Best Ayurvedic Practitioners in Bayside Region VIC

Ultimate Detox Solutions and Indian and Oriental Head Massage Institute

Michele Wolff

Ultimate Detox Solutions and Indian and Oriental Head Massage Institute

Cheltenham, VIC, 3192

Member since 2004

If you're experiencing joint and muscle stiffness, tension headaches, eye strain or hair loss, there's never been a better time to experience this ancient massage technique practised in India for more than a thousand years.   See our Indian Head Massage page for Introductory Workshops and booking details for Indian Head Massage Courses

Arthritis Cancer management Colitis Fatigue Migraine Abuse Acne Chakras Lung Natural health
Small, Personalised Group Classes

Deb Robertson

Small, Personalised Group Classes

Brighton, VIC, 3186

Member since 2017

Even in a single hour-long yoga class, you can reset your mind and body, but imagine what it can do over an entire day or weekend! Join Deb’s upcoming workshops, retreats, and events to connect with nature, meet new people in the yoga community, and challenge your body and mind!

Arthritis Cancer management Mental health Depression Pain management Back pain Fatigue Neurological disorders Asthma Fibromyalgia
Dr Renu Bala Ayurvedic and Panchkarma practitioner

Renu Bala

Dr Renu Bala Ayurvedic and Panchkarma practitioner

Carrum Downs, VIC, 3201
This account is currently inactive on Natural Therapy Pages, but you can browse from hundreds of other practitioners in your local area.

Member since 2017

Ayurvedic and panchkarma practitioner Renu has over 7 years of experience in the ancient therapy of India AYURVEDA.

Shirodhara Detoxification Death Conception Lifestyle Stress Management Enema
This account is currently inactive on Natural Therapy Pages, but you can browse from hundreds of other practitioners in your local area.

Similar Business in Bayside

Botanica Naturopathy

Nicole Macfadyen

Botanica Naturopathy

Brighton East, VIC, 3187

Member since 2004

Service Category :

Herbal Medicine

Nicole is a fully qualified naturopath with over 25 years of clinical experience. Nicole specialises in pre-conception health, infertility, IVF support, pregnancy & post-natal care, women's health & menopause & children's ailments & also treats general health complaints. Health fund rebates and after-hour appointments are available.

Menopause Conception Endometriosis Optimal health Lifestyle Pregnancy support Hormonal imbalance General health Healthcare for children
Naturopathic Services, Herbal Medicine, Nutrition

Sandra Tenge

Naturopathic Services, Herbal Medicine, Nutrition

Brighton, VIC, 3186

Member since 2005

Service Category :

Herbal Medicine

We offer a range of services that support your gut health journey.

Learning disabilities Arthritis Cancer management Disabilities Eczema Hormonal imbalance Hypertension Obesity Reflux Depression
Mick Jordan Natural Therapies - Scientific Naturopathy

Mick Jordan

Mick Jordan Natural Therapies - Scientific Naturopathy

Brighton, VIC, 3186

Member since 2005

Service Category :

Herbal Medicine

Most Experienced Naturopath In Bayside area + A Scientifically Backed, Drug-Free, Natural Way To A Lifetime Of Great Health + Book Today

Arthritis Cancer management Eczema Gastrointestinal disorders Heart disease High cholesterol Infertility Obesity Depression Rehabilitation
Centre Road Chinese Medical Centre

Fengjun Fei

Centre Road Chinese Medical Centre

Bentleigh, VIC, 3204

Member since 2007

Service Category :

Herbal Medicine

Dr.FEI has over 35 years experience in TCM For: Neurological Disorders, Women’s Health, Infertility, Menopause,Weight Loss, Stop...

Paediatrics Arthritis Eczema Infertility Menopause Depression Panic attacks Rehabilitation Trauma Back pain
Healthwise Natural Therapies - Naturopathy

Kathleen Penev

Healthwise Natural Therapies - Naturopathy

Mordialloc, VIC, 3195

Member since 2007

Service Category :

Herbal Medicine

Health Wise Naturopathic Clinic offers a diverse range of natural healing modalities as part of its Naturopathic services. These include: Vitamin and Mineral Supplements, Western Herbal Medicines, Homeopathic Medicines, Natural Medicines.

Arthritis Cancer management Infertility Depression Panic attacks Trauma Back pain Fatigue Fibromyalgia Insomnia
Ravens Nest Chinese Medicine

Keren Rochwerger

Ravens Nest Chinese Medicine

St Kilda East, VIC, 3183

Member since 2008

Service Category :

Herbal Medicine

Chinese Medicine Practitioner Acupuncture Chinese Herbal Medicine Dietary Therapy

Eczema Menopause Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) Depression Fatigue Asthma Migraine Acne Psoriasis Allergies
Prescribing Nature - Services & Testing

Jennifer Kennedy

Prescribing Nature - Services & Testing

Frankston, VIC, 3199

Member since 2012

Service Category :

Herbal Medicine

"Are you ready to feel healthy and vibrant again? Book a consultation today."

Arthritis Eczema High cholesterol Hormonal imbalance Menopause Reflux Depression Fatigue Asthma Fibromyalgia
Shine Health Wellbeing - Naturopathy & Homoeopathy Services

Marta Dunin-Labedzki

Shine Health Wellbeing - Naturopathy & Homoeopathy Services

Hampton, VIC, 3188

Member since 2005

Service Category :

Herbal Medicine

Naturopathy and Naturopathic medicine is a primary health care system that understands the wisdom of nature and focuses on recognising the underlying causes of health imbalances and treating it with optimal herbal medicine and nutrition, focusing on healthy lifestyle and diet support. Marta our Principal Naturopath and Acupuncturist has over 22 years experience and has helped thousdands of people return to health over the years.

Adolescents Arthritis Colitis Eczema Mental health Reflux Depression Phobias Trauma Back pain
Naturopathy & Herbal Medicine at Balance

Balance Complementary Medicine

Naturopathy & Herbal Medicine at Balance

Bentleigh East, VIC, 3165

Member since 2007

Service Category :

Herbal Medicine

Naturopathy is a natural complement to your current medical treatment, working in conjunction with your doctor.  

Arthritis Cancer management Eczema Hormonal imbalance Menopause Depression Pain management Rehabilitation Trauma Ageing
Louisa Khoury - Naturopath | Treatments

Louisa Khoury

Louisa Khoury - Naturopath | Treatments

Brighton, VIC, 3186

Member since 2019

Service Category :

Herbal Medicine

Herbal Medicine, Nutrition, Supplementation, NET (Neuro Emotional Technique), Lifestyle, Energetic Medicine.

Eczema Hormonal imbalance Depression Fatigue Asthma Insomnia Migraine Acne Psoriasis Fertility issues

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