List of Natural Health Practitioners
~ T ~
- T.E.M.C. Massage and Wellness
- T&W International Pty LTD
- Tabetha Dowson
- Tabitha Hobbins Access Bars Facilitator
- Taeko Sakurai Psychologist
- Tahnee Brown - Expressive Therapies, Psychotherapy, Counselling
- Tai Chi & Chi Kung Institute
- Tai Chi Academy
- Tai Chi and Mindfulness
- Tai Chi Fitness Australia
- Tai Chi For All
- Tai Yi Acu-Herbal Clinic
- Tai-Chi Chinese Traditional Massage
- Taichi & Mandarin Solutions
- Taichi Qigong Reiki Centre
- Tak Chan Remedial Massage
- Take A Seat
- Take A Step - Nature Based Therapy
- Take Care Massage
- Take Care Massage Campbelltown
- Takkesh
- Talking Backs Chiropractic @ Brighton
- Talking Hands Massage Therapy
- Talking Thoughts
- Tamara Durant Massage Therapist
- Tamborine Mountain Bodywork
- Tamborine Mountain Chiropractic
- Tamborine Mountain Relaxation Center
- Tamika Dwight-Scott
- Tamika Rose
- Tammie Grant - Wellness Advocate
- Tammy Muraca - Mobile Pellowah
- Tangible Results
- Tania Dionisio
- Tania Flack - Bondi Health & Wellness
- Tania Mattiocco - inBODIFY
- Tania Nance-Smith Yin Yoga
- Tania Serong Holistic Living Counselling
- Tania's Bowen Therapy
- Tannum Natural Therapeaze
- Tannum Thai Massage & Spa
- Tanquil Touch
- Tantra Touch Massage
- Tantric Synergy
- Tanya Bonner Clinical Psychologist
- Tanya Jackson Reflexology Therapist
- Tanya Kane
- Tanya Vlasov
- Tanya's Natural Therapies
- Tao Jin Remedial Massage Therapist
- Tao Kung Fu Academy
- Tao Quantum Healing Services
- Tap Into It
- Tap4Health EFT Practice
- Tara Counselling Group
- Tara Hearne Natural Therapies
- Tara Massage Therapy
- Tara Nelson Thyroid Health Naturally
- Tara Yoga
- Target Fitness
- Tarot Astro Counselling
- Tarot cards and soul goods – Rachel Forsyth
- Tarot Cloud Divine Power
- Tarot In Action
- Tarot Journey
- Tarot Reader: Tarot As Art - Angela Williams
- Tarot Readings with Psychic Sarah - Newtown
- Tarot Wisdom
- Tarot Wisdom
- Tarrin Stewart
- Taryn Scott
- Tasha Mc Nee Naturopath
- Tassell Chiropractic Hobart
- TasWellbeing
- Tatjana Coaching
- Taya Micola
- Taylored Physiotherapy
- Tayo's Harmony
- TDMall (Sydney) Clinic
- Te Koru Natural Therapies
- Teagan's Hair and Beauty
- Team One Fitness
- TeamV Personal Training
- Tebeth Hamon
- Ted Hall Natural Therapies
- Teegan Marie Remedial Massage Therapist
- Tejas Haven
- Teleah Jane McCulloch - Medical Herbalist
- Telluric Touch Therapies
- Temenos Psychotherapy
- TEMENOS Psychotherapy & Counselling
- Temora Massage
- Temple Body & Soul Day Spa
- Temple Clensing Studio
- Temple Flame Bodywork Therapies
- Temple Oasis Beauty & Body
- Temple of Life
- Temples of Light
- Ten of Cups: Life Coaching and Holistic Counselling
- Ten Toes Yoga & Natural Health
- Tender Heart Counselling & Complementary Therapies
- Tensegrity Sports and Chiropractic Clinics
- Tensions-b-gone Massage Therapy
- Terence O'Donohue Gestalt Therapy Brisbane
- Teresa Crisp Naturopath
- Teresa Rechichi
- Tereza Johnson
- Tereza Milne Reconnective Healing Practioner
- Terina Johns
- Terra Firma Health & Fitness
- Terragon Natural Health & Beauty Clinic
- Terrie Beresford
- Terrigal Bodyworks
- Terrigal Chiropractic & Natural Therapies
- Terry Cooke Access Bars Practioner
- Tess Handler
- Tess Martin Coaching
- Test for Dipika
- Texas Natural Therapies
- TFD Services
- Thai Lotus Massage & Day Spa
- Thai Lotus Massage and Day Spa
- Thai Massage
- Thai Remedial Therapist
- Thai Sabai Massage and Foot Spa
- Thai Sabaidee Massage
- Thai Therapeutic Massage
- Thai Traditional Massage
- Thai'm 2 Relax
- ThaiMassageBySuwanna
- Thais Miyadaira
- Thaspa
- That Guy PT
- That Hypno Place
- That Yoga
- That's Bliss Massage & Healing
- The Active Body Project
- The Active Effect
- The Acupuncture Guy
- The Acupuncture Haven
- The Aesthetic Lounge
- The Alchemist's Tree
- The Amethyst Room
- The Apothecarie - Natural Health Solutions
- The Art of Balance - Yoga & Massage
- The Art of Expression
- The Art Of Healing
- The Art of Movement
- The Art of Therapy
- The Astell
- The Athlete Lab Physio Clinic
- The Athlete's Guild
- The Avenue Physiotherapy Centre
- The Awakening Essence
- The Back School - BRISBANE
- The Balance Mentor
- The Balanced Base
- The Balanced Body Centre
- the Balmain Massage and wellness center
- The Barefoot Therapist
- The Beauty Haven
- The Beauty Room Day Spa
- The Beauty Room Forster
- The Beginnings Institute
- The Belief Project
- The Belle Flowers Clinic
- The Bhakti Space
- The Biomedical Naturopath
- The Birth Yurt
- The Birthing Kit
- The Bliss Centre - Daniel Coates
- The Bliss Retreat
- The Blisstitute of Living Aloha
- The Boardwalk Spa
- The Bodhi Path
- The Body Consultants Jandakot
- The Body Doctor - Dr Naras Lapsys
- The Body Hub
- The Body Magician
- The Body Mechanic
- The Body Mind EQ
- The Body Project
- The Body Spot
- The Body Works Bexhill
- The Bodywork Therapist
- The Bowen Connection
- The Brain Trainer
- The Breakfast Coach
- The Breathing Clinic
- The Bush Chemist
- The Butterfly Therapist - Holistic Psychotherapy and Psychedelic Integration
- The CAM Inner Balance Health Clinic
- The Care Klinik
- The Carnarvon Dharma & Meditation Centre
- The Centre - An Alternative Space
- The Centre for Clarity
- The Centre For Transformational Health
- The Centre of Healing
- The Centre of Yoga - Zen Ki Yoga
- The Changing Room Body & Mind
- The Changing Roomz
- The Chief Life
- The Chiropractic Clinic
- The Chiropractic Domain
- The Christian Hypnotherapist
- The Clinic of Natural Health
- The Clinic Osteopathy & Dry Needling
- The Coaching Space
- The Coaching Zone
- The Collective Essence
- The Collective Wellbeing Project - Counselling & Psychotherapy
- The Colour Inn
- The Colourful Catalyst
- The Community Naturopath
- The Confidante Counselling
- The Counselher
- The Counselling, Mediation & Relationship Centre
- The Cr3ative Space
- The Creative Heart
- The Detox Specialist
- The Diabetic Dietitian
- The Emerging Lotus - Holistic Healing
- The Enchantress
- The Energy Healing Space
- The Essential Life of Bryan's - Oils with Carrie-Anne
- The Face and Body Interpreter
- The Family Wellness Centre
- The Feel Good Clinic
- The Feel Good Hood
- The Fertility Suite
- The Fitness Booth
- The Flow of Life
- The Flowing Heart
- The Foot Group
- The Foot Treatment Clinic
- The Footprint Connection
- The Forest Podiatry
- The Fountain Clinic
- The Freedom Room PTY LTD
- The Fresh Foot Centre
- The Gaia House
- The Gentle Dragon Centre for Eastern Medicine
- The Gentle Osteopath
- The Glen Back Care & Sports Therapy
- The Good Life Clinic
- The Green Gingko
- The Green Medic
- The Habitat Space
- The Habits and Cravings Lab
- The Hall of FITNESS
- The Hands of Essence Massage
- The Happiness Within
- The Happy Chakra
- The Happy Colon Clinic
- The Harmony School of Yoga
- The Healing Batch
- The Healing Butterfly Touch
- The Healing Cube
- The Healing Heart
- The Healing Lotus
- The Healing Point
- The Healing Project
- The Healing Self
- The Healing Space Cygnet
- The Healing Touch Wellbeing Centre
- The Health and Wellbeing Studio
- The Health Creation Centre
- The Health Exchange
- The Health Formula
- The Health Well
- The Healthy Hypnotherapist
- The Healthy Joint Chiropractic
- The Heart Garden
- The Heart Matters Life Coaching
- The Heart Of The Matter Wellness Centre
- The Heartland Centre
- The Hearts Soul Healing Centre
- The Herb Factory and Perth Herbs
- The Herbal Body
- The Hills Health Clinic
- The Hills Natural Health Consultancy
- The Holistic Apothecary
- The Holistic Chemist
- The Holistic Health & Wellness Centre
- The Holistic Massage House
- The Holland Centre
- The Holland Clinic
- The House of Natural Health
- The Hypno Clinic
- The HypnoBirthing Collective
- The HypnoBirthing Mum
- The I Am Wellness Centre
- The Inner Sage Australia
- The Insitute of Light and Love
- The Inspiration Factory
- The Institute of Applied Psychology
- The Integrative Hub
- The Isis Centre for Fertility and Wellbeing
- The Joint...Chiropractically
- The Joy of Healing
- The Kindness Studio
- The Kindred Birth Support
- The Lavender Clinic
- The Lean Body Coach
- The LifePod
- The Lifestyle Program
- The Lightness Of Being You
- The Lindsay Centre
- The Little House of Detox
- The Living Crystal
- The Loft Studio
- The Lotus Healing Centre
- The Lotus Room
- The Love Approach Project
- The Luminous Path
- The Lymph Place
- The Lyttle Difference
- The Manifesto
- The Massage Clinic
- The Massage Connexion
- The Massage Salon Cobram
- The Medical Healer International
- The Medicine Man
- The Meditation Space
- The Men Spirit
- The Men's Grooming Salon
- The Mind Body Naturopath
- The Mind Room - Dr Jo Mitchell
- The Mind Transition Clinic
- The Mindfulness Link
- The Miracle Frequencies
- The Mobile Massage Therapist
- The Movement Refinery
- The Moving Mind
- The Muscle Clinic
- The Muscle Man
- The Muscle Professionals
- The Natural Health Option
- The Natural Medicine Centre
- The Natural Patch
- The Natural Path Collective
- The Nesting Place
- The New Leaf Coaching and Kinesiology
- The NLP Associates
- The Nomad Trainer
- The Nourish clinic
- The Nourishing Point
- The Nutrition Farmacy
- The O'Room Tantra Wellness Studio
- The Oil Faerie
- The Olivers' Massage
- The Organic Therapist Heavenly Rituals
- The Oriental Health Massage Therapy
- The Oriented Mind
- The Osteopathic Clinic
- The Osteopaths of Heidelberg
- The Palm Remedial Massage Clinic
- The Path of Arete
- The Peace Practice
- The Pensieve Place
- The Perfect Health Centre
- The Perry Centre
- The Perth Bowen Clinic
- The Pet Practitioner
- The Physio Centre
- The Physio Movement
- The Physiotherapy Studio
- The Pilates Lounge
- The Pilates Room
- The Pilates Workshop
- The Pillar Code
- The Podiatry Room
- The Potential Factor
- The Professor Massage Clinic
- The Purple Chair - Hypnotherapy
- The Raindrop Technique
- The Raw Food Girl
- The Recalibrate Hub
- The Recalibration
- The Red Door Centre
- The Redwood Practice
- The Reflexology Tree
- The Reiki Garden
- The Reiki Place, Boronia
- The Reiki Studio
- The Rejuvenation Centre
- The Relaxation Room
- The Relief Clinic
- The Rising Mum
- The Road Ahead Counselling Service
- The Sacred Feminine
- The Sacred Soul
- The Salt Room Perth
- The Salt Therapy Centre
- The Sanctuary Group
- The Secret Healer - Flowers & Energy
- The Secret Keeper
- The Secret To Freedom
- The Sherbrooke Yoga Centre
- The Silva Method Australia
- The Silver Dove
- The Skin Salon Medispa
- The Smart Centre Musculo - Skeletal Therapy
- The Soap Hut
- The Sophia Wisdom Centre
- The Soul Space
- The Soul-Full Mind
- The Soulful Self
- The Soulful Vagabond
- The Soulmate Connection
- The Sovereignty Christian Counselling Practice
- The Spa Palm Cove
- The Spark Personal Training
- The Spine and Injury Clinic
- The Spine Centre
- The Spiritual Studio - A Transference Healing Room®
- The Stella Energy
- The Stillpoint
- The Stress Less Coach
- The SWell Centre
- The Tai Chi Club
- The Tapping Room
- The Template Australia
- The Templestowe Family Chiro
- The Thinking Body
- The Tonic Tree Multidisciplinary Clinic
- The Tower Clinic
- The Tranquil Lotus
- The Transpired
- The Treatment Room
- The True Sense Company
- The Ultimate Body Massage Clinic
- The Ultimate Indulgence
- The Unite Space
- The Vale Studio
- The Village Herbalist
- The Vital Wellness
- The Vitality Hypnosis Clinic Perth
- The Voice of Golden Light
- The Walking Clinic
- The Watershed Group
- The Way To Health
- The Wellbeing Cottage
- The Wellness Barn
- The Wellness Circle
- The Wellness Gall
- The Wellness Hub Gold Coast
- The Wellness Sanctuary
- The Wellness Works
- The Wellnest Acupuncture Clinic
- The Weston Acupuncture & Naturopathic Clinic
- The Whole Body
- The Whole Path Wellness Center Tim Hulbert
- The Wholefoods Nutritionist
- The Wholesome Body
- The Wild Fox Acupuncture Clinic
- The Willowaye
- The Wings Of Angels
- The Wise Hippo Sydney
- The Wishing Well of Healing
- The Wonders Within
- The Work Well Health Centre
- The Yellow Church Yoga & Natural Health Centre
- The Yoga Institute
- The Yoga Nook
- The Yoga Practice
- The Yoga School, Bondi Junction
- The Yoni Temple
- Thea's Reflexology
- Therapeia Australis
- Therapeia Healing Centre
- Therapeutic Axis - Centre for Wellbeing
- Therapeutic Cellular Journey
- Therapeutic Choice
- Therapeutic Colonics - West End
- Therapeutic Massage - Relax & Rejuvenate
- Therapeutic Yoga & Meditation | BeginNowYoga
- Therapies for Transformation
- Therapy
- Therapy 4 Kids
- Therapy Central
- Therapy Duo
- Therapy Masters
- Therapy Zone
- Therapywell
- Theresa Perry Wellbeing
- Theresa Voigt
- TheSkinNaturopath
- Theta Counselling
- Theta Devas - Australia's 1st ThetaHealing Masters
- Theta Freedom
- Theta Healing with Helen
- Theta Healing Your Power
- Theta State of Mind
- Thian Hom Thai Massage
- Thind Homoeopathic & Acupressure Health Clinic
- Thind’s Homeopathy Clinic Sydney
- Think Face
- Think Hypnotic Solutions
- Think Physiotherapy
- Think Yourself... Successful
- Thinking Therapy
- Third Stone Botanicals Holistic Health Care
- Thirroul Holistic Medical Centre
- Thomas Gately
- Thomas Manderfeld Naturopathic Clinic
- Thommo's Sports / Remedial Massage Clinic Personal Training & Boxing Sessions
- THORSPEL professional international medium/psychic/healer
- Thoughtful Movement
- Three Crows Heart & Design
- Thresholds Art Therapy
- Thrive Counselling and Consultancy
- Thrive for Life Chiropractic
- Thrive Hypnotherapy
- Thrive Naturally
- Thrive Together
- Thrive Vitality
- Thriving Possibilities
- Through the Rainbow
- Thyme For Health
- Thyme for Natural Medicine
- Tia Naturopathy
- Tia Yoong
- Tiana Simmone Makeup Artistry
- Tibetan House
- Tibetan Traditional Massage - Ku Nye
- Ticket to the Future
- Tide Counselling
- Tiffany Sharp ND - Epiphany HEALTH
- Tiger Eye Wellbeing
- Tilegne Therapy
- Tim Donehue - Emmette Therapist
- Tim Levins Personal Training
- Time and Space Studio
- Time For Healing
- Time Massage
- Times of Reflection
- Timmy Chu APD
- Timo Topp
- Tina Mantineo
- Tina Szerszyn Personal Training
- tinalarocca
- Tineke Edwards
- Tiny Touch Baby Massage
- TJ's Massage Therapy
- TK Thai Massage Therapy
- TLC Natural Health
- TLCMassageCanberra
- To Di for Personal Training and Massage
- To Seek Serenity
- To The Point Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
- To The Point Therapies
- Todays Journey
- Togetherness Healing
- Tom Clarke Remedial Massage Therapist
- Tom Cronin Meditation
- Tom Jones Massage Therapies
- Tom Parris
- Tommy Kende Reiki
- Tomoko Kaizuka Massage
- Toni Bates Acupuncture & Naturopathy
- Toni Green - Natural Health Solutions - Herbal Medicine - Iridology - Natural Fertility - Nutrition
- Toni Knight
- Toni's Healing Room
- Tonia Stangherlin - Astrology
- Tonikk Essential Wellness
- Tony Ahearne Peninsula Hypnotherapy Centre
- Tony Marshall Clinical Hypnotherapist & Counsellor
- Tony Milkins - Prevent And Treat Illness
- Toothkind
- Toowong Nutrition and Health Care
- Toowoomba Chinese Acupuncture & Herbal Medicine Clinic
- Top Focus Physiotherapy
- Top Form Health Coach and Fitness
- Top Massage
- top2toe osteopathy
- Tori Bowes Naturopath
- Total Balance - Osteopathy and Natural Therapies
- Total Balance Health and Fitness
- Total Bliss Health & Beauty
- Total Body Bliss
- Total Body Contouring
- Total Body Spa
- Total Energetic Healing
- Total Fitness
- Total Foot Solutions
- Total Harmony 4 You
- Total Health 'From Inside Out' Pty Ltd
- Total Health Brookvale
- Total Health Central Coast
- Total Health Longevity Centre
- Total Health Options
- Total Image
- Total Lifestyle Chiropractic
- Total Massage Care
- Total Naturopathic Health
- Total Relax Massage
- Total Serenity Therapy
- Total Vitality
- Total Vitality Natural Health Care
- Total Woman Beauty, Slimming & Fitness
- Total Yoga For You
- Total-Balance
- Totally Active Healing Centre
- Totally Alive
- ToThePoint Massage
- Touch Body Mind
- Touch For Healing
- Touch Massage Therapy
- Touch of Bowen
- Touch therapy Bellingen
- Touch Therapy Gold Coast
- Touch Therapy Jupiters Hotel & Casino
- Touch Therapy Remedial Massage
- Tove Crosswell Massage Therapy
- Towers Counselling
- Tracey - Your Inner Light
- Tracey Booth Counselling
- Tracey Cremen Remedial Massage
- TRACEY EPPEL APD Consultant Dietitian
- Tracey Hatchard
- Tracey Le Roux Massage
- Tracey Lee Morley
- Tracey Stewart
- Tracey Tinker
- Tracy Boldery
- Tracy Dundon - Registered Acupuncturist Newcastle
- Tracy Farley Motivational Hypnotist
- Tracy Lee Voices from Heaven
- Tracy Young - Our Spiritual Space
- Trademark Therapy
- Traditional Chinese Healing Clinic
- Traditional Chinese Medicine
- Traditional Choice
- Traditional Reiki Healing
- Traditional Thai Massage Brighton
- Train Nourish Gain
- Train with Steph
- Training Performance Sport & Remedial Massage
- TranceAnd Hypnotherapy and Complementary Therapies
- Tranquil Deep Wellbeing / kinesiology + massage + reiki healing
- Tranquil Heart Massage and Healing Space
- Tranquil Hypnosis
- Tranquil Life
- Tranquil Meditation
- Tranquil Moon
- Tranquil Toes
- Tranquility Through Bowen
- Tranquility Wellness Clinic
- Tranquillity Counselling
- Tranquilsenses Therapeutic Massage
- Transcend Nutrition
- Transcendental Life Designs
- Transcendental Meditation
- Transcendental Meditation Adelaide South
- Transform Fitness
- Transform Healing Space
- Transformare
- Transformation Coach using Energy & Sound Medicine
- Transformation from within
- Transformational Coaching and Counselling
- Transformational Energy Coaching
- Transformational Healing and Coaching
- Transformational Hypnotherapy with Lily Agarwal
- Transformational Medicine Australia
- Transformational Mind Therapy
- Transformational Pathways
- Transformational Pathways Australia
- Transformations Coaching & Hypnotherapy
- Transformative Art Therapy & Breakthrough Coaching
- Transforming Health
- Transforming Life Fitness
- TransformUs Health & Wellness
- Transition Personal Training
- Transmission Meditation
- Transpired Mind - Wellness Clinic
- Treat Your Feet Reflexology
- Tree Love Yoga
- Tree of Life - Nurturing Birth and Beyond
- Tree of Life Naturopathy
- Tree of Life Osteopathy
- Treeality Health & Wellbeing
- Treena Williams Massage and Beauty
- Treeny Cribb Psychotherapy & Counselling
- Treetops Therapy Centre
- Tremayne Porter Podiatry
- Trent K Hill
- Tresize Chiropractic Centre
- Trevor Wills
- Trevors Mobile Bowen Therapy
- Trichology Technology Hair & Scalp Specialist
- Trichome Hair Loss Clinic
- Trigger Point Clinic
- Trim'n'Tone Body Toning Studio
- Trimester Cushion Company
- Trina Bailey Healing
- Trinacria Health Therapy
- Trinity Healing
- Trinity Healing Centre
- Trinity Point Wellbeing Clinic
- Trinity-Yoga Pilates Massage
- Tris Alexandra Nutrition
- Trish Emmerick Remedial Therapies
- Trish Humphries - Naturopath
- Trish Power Massage Therapy
- TrishBowen Therapist and Emmett Technique
- Tristen Pritchard Hypnotherapist
- Tropical Day Spa
- Troy Clarke Massage
- Tru Fit Wellness Studio
- Trudy Pakiam - Acupuncture, Naturopathy
- True Action Massage
- True Balance Massage & Myotherapy
- True Nature Therapies
- True Potential Chiropractic
- True to Heart
- True Vantage
- True Vitality
- True You Counselling & Psychotherapy
- Tsai Chung-Li
- TSL Counselling Services
- Tuggerah Massage Therapy
- Tula Ananda - Ayurveda, Belief Work and Energy Healing
- Tully Bowen Therapy
- Tune Up Health and Fitness
- Turn UP Your Zen - Therapy & Life Coaching
- Turnaround Support Pty Ltd
- Tweaks - Stronger Faster Healthier
- Tweed Heads Holistic Health
- Twin Flame Love Readings
- Twintowns Thai Remedial Massage
- Two Bays Myotherapy
- Two Birds Yoga
- Tx For Health
- Tyson Reiki