Best Health & Wellness Workshops in Macquarie University NSW

It's Time to Train

Raffaele Sellaro

It's Time to Train

North Ryde, NSW, 2113

Member since 2019

Nutrition, Personal Training, Weight Loss, Wellness Coaching, Workshop

Weight management Fitness Wellbeing
Debra Dawn - Services

Debra Dawn

Debra Dawn - Services

Beecroft, NSW, 2119

Member since 2016

Healing , intuitive readings and counseling with messages from your spirit guides, angels and those in spirit. Healing to release blocked emotions. Clearing and protection Past life regression Be guided to a joyful and peaceful future.

Intuitive counselling Regression therapy Anxiety Palmistry Adults Empath Phobias Fatigue Energy Aura
About Barebones Career & Management Consulting

Maggie Bolton

About Barebones Career & Management Consulting

Lane Cove, NSW, 2066

Member since 2010

Hi I'm Maggie Bolton, a counsellor with over 30 years in practice and a lifetime of experience. Working from my home office in Sydney, I provide individual or small group counselling and coaching sessions and deliver training courses.

Personal growth Wellbeing Personal empowerment Empowerment (women's) Empowerment (men's) Self-management Self-help Mental health Overwhelm Stress Management
Guiding Sense Psychologist, Interventionist, Well Being Coach and Meditation Teacher

Theresa Roldan

Guiding Sense Psychologist, Interventionist, Well Being Coach and Meditation Teacher

Chatswood, NSW, 2067

Member since 2018

You may partake of our free well being tools and strategies through our instagram account: @guidingsensewalks Theresa guides...

Loss Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) Depression Chronic health issues Stress Management Anxiety Phobias Parenting Self-esteem Bullying

Petrana Barac-Dunn


Turramurra, NSW, 2074

Member since 2007

Inner Sanctum Natural Therapies provides a focus on you. Our services support emotional health and well-being in your everyday life to regain inner peace and harmony. Todays’ busy lifestyle and expectations can make it hard to find time to care for ourselves and allow us to explore our potential. Make time for you!

Bach flower remedy Emotional wellbeing Wellbeing Tension headaches Aches & pains Anxiety Loss Overwhelm Mums health & wellbeing Postpartum recovery
Holotropic Breathwork


Holotropic Breathwork

Chatswood, NSW, 2067

Member since 2012

Seekers consistently relate that every aspect of healing they have encountered in their holotropic journey has been generated, not by the fiat of some external individual, group, or technique, but from a mystery at the core of their deepest selves. Tav Sparks

Depression Parenting Trauma Chakras Soul retrieval Overwhelm Shamanic healing Self-healing Empath Spiritual development
Art Therapist and Energy Healer

Andrea Bloom Art Therapy

Art Therapist and Energy Healer

Chatswood, NSW, 2057

Member since 2017

Art makes therapy fun! Andrea works collaboratively with clients to externalize and shift problems. Art materials are provided to suite and art therapy is especially good for the over thinkers and for children. Art can bypass the thinking mind and process emotions even without realizing it.

Telehealth Emotional intelligence Creative therapy Creative self-expression Expressive therapies Individual therapy Aged care Child social wellbeing Child therapy Children's anxiety
Creative Mind & Body - IBS Workshops

Creative Mind & Body

Creative Mind & Body - IBS Workshops

North Strathfield, NSW, 2137

Member since 2007


Anger management Depression Pain management Phobias Trauma Reading Public speaking Constipation Tension Virtual gastric band
Wholebeing Health & Meditation - Craniosacral Therapy

Joshua Rasco

Wholebeing Health & Meditation - Craniosacral Therapy

Roseville, NSW, 2069

Member since 2010

CranioSacral Therapy, originating in cranial osteopathy, is a gentle, non-invasive modality that seeks to locate and treat restrictions throughout the body. Restrictions within the CranioSacral system can lead to tension patterns, and affect the functioning of all bodily systems, leading to a variety of painful and disruptive symptoms.    CLICK HERE FOR BOOKING SYSTEM

Arthritis Crohn's disease Relaxation techniques Trauma Back pain Fatigue Parkinson's disease Shoulder problems Asthma Fibromyalgia
Intuitive Healing

Intuitive Healing

Intuitive Healing

Crows Nest, NSW, 2065

Member since 2012

Welcome to Intuitive Healing. A shift in consciousness transforms your inner environment to allow healing and new experiences.

Anxiety Shift in consciousness Relationship issues Emotional wellbeing Personal growth Inner peace Energetics Tension Vibrational medicine Intuitive healing
The Silva Method Australia - Meaningful Monday Free Workshops/Webinars

Jeanine Sciacca

The Silva Method Australia - Meaningful Monday Free Workshops/Webinars

Concord, NSW, 2137

Member since 2017

Please join this free class. You have nothing to lose, and only good to gain.I looking forward to adding value to you.

Business Energy Transformation Decision making Coaching Creativity Memory Indecision Leadership Happiness
Psychic Readings, Mediumship & Meditation Workshops

Sophy Robertson

Psychic Readings, Mediumship & Meditation Workshops

Drummoyne, NSW, 2047

Member since 2020

Connect with your inner self and allow your spirit guides to take your life into the right direction.

Stress Management Wellbeing Pain management Love Emotional wellbeing Space clearing Energy cleansing Mediumship Burnout Addiction
Stressfree Management

Jenetta Haim

Stressfree Management

Parramatta, NSW, 2150

Member since 2004

We are a natural therapies clinic that specialise in empowering you so you can get healthy and know how to stay healthy.

Supervision Tinnitus Arthritis Heart disease Menopause Bullying Trauma Migraine Neck pain Allergies
About Us

Angus Davidson

About Us

Parramatta, NSW, 2123

Member since 2005

Angus CAN help! Call now for more information 0435813288

Rehabilitation Back pain Fatigue Asthma Migraine Sports medicine Telehealth Feet Stretches Flexibility
Crystallise Your Essence through Transpersonal Art Therapy

Eileen Jenkins

Crystallise Your Essence through Transpersonal Art Therapy

Homebush, 2140

Member since 2016

Feel more alive and in touch with your essential nature

Depression Wellbeing Adjustment issues Telehealth Creativity Transpersonal art therapy Belief systems Personal growth Nurturing Stress Management
Sue Stevens - Handcrafted Health

Sue Stevens

Sue Stevens - Handcrafted Health

North Sydney, NSW, 2060

Member since 2006

Sue Stevens has been working in the field of Natural Therapies since 1993 and uses cutting edge technology grounded in naturopathic...

Early intervention Arthritis Cancer management Hormonal imbalance Menopause Obesity Osteoporosis Reflux Thyroid problems Depression
Workshops - Christine Safi

Christine Safi

Workshops - Christine Safi

Parramatta, NSW, 2150

Member since 2010

Learn The Simple, But Powerful Force Of Reiki.  Take your interest in reiki to a new level with a Heartfelt Reiki Workshops. These Sydney based workshops, will help connect your mind and spirit to deliver inner peace and balance. As a practice, it is something that stays with you for life. Practice on yourself, or on others. This is a gift to hold on to and to share. 

Mental health Depression Obsessive Phobias Trauma Insomnia Reading Intuitive reading Emotional eating Telehealth
The Soulmate Connection - Soul Healing Meditation Classes, Courses and Workshops

Sestina Dos Santos

The Soulmate Connection - Soul Healing Meditation Classes, Courses and Workshops

Strathfield, NSW, 2135

Member since 2005

Meditation classes to soothe your Soul and is the key to inner harmony and balance.  Courses and Workshops to feed your Soul that will empower you with knowledge, wisdom and to become the best version of yourself.    Life can be challenging to find the time for you.  The Soulmate Journey will surprise and inspire you.  Rediscover your Inner Being and your Star Quality will sparkle through you and illuminate your life with vibrant colours of...

Reading Telehealth Overwhelm Angelic healing Energy Psychic medium Empath Subconscious Mentoring Personal growth
Samantha Avery - Meditation

Samantha Avery

Samantha Avery - Meditation

Neutral Bay, NSW, 2089

Member since 2006

Gain clarity and focus with Meditation. Deepen your understanding of yourself and develop a spiritual practice that supports the empowered person you wish to be. Meditation Instructor, Usui Reiki Master Teacher Practitioner, Psychic. Speaker. Stress-Management, Spiritual Workshops and Retreats.   Click here to enquire or book your first session and receive a complementary Chakra Balance Crystal Bag

Feeding Mental health Depression Mental illness Trauma Migraine Reading Business Chakras Soul retrieval
Mindfulness and You

Enza Currenti

Mindfulness and You

Five Dock, NSW, 2046

Member since 2012

So easy, effortless, so effective, soothing, so refreshing & promoting deep healing!

Anger management Chakras Weight management Relaxation Stress Management Guilt Anger Emotions Sadness Negative emotions

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