Best Spiritual Healers in Gordon NSW

Transform Your Life With The Power Of Astrology, Numerology, And Tarot Revelations

Tarot Cloud Divine Power

Transform Your Life With The Power Of Astrology, Numerology, And Tarot Revelations

Macquarie Park, NSW, 2113

Member since 2024

Illuminate Your Path Today: Embrace the Wisdom Of Tarot, For Real-Life Alignment And Achievements.

Telehealth Reading Spelling Business Numerology Transformation Astrology Boundaries Love Life path
Chakra Healing


Chakra Healing

Turramurra, NSW, 2074

Member since 2023

Chakra healing is a form of energy healing  that is rooted in ancient Indian spiritual traditions. It is based around the  seven main energy centers in the body known as chakras, which are located along the spine. These chakras play a vital role in the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being of us all. Chakra healing is the practice of balancing and aligning these energy centers to promote physical and emotional well-being.I use  various...

Telehealth Health and wellbeing Chakra balancing Joy Emotions Blockages Inner peace Spiritual connection Peace Connection

Janine Grant


Roseville, NSW, 2069

Member since 2004

NB: Why Choose AMAZING MASSAGE & REIKI? Janine has over 20 years professional experience in the therapeutic arts, specialising in Myofascial Release Therapy, Reiki, massage therapy and energy healing. She knows how to help you FEEL AMAZING! and can utilise...

Intuitive healing Natural health Holistic healing Energy Immunity Tension Massage therapy Therapeutic massage Fluid retention Relaxation
White Raven Healing - Sound Healing and Family Constellations

Paulien Gort

White Raven Healing - Sound Healing and Family Constellations

Frenchs Forest, NSW, 2086

Member since 2012

Sound Healing and Family Constellations.

Emotional wellbeing Family health Pain relief Relaxation Insomnia Depression Recurring patterns Spiritual growth Personal growth Headaches
Spiritual / Reiki Healing (Distance Healing)

Elizabeth Backler

Spiritual / Reiki Healing (Distance Healing)

Ryde, 2112

Member since 2004

Start your journey of transformation with the help of spiritual & Reiki healing, which includes distance healing.

Arthritis Depression Trauma Abuse Telehealth Chakras Vibrational medicine Natural health Energy Chakra balancing
Debra Dawn - Services

Debra Dawn

Debra Dawn - Services

Beecroft, NSW, 2119

Member since 2016

Healing , intuitive readings and counseling with messages from your spirit guides, angels and those in spirit. Healing to release blocked emotions. Clearing and protection Past life regression Be guided to a joyful and peaceful future.

Intuitive counselling Regression therapy Anxiety Palmistry Adults Empath Phobias Fatigue Energy Aura
Rose Banham - Reiki

Rose Banham

Rose Banham - Reiki

Crows Nest, NSW, 2065

Member since 2007

Reiki | Energy Healing Restore and Heal. Reduce Stress.

Clinical hypnotherapy Wellbeing Optimal health Nurturing Stress Management Self-realisation Coaching Habits Personal growth Relaxation
Intuitive Healing

Intuitive Healing

Intuitive Healing

Crows Nest, NSW, 2065

Member since 2012

Welcome to Intuitive Healing. A shift in consciousness transforms your inner environment to allow healing and new experiences.

Anxiety Shift in consciousness Relationship issues Emotional wellbeing Personal growth Inner peace Energetics Tension Vibrational medicine Intuitive healing
Aromatherapist for Spirit Cleansing

Helen Efstathiou

Aromatherapist for Spirit Cleansing

Cammeray, NSW, 2062

Member since 2014

If you are physically distressed or psychologically unable to cope with stress or grief, the Egyptian Emotional Clearing Technique is a beautiful and intuitive approach to reconnecting with your inner self and resolving any issues. Contact Helen today to learn how this works and how it can help you!

Depression Trauma Ageing Fatigue Neck pain Collagen Telehealth Chakras Allergies Childhood trauma
Astrologer & Spiritual Healer in Sydney Australia

Pandith Adiyogi

Astrologer & Spiritual Healer in Sydney Australia

Hornsby, NSW, 2077

Member since 2021

All religions Welcome  PANDIT: Adiyogi one of the best Indian Astrologer & Psychic Reader. He also provides Astrology, Horoscope, Black Magic Removal, Spiritual Healing, Psychic Reading, Love Spell, Relationship Expert, Marriage & Relationship Issues, Best Reader & Healer, and many more. 0414452223  

Depression Business Energy Optimal health Love Black magic removal Stress Astrologer Jealousy Ex love back
Diana Scanlan -  Life Coach Natural Health and Wellness & Reiki Healing

Diana Scanlan

Diana Scanlan - Life Coach Natural Health and Wellness & Reiki Healing

Hornsby Heights, NSW, 2077

Member since 2014

I have a deep understanding of human suffering and am caring and empathetic, giving valuable information to help you through your health challenges.

Cancer management Menopause Fatigue Telehealth Intuitive healing Autism Cats Dogs Natural health Energy
Balance & Beyond Healing

Balance & Beyond Healing

Balance & Beyond Healing

Hornsby, NSW, 2077

Member since 2024

Moira uses a unique and powerful energy work technique that goes far deeper than the more common modalities, so when you're ready for deep healing and to be de-triggered, this is the place to go. But what really sets this work apart is that she trains YOU to identify and release emotions yourself, thus empowering you and not fostering codependency. Contrary to popular opinion, you don't need someone else to release and balance your emotions for you.

Telehealth Trauma Loss Emotional wellbeing Clearing emotional blocks Clearing emotional baggage Emotion regulation Energy blocks Energy work Energy clearing
Consulting ME Pty Ltd

Angela Campbell

Consulting ME Pty Ltd

North Sydney, NSW, 2059

Member since 2022

Kinesiology is a stress management tool. As Humans, we are more than the mechanics of a physical body. We have an amazing brain that enables complex thought, memory, creativity and imagination. We also have incredibly intricate biochemical systems that sustain our ongoing life that function on nutritional elements that we ingest, breath and create within. We have nerves that send impulses telling us about our surroundings every second. Within all...

Telehealth Wellbeing Fatigue Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) Adrenal and fatigue states Fatigue / tiredness Adrenal fatigue Post-covid fatigue Post-viral fatigue Brain fatigue
Samantha Avery - Psychic Readings

Samantha Avery

Samantha Avery - Psychic Readings

Neutral Bay, NSW, 2089

Member since 2006

A Psychic Reading with Samantha will give you access to insight and clarity when you need it most. If you're at a turning point, feeling stuck or just curious, call Samantha and book your reading today.Readings are available remotely or from her sunny healing centre in leafy Anderson Park on Neutral Bay, NSW   Click here to enquire or book your first session and recieve a complementary Chakra Balance Crystal Bag

Feeding Mental health Depression Mental illness Trauma Migraine Reading Business Chakras Soul retrieval
Azure Wellbeing

Azure Wellbeing

Azure Wellbeing

Hunters Hill, NSW, 2110

Member since 2007

Enjoy empowerment and fulfill your potential: Live your own life.

Spirituality Reading Intuitive reading Energy Chakra balancing Empath Transformation Massage therapy Bodywork Joy
Renew Therapies

Renew Therapies

Renew Therapies

Mosman, NSW, 2088

Member since 2006

Looking for a massage in Mosman, Cremorne, or Neutral Bay area? The therapeutic Mosman based massage clinic Renew Therapies has...

Back pain Flexibility Tension Therapeutic massage Injury prevention Joy Stress Management Pregnancy support
World of Health and Return To Wellness- Reiki & Meditation Sessions and Training

Dr Ranga Premaratna

World of Health and Return To Wellness- Reiki & Meditation Sessions and Training

Mosman, NSW, 2088

Member since 2008

For all of your professional Reiki Treatments, Classes, and Meditation Sessions and Classes, you can't go past us here at World of Health and Return To Wellness in Mosman

Vitality Weight management Detoxification Fluid retention Joint pain Blood analysis Relaxation Joy Wellness Circulation
Welcome To John D Fryer - Direct Healing

John Fryer

Welcome To John D Fryer - Direct Healing

Mosman, NSW, 2088

Member since 2007

Discover oriental health secrets from Tai Chi in Beginners' classes, and experience powerful healing with REIKI/SEICHIM sessions in a tranquil studio

Terminal illness Trauma Ageing Palliative care Energy Self-healing Seichim Holistic health Movement Tension
Psychic Readings, Mediumship & Meditation Workshops

Sophy Robertson

Psychic Readings, Mediumship & Meditation Workshops

Drummoyne, NSW, 2047

Member since 2020

Connect with your inner self and allow your spirit guides to take your life into the right direction.

Stress Management Wellbeing Pain management Love Emotional wellbeing Space clearing Energy cleansing Mediumship Burnout Addiction
About The Silva Method

Jeanine Sciacca

About The Silva Method

Concord, NSW, 2137

Member since 2017

The Silva Method Life and Intuition System.   Choose a conscious way of life. Create the life of your own design.

Business Energy Transformation Decision making Coaching Creativity Memory Indecision Leadership Happiness

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