio

Emeraldine Energy Therapies

Cranbourne, VIC, 3977

Member since 2019

At Emeraldine Energy Therapies we offer private energy healings sessions and holistic wellbeing consultations. Our purpose is...

Energy Chakra balancing Cleansing Aura Distant healing Pellowah Emotional wellbeing Personal growth Spiritual growth Relaxation
Melinda Mann

Melinda Mann

Melinda Mann


Member since 2018

Vibrational Medicine Reiki & Seichim Master Bush Flower Essences Past Life Healing Intuitive Energy Healing

Cancer management Chakras Vibrational medicine Complementary medicine Energy Seichim Distance healing Happiness Emotional wellbeing Relaxation

Scott McCamish


Dandenong, VIC, 3175

Member since 2021

Understand the Past Influences on your life! There's many things that we do that spring from our subconscious mind - therapies...

Past life healing Intuitive counselling Positive psychology Psychoanalysis Metaphysics Reading Empath Death Business Ascension
About Catherine Lyell at Tranquil Life

Catherine Lyell

About Catherine Lyell at Tranquil Life

Chelsea, VIC, 3196

Member since 2014

Kinesiology, Massage & Intuitive Healing Give Catherine here at Tranquil Living a call today to organise your next Healing Treatment...

Depression Trauma Back pain Insomnia Learning difficulties Psoriasis Ho’oponopono Intuitive healing Overwhelm Energy
Trauma Healing

Jenny Carver

Trauma Healing

Officer, VIC, 3809
This account is currently inactive on Natural Therapy Pages, but you can browse from hundreds of other practitioners in your local area.

Member since 2022

An unresolved emotion associated with a painful event from yesterday causes physical or mental ailments. Jenny, a trauma-informed...

Telehealth Emotional healing Trauma healing Anxiety Shame Guilt Depression Addiction Emotional eating Sexual abuse
This account is currently inactive on Natural Therapy Pages, but you can browse from hundreds of other practitioners in your local area.

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