What is counselling?

Counselling is a type of therapy that focuses on providing emotional support to individuals and assisting them in coping with their situation using their innate strength and resources. This allows them to improve their mental health and overall wellbeing. Counsellors help people who are struggling with mental health issues, trauma, low self-esteem, grief, relationship issues, bullying and anger management issues, among others.

Salisbury's qualified counsellors are eligible for membership in the following professional associations:

  • Australian Counselling Association (ACA)
  • Australian Holistic Healers and Counsellors Association (AHHCA)
  • Psychotherapy and Counselling Federation of Australia (PACFA)
  • International Institute for Complementary Therapists (IICT)

Counselling Courses in Salisbury

Should you study counselling?

Taking a counselling course will help anyone who is passionate about helping others overcome life's most difficult challenges in establishing a rewarding career. What's more, it will help you develop the admirable qualities of successful counsellors, which include:

  • Empathetic and respectful of other people's perspectives on life, with the ability to establish rapport and encourage clients to open up.
  • A good listener who grasps even the smallest details of a client's account, which is crucial for getting to the bottom of a person's problem. 
  • Excellent communication skills are necessary to be able to explain to clients what counselling entails and how it can benefit their lives.
  • Professionalism and adherence to the confidentiality clause.

If your qualities and professional goals align with those listed above, keep reading to learn about your course options.

What are the course and study options for counselling in Salisbury?

Counselling courses are either offered as part of a larger curriculum, such as complementary medicine, or as a stand-alone course that awards a bachelor's degree to those who complete it. Courses can be taken on campus, online, or through blended learning. Depending on your schedule and lifestyle, you can even study full-time or part-time.

Short training programs lasting a few days to a week are available. These are typically taught as part of meditation or holistic counselling courses.

However, if you want to work as a clinical counsellor, you must first complete a three-year Bachelor of Counselling. It is a comprehensive course that covers both the theoretical framework and the practical application of counselling. After graduation, you can work as a counsellor or pursue graduate studies.

You can find a variety of counselling schools in Salisbury by scrolling to the top of this page. Learn more about their curriculum, delivery options and tuition fees by contacting them directly.

What happens after you complete your counselling course in Salisbury?

Completing a counselling course in Salisbury will qualify you for membership in a professional counselling association, which will ensure your credibility to future employers and clients. You'll also get to work in a variety of healthcare settings such as hospitals, holistic clinics, schools, private corporations, crisis centres and aged care facilities.

After gaining relevant experience, you may decide to open your own private practice. This allows you to manage your business, schedule and services however you see fit. Furthermore, if you decide to pursue this option, you can list your counselling services on the Natural Therapy Pages' practitioner listing page, whether you do it face-to-face or via an online session.

It is highly recommended that you further your training in the field of counselling through continuing professional education if you want to expand your knowledge. Some of the modalities that will allow you to specialise in a specific field of counselling are as follows: