Best Spiritual Healers in South Australia

Women's Health

Anke Koelman, Spec. Nat., MHSc

Women's Health

Adelaide, SA, 5000

Member since 2005

We specialise in optimising women's health and well-being. Many chronic diseases and conditions are related to poor gut health. Poor gut health can affect your general well-being through symptoms such as inflammation, fatigue, anxiety, food addiction and headaches. If not addressed, these can lead to auto-immune diseases, obesity, chronic conditions and poor mental health. Recently, it was discovered that trauma and stress can also affect gut health...

Autism spectrum disorders Brain injuries Dementia Early intervention Learning disabilities Colitis Crohn's disease Disabilities Eczema Reflux
Soul Coaching & Seeds for Tomorrow

Kerry Dalzotto

Soul Coaching & Seeds for Tomorrow

Cumberland Park, SA, 5041

Member since 2006

The knowledge and wisdom Kerry  has gathered over the years from both personal and professional growth together with extensive...

Reading Business Soul coaching Shamanic healing Energy Chakra balancing Feet Seichim Flexibility Injury recovery
Annie OGrady - EFT Tapping

Annie O'Grady

Annie OGrady - EFT Tapping

Adelaide, SA, 5000

Member since 2007

EFT Tapping is an easy stress buster, typically fast, that I can teach you to weave into your daily life – or that I can help you with, to ease small or serious problems of any kind. You’ll learn to tap on yourself while you briefly focus on whatever...

Hypertension Bullying Business financial stress Wellbeing Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) Divorce / Separation Adjustment issues Parenting Phobias Victims of crime

Jane Deans


Goodwood, SA, 5034

Member since 2007

Reiki is an ancient healing technique. Botanical Health provides a supportive and safe nurturing environment to share and release conscious & subconscious blocked emotions.

Lyme disease Covid-related Wellbeing Face to face appointments Fatigue Menopause Infections Autoimmune conditions Digestion Stress Management
At Ease Candid Health

Candida Vassallo

At Ease Candid Health

Clovelly Park, SA, 5042

Member since 2007

Certified Hypnotherapist - Certified Life and Spiritual Coach - Certified Yoga Instructor -Reiki Master Teacher - Meditation...

Habits Frozen shoulder Nervous system Phobias Sciatica Fears Migraine Movement Tension Subconscious
Angela Kirby - Art Therapy & Counselling

Angela Kirby

Angela Kirby - Art Therapy & Counselling

Brompton, SA, 5007

Member since 2008

Angela specialises in providing professional Art Therapy Sessions, to people living in the greater Adelaide area & Internationally...

Supervision Mental health Phobias Rehabilitation Back pain Scoliosis Learning difficulties Spirituality Business Chakras
Bowen & Beyond

Bowen & Beyond

Bowen & Beyond

Flagstaff Hill, SA, 5159

Member since 2008

BOWEN THERAPY - TRAINED BY BOWTECH " the original Bowen technique"-----------Gentle, effective relief for pain and ill health. Do you know someone who could benefit from Bowen Therapy? A Gift voucher is a perfect way to introduce Bowen to a friend, family member or collegue. Contact Michaela at Bowen and Beyond to organise a Gift Voucher.

Back pain Asthma Migraine Scoliosis Feet Constipation Movement Tension Elderly Feet problems
Linda Brook Natural Therapy

Linda Brook

Linda Brook Natural Therapy

Cheltenham, SA, 5014

Member since 2009

Natural Therapies Readings, Past Life, Reike, Massage, Body Talk, Hypnotherapy, Eye ExercisesHealings

Reading Chakra balancing Aura Relaxation Circulation Facial Aches & pains House energy clearing Wellbeing Clinical hypnotherapy
Louise Armitage Homoeopath & Bowen Therapist

Louise Armitage Homoeopath & Bowen Therapist

Louise Armitage Homoeopath & Bowen Therapist

Strathalbyn, SA, 5255

Member since 2009

Louise Armitage offers Homeopathic Medicine and Bowen Technique to clients on the Fleurieu Peninsula, via Skype or Face Time. Rural and remote clients welcome!

Arthritis Trauma Back pain Fatigue Neck pain HIV Knee pain Telehealth Allergies Food poisoning
Avalon InLa'Kesh

Jennine Hubber

Avalon InLa'Kesh

Mount Gambier, SA, 5290

Member since 2011

BLESSINGS AND WELCOME - AWAKEN YOUR SENSES I'm not seeing clients in Mount Gambier at the moment. Thank you for your enquiries, patience...

Chakras Shamanic healing Energy Chakra balancing Feet Seichim Cleansing Inflammation Aura Vision

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