Best Herbalists in Newcastle Region NSW

Li Chen Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine & Acupuncture

Li Chen

Li Chen Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine & Acupuncture

Charlestown, NSW, 2290

Member since 2006

Li Chen is a registered traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) practitioner and acupuncturist with over 30 year experience of practice.  

Arthritis Cancer management High cholesterol Infertility Menopause Depression Fatigue Insomnia Blepharoplasty Botox
About Innovative Body Solutions

Innovative Body Solutions Clinic

About Innovative Body Solutions

Newcastle, NSW, 2300

Member since 2010

Restoring YOUR health. Alternative natural therapy health clinic based in Newcastle servicing the Central Coast of New South Wales.

Tinnitus Wellbeing Arthritis Cancer management Eczema Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) Mental health Depression Lymphedema Insomnia
Newcastle Acupuncture

Samantha Craft

Newcastle Acupuncture

Newcastle, NSW, 2300

Member since 2016


Arthritis Depression Sleep disorders Back pain Fatigue Asthma Heartburn Insomnia Migraine Neck pain
Sheryl Hockey, Holistic Herbalist & Reiki Healer - Herbal Medicine

Sheryl Hockey

Sheryl Hockey, Holistic Herbalist & Reiki Healer - Herbal Medicine

Newcastle, NSW, 2300

Member since 2010

Herbal Medicine is the oldest method of healing that we know of. Plants have been used in different cultures for many generations, as a way to help heal and balance the body.

Arthritis Fatigue Insomnia Menstrual pain Migraine Energy Tension Heavy metal toxicity Weight management Detoxification
Nature of Health

Deanne Apostolou

Nature of Health

The Junction, NSW, 2291

Member since 2004

Herbal medicine can be used in conjunction with medical treatments you may already be undergoing.

Emotional wellbeing Circulation Male health Herbalist Lifestyle Tonic Wellbeing
Sharon Lindner - Herbal / Naturopathic Medicine

Sharon Lindner

Sharon Lindner - Herbal / Naturopathic Medicine

Kotara, NSW, 2289

Member since 2006

Sharon Lindner specialises in providing a range of professional Herbal & Naturopathic Medicines - perfect for people of all ages.

General treatment Arthritis Eczema Gastrointestinal disorders Hormonal imbalance Infertility Menopause Metabolic syndrome Reflux Depression
Perfect Health - Herbal Medicine

Janice Bartley

Perfect Health - Herbal Medicine

Broadmeadow, NSW, 2292

Member since 2012

An evidence-based holistic approach to a healthier happier life!

Cancer management Heart disease Obesity Depression Fatigue Complementary medicine Energy Stretches Movement Tension
Wellness Vision - Functional Medicine & Naturopathy

Jasmin Polley

Wellness Vision - Functional Medicine & Naturopathy

Charlestown, NSW, 2290

Member since 2014

Jasmin Polley is a Functional Medicine Practitioner and BioMedical Naturopath and can help you get to the bottom of your health...

Cancer management Colitis Heart disease Hormonal imbalance Infertility Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) Menopause Mental health Obesity Reflux
Registered Acupuncturist

Tracy Dundon, BHSc (TCM)

Registered Acupuncturist

The Junction, NSW, 2291

Member since 2014

Tracy helps people with Women's Health, Fertility & IVF, PCOS, Menopause, Mental health, Emotional Wellbeing, Gut and Respiratory...

Arthritis Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) Menopause Reflux Depression Trauma Back pain Fatigue Asthma Insomnia
Indigo-Health & Wellness

Catherine Crossley

Indigo-Health & Wellness

Whitebridge, NSW, 2290

Member since 2015

Complementary health shining naturopathy,herbal medicine, massage, Reiki/ spiritual healings, health foods--promoting optimal...

Redhead Wellness Sanctuary

Melinda Carbis

Redhead Wellness Sanctuary

Redhead, NSW, 2290

Member since 2016

Your Sanctuary provides you with everything you need for your health and wellness journey. From classes in Yoga, Pilates, Barre, Fitness, Strength...

Menopause Mental health Back pain Fatigue Migraine Allergies Energy Gut Health Manipulation Flexibility
Mobile Naturopath Newcastle - Naturopathy

Mobile Naturopath Newcastle

Mobile Naturopath Newcastle - Naturopathy

Newcastle, NSW, 2300

Member since 2016

At the very core of Naturopathy is the treatment of each person as a unique individual, focusing on the entire individual, not...

Complementary medicine Food intolerance Energy Vitality Health issues Intolerance Herbalist Health goals Lifestyle Love
Newcastle City Health Foods

Newcastle City Health Foods

Newcastle, NSW, 2300

Member since 2016

City Health is a leading retailer of bodybuilding, sport and health supplements. Established for over 20 years you can rely...

Georgie Palmer Western Herbalist

Georgie Palmer

Georgie Palmer Western Herbalist

Elermore Vale, NSW, 2287

Member since 2017

Children's Health, Herbal Medicine, Men's Health, Nutrition, Women's Health

Sonia McNaughton

Sonia McNaughton

Sonia McNaughton

Mayfield, NSW, 2304

Member since 2017

Thyroid & Hormone Health: Regain your energy, vitality & lust for life.Specialising in helping you have the energy you need to...

Menopause Natural health Energy Cravings Headaches
Catherine Bunton - Herbal Medicine

Catherine Bunton

Catherine Bunton - Herbal Medicine

Hamilton, NSW, 2303
This account is currently inactive on Natural Therapy Pages, but you can browse from hundreds of other practitioners in your local area.

Member since 2008

Catherine specialises in providing range of professional Herbal Medicine services, to people of all ages in the greater Hamilton...

Learning disabilities Arthritis Disabilities Eczema Heart disease Infertility Mental health Bipolar disorder Depression Mental illness
This account is currently inactive on Natural Therapy Pages, but you can browse from hundreds of other practitioners in your local area.
About Us

Wholistic Health Group

About Us

Newcastle, NSW, 2300
This account is currently inactive on Natural Therapy Pages, but you can browse from hundreds of other practitioners in your local area.

Member since 2004

Welcome to Wholistic Health Group!

Wholistic health Herbalist Energetic medicine Transformational kinesiology Arthritis Cancer management Eczema Hormonal imbalance Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) Mental health
This account is currently inactive on Natural Therapy Pages, but you can browse from hundreds of other practitioners in your local area.

Sylvia Reitsma


Islington, 2296
This account is currently inactive on Natural Therapy Pages, but you can browse from hundreds of other practitioners in your local area.

Member since 2005

Guiding you to good health naturally using: Naturopathy, Homoeopathy and Flower Essences which all treat the underlying causes...

Depression Trauma Back pain Fatigue Insomnia Migraine Telehealth Allergies Pets Overwhelm
This account is currently inactive on Natural Therapy Pages, but you can browse from hundreds of other practitioners in your local area.

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