Best Past Life Regression Therapists in Sydney Inner West Region NSW

Fiona Djapouras

Fiona Djapouras

Fiona Djapouras

Newtown, NSW, 2042

Member since 2018

Fiona Djapouras - Integrative Mindset Coach and Spiritual Healer Combined Therapy Cocktail (CTC Master Therapist)  

Depression Phobias Trauma Fatigue Numerology Telehealth Mindset Public speaking Transformation Coaching
Pure Divine Healing -

Bridget Margan

Pure Divine Healing -

Balmain, NSW, 2041

Member since 2023

My name is Bridget Margan. I am a Past Life Regression therapist, Family Constellation practitioner, Psychosomatic Face Reader, Reiki Master, Ashati and Alsemia Healer and certified Hypnotherapist. I believe in using a tailor-made, holistic approach to healing, selecting healing modalities suitable for each client’s unique circumstances. Working with me will take those ready to do the work, on a deep transformative journey. It is an opportunity...

Regression therapy Internal family systems therapy Trauma therapy Spiritual growth Current life regression Life purpose Parenting Abuse Health issues Anxiety
Holistic Wellness Coach and Intuitive Healer

Christine Safi

Holistic Wellness Coach and Intuitive Healer

Earlwood, NSW, 2206

Member since 2010

My passion is to help people overcome their fears and achieve a life of health and happiness. I can do this online or face-to-face, whichever suits you best.

Mental health Depression Obsessive Phobias Trauma Insomnia Reading Intuitive reading Emotional eating Telehealth

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Allergies, Anxiety, Autoimmune Diseases, Cancer Care, Detoxification & Pain Management


Allergies, Anxiety, Autoimmune Diseases, Cancer Care, Detoxification & Pain Management

Balmain, NSW, 2041

Member since 2004

Service Category :


We support your body's natural healing processes. Using the very best in medical advancements combined with a holistic therapies programme, we've helped make a significant difference in the quality of life for people suffering from chronic illnesses or disease.

Arthritis Cancer management Eczema High cholesterol Hormonal imbalance Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) Kidney disease Mental health Reflux Depression
Maria Hunt

Maria Hunt

Maria Hunt


Member since 2004

Service Category :


Maria is the head of Body Ecology in Australia and offers a full range of products, consultative services and lectures worldwide...

Fatigue Migraine Allergies Autism Candida Energy Movement Inflammation Digestive health Memory
The Soulmate Connection - Connecting with Your Soul

Sestina Dos Santos

The Soulmate Connection - Connecting with Your Soul

Strathfield, NSW, 2135

Member since 2005

Service Category :


Sestina's compassionate and direct way of addressing whatever the real questions are or concerns are to heal and prescribe sound measures for better growth and healthy formation, lead me to say Sestina is actually a Doctor in the Psychic/Holistic Healing platform - (Testimonial FM Sydney) I believe God sent you to walk this life as a healer to others through your teachings. It truly takes a special woman to understand her path in life.Thank you...

Reading Telehealth Overwhelm Angelic healing Energy Psychic medium Empath Subconscious Mentoring Personal growth
Clinical & Medical Hypnotherapy for Weight Loss, Quit Smoking, Depression & Addictions

Ann Eyres

Clinical & Medical Hypnotherapy for Weight Loss, Quit Smoking, Depression & Addictions

Croydon, NSW, 2132

Member since 2006

Service Category :


Hypnosis is the most functional & reasonable way of creating new behaviour, patterns & finding alternative methods of dealing with situations.

Arthritis Gastric banding Heart disease Infertility Menopause Obesity Depression Pain management Phobias Relaxation techniques
Creative Mind & Body - Hypnotherapy

Creative Mind & Body

Creative Mind & Body - Hypnotherapy

North Strathfield, NSW, 2137

Member since 2007

Service Category :


Empower yourself & live up to your true potential, with the help of a professional Hypnotherapy session at Creative Mind & Body. Call today to book an appointment.

Anger management Depression Pain management Phobias Trauma Reading Public speaking Constipation Tension Virtual gastric band
Therapeutic Axis - Centre for Wellbeing

Therapeutic Axis - Centre for Wellbeing

Therapeutic Axis - Centre for Wellbeing

Glebe, NSW, 2037

Member since 2007

Service Category :


Counselling, Psychotherapy, Psychology, Massage, Life Coaching, Acupuncture, Energy Healing, Kinesiology. Chat with our Client Support if you are unsure of the type of therapist to best suit you.

Anger management Bipolar disorder Depression Obsessive Panic attacks Trauma Abuse Holistic healing Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)
Wellspring Consultancy

Tiyana Maksimovich-Binno

Wellspring Consultancy

Earlwood, NSW, 2206

Member since 2008

Service Category :


Holistic healing for: Mind, Emotions, Body & Spirit, Relationships, Life and Career Coaching. Practice since 1986. Works from Earlwood.

Distant healing Nurturing Wellbeing Home visits Physical health Life path Purpose Stress Management Life direction Growth
Anna McDonagh

Mayan Healing Health

Anna McDonagh

Dulwich Hill, NSW, 2203

Member since 2009

Service Category :


Anna McDonagh is a Hypnotist, NLP Practitioner and a Chi Nei Tsang Practitioner who specializes in irrititable bowel syndrome, digestion problems, anxiety, and fertility issues.

Habits Relaxation Motivation Endometriosis Bloating Tiredness Stress Management Sciatica Bad habits Emotions
Mindfulness and You

Enza Currenti

Mindfulness and You

Five Dock, NSW, 2046

Member since 2012

Service Category :


So easy, effortless, so effective, soothing, so refreshing & promoting deep healing!

Anger management Chakras Weight management Relaxation Stress Management Guilt Anger Emotions Sadness Negative emotions
Neuro-Linguistic Programming Practitioner & Hypnotherapist

Helen Efstathiou

Neuro-Linguistic Programming Practitioner & Hypnotherapist

Drummoyne, NSW, 2047

Member since 2014

Service Category :


Seeking a life coach when life is not going as you expected or you’re struggling in some areas of your life would be a great idea if you want to achieve success, love, and happiness while striving in your relationships, career, or desired goals. Book your appointment with Helen now!

Depression Trauma Ageing Fatigue Neck pain Collagen Telehealth Chakras Allergies Childhood trauma

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