Best Psychotherapists in Bayside Region VIC

Peninsula Natural Therapy

Glenn Austen

Peninsula Natural Therapy

Frankston, VIC, 3199

Member since 2008

Providing Natural Solutions for Pain & Injury Helping you to be your best, physically and mentally. Naturally restore your health so you can expect more from yourself, free yourself of pain and limitation. Offering; Clinical Myotherapy including Dry Needling, cupping, joint mobilisation . Personal Training. Clinical Psychology Psychotherapy. Osteopathy. Trauma and Injury Rehabilitation. A

Dementia Arthritis Cancer management Obesity Rehabilitation Back pain Fatigue Fibromyalgia Migraine Neck pain
Portia Reading

Portia Reading

Portia Reading

Brighton, VIC, 3186

Member since 2009

Targeted psychotherapy and guided meditation helps rewire your brain with resourceful neural connections to find peace and optimize...

Microscopy Functional medicine Gut Health Diet Fertility issues Fatigue Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) Body systems Acne Arthritis
Counselling Services for Anxiety, Depression and PTSD.

Dalit Bar

Counselling Services for Anxiety, Depression and PTSD.

Highett, VIC, 3190

Member since 2013

Achieve positive change in your life with counselling. It can help you develop healthy coping skills, be empowered, identify your core values and seek action.   

Disabilities Mental health Bullying Depression Family therapy Trauma Play therapy Social skills Telehealth Autism
Family Constellations - Group Sessions


Family Constellations - Group Sessions

Brighton East, VIC, 3187

Member since 2019

Family, Relationships & Business Constellations MOVEMENTS OF THE SOUL & ANCESTRAL HEALING

Parenting Trauma Abuse Business Telehealth Energy Transformation Tension Coaching Blended family

Challenge Life International - Counselling


Brighton, VIC, 3186

Member since 2009

"Believe in the power of choice, to choose the life you really want, as opposed to the life you just settle for" Alex Uzice - Challenge Life  

Phobias Fears Young adult issues Anxiety Family therapy Adolescents Depression Adventure therapy Mental health Parenting
Haven Counselling and Psychotherapy

Haven Counselling and Psychotherapy

Haven Counselling and Psychotherapy

Seaford, VIC, 3198

Member since 2023

At Haven Counselling and Psychotherapy your therapy is led by a team of skilled counsellors and psychotherapists who genuinely care, wholeheartedly nurture, and expertly guide you toward achieving your goals. You’re in a safe space. You’re in a judgement-free environment. You’re in a haven to explore your thoughts, feelings, and behaviours. You’re in the right place to receive the help you want to make the changes you need.

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) Anger management Depression Trauma Transformation Addiction Self-esteem Grief Loss Emotional regulation
Expert GP Psychotherapy for Mental Well-being

Jess Wynne

Expert GP Psychotherapy for Mental Well-being

Highett, VIC, 3190

Member since 2024

Promotes medicine with soul as two parts of the same whole. A session combines innovative science with compassion.

Telehealth Menopause transition Bio-identical hormones Women’s mental and emotional health Anxiety Depression Chronic stress Chronic burnout Adrenal fatigue Thyroid dysregulation
Dean Creed - Dream Therapist

Dean Creed - Dream Therapy

Dean Creed - Dream Therapist

Brighton, VIC, 3186

Member since 2024

We all dream each and every night. Learning to remember and work with our dreams to discover their real meaning is a powerful & transformative spiritual and psychological practice. Authentic dreamwork allows us to understand the inner guidance being offered to us from the deeper part of ourselves, beyond the ego.

Trauma Childhood trauma Spiritual awakening Anxiety Spiritual crisis Awakening Dreams Nightmares Jungian psychology Depth psychology
Neuro Pathways

Rebecca Hatton

Neuro Pathways

Mount Eliza, VIC, 3930

Member since 2009

Neuro pathways a wholistic approach to healing, offering sessions in Advanced Clinical hypnotherapy and psychotherapy, counselling, neuro change method, Advanced energy healing, negative energy removal, mindfulness and meditation.

Clinical hypnotherapy Neuro change practitioner Forensic healing

Christopher Fox


Frankston, VIC, 3199

Member since 2012

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Online, Counselling, Counselling Online, Hypnotherapy, Hypnotherapy Online, Psychotherapy, Psychotherapy Online, Relationship Counselling

Sex therapy Queer
d.k. Soul Centred Counselling, Psychotherapy & Yoga Centre

Dyan Ostrow

d.k. Soul Centred Counselling, Psychotherapy & Yoga Centre

Brighton East, VIC, 3187

Member since 2005

Support for your journey

Arthritis Heart disease Depression Pain management Relaxation techniques Fibromyalgia Migraine Yoga therapy Flexibility Pranayama
Southern Yoga and Health Centre

Christine Villiers

Southern Yoga and Health Centre

Moorabbin, VIC, 3189

Member since 2008

Through the practise of asanas, (postures), deep breathing and deep relaxation and incorporating the teachings of Yoga, we develop...

Rehabilitation Lung Self-healing Stretches Tension Coaching Vitality Posture Happiness Relaxation
Lightly Centered Holistic Counselling for Women - ON HOLD


Lightly Centered Holistic Counselling for Women - ON HOLD

Frankston, VIC, 3199

Member since 2009

Announcement:  Lightly Centered is ON LEAVE from October 2020 Until Further Notice Visit New Website - downloadable singing...

Tinnitus Mental health Snoring Depression Mental illness Parenting Trauma Back pain Business Epilepsy
Bayside Wellness

Nicola Lane

Bayside Wellness

Chelsea, VIC, 3196

Member since 2009

Change your life with Hypnotherapy.

Gastric banding Pain management Sexual abuse Insomnia Emotional eating Telehealth Overwhelm Lack of motivation Energy Public speaking
Dr. Nicol Thomas, Psychoanalyst

Dr Nicol Thomas

Dr. Nicol Thomas, Psychoanalyst

Elsternwick, VIC, 3185

Member since 2009

Lacanian Psychoanalyst When you want to get to the bottom of it all, psychoanalysis can help you understand and resolve those...

Anxiety Abuse Adolescents Psychoanalysis Life transitions LGBTQ+ Mental health Depression Guilt Sadness
Life Puzzle

Teresa Labbozzetta

Life Puzzle

Highett, VIC, 3190

Member since 2009

At Life Puzzle, we believe that every person has the potential to be, and have all that they desire. We're so confident about...

Business Energy Coaching Habits Self-esteem Motivation Love Stress Management Complementary Emotions
Lindy Chaleyer Counselling

Lindy Chaleyer Counselling

Lindy Chaleyer Counselling

Brighton East, VIC, 3187

Member since 2010

Do you have a child suffering depression; a child who is a drug addict or sees no future in living? Are you struggling to cope...

Self-help Grief Loss
EmPowerMe Health and Wellbeing Practice

EmPowerMe Health and Wellbeing Practice

Black Rock, VIC, 3193

Member since 2012

"empowering people to empower themselves"

Anger management Depression Parenting Teenagers Trauma Spirituality Coaching Adults Body image Private health
Embracing Spirit

Anjali Sengupta

Embracing Spirit

Ormond, VIC, 3204

Member since 2012

"I believe that every human being has an innate desire for happiness and does not want to suffer.....the very purpose of life...

Depression Transformation Movement Tension Creativity Dance movement therapy Transpersonal art therapy Tapping Happiness Joy
Judy Williams Soul Centred Psychotherapist and Counsellor

Judy Williams

Judy Williams Soul Centred Psychotherapist and Counsellor

Parkdale, VIC, 3195

Member since 2010


Panic attacks Parenting Phobias Trauma Spirituality Energy Dream therapy Tension Death Vision

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