List of Natural Health Practitioners
~ C ~
- C. Francie for Art Therapy
- Caduceus Homoeopathy
- Cairns Acupuncture
- Cairns Cranio Clinic
- Cairns Harmony & Healing Massage Clinic
- Cairns Massage Champions
- Cairns Naturopathic Clinic
- Cairns Sports & Remedial Massage
- Cal Savage Natural Therapies
- Calm Blue Therapy
- Calm Change Hypnotherapy
- Calm Creations Hypnobirthing
- Calm Hearts Kinesiology
- Calm Nourish Thrive
- CALM Yoga and Exercise
- Calma Spa & Skin Clinic
- Calma Therapy Samford
- Calmbirth Seed
- Calmbirth with Sandy
- Calming Nature Therapies
- Calming Space Massage / Relaxation, Deep Tissue
- Calmly
- Caloundra Naturopathic and Bowen
- Calvary Holistic Healing Centre
- Camberwell Counselling
- Camberwell Hypnosis
- Camberwell Wellbeing Centre
- Cambridge Health
- Camden Haven Remedial Massage
- Camden Podiatry Services
- Cameron Bishop Remedial Massage
- Cameron Stirling
- Cameron Wilson Counselling and Life Coaching
- Cammeray Massage
- Camp Hill Acupuncture & Natural Therapies
- Campbelltown Counselling
- Campbelltown Pilates and Massage Studio
- Campbelltown Yoga
- Camperdown And Newtown Podiatry And Sports Podiatry
- Campsie Face & Body Therapy
- Canaan Sports & Spinal Physiotherapy Clinic
- Canada Bay Chiropractic
- Canberra Body Harmony School
- Canberra Bowenwork
- Canberra Equipoise Bowen Therapy & Yoga
- Canberra Herbal Therapies
- Canberra Holistic Health
- Canberra Kahuna Massage & Reiki
- Canberra Kinesiology
- Canberra Medical Ecology Centre
- Canberra Remedial Massage (Ainslie, ACT)
- Canberra Spine Centre
- Cancer Second Opinion
- Canine Holistic Touch
- Canning Vale Podiatry Clinic
- Capalaba Natural Health
- Capaldi Physiotherapy
- CapeWellbeing
- Capital Bowen Therapy
- Capital Health Centre of Traditional Chinese Medicine
- Capital Sports Massage
- Capricorn Physical Health
- Capricornia Studio
- Capture Your Essence
- Cara McInerney Naturopath
- Cara Newman
- Cardinal Exercise
- Career & Life Design
- Career Counselling
- Carey Fern Lee Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture
- Cari's Coaching and Counselling
- Carine Glades Chiropractic
- Caring Counselling
- Caring Energetic Healing
- Caring for Change
- Caring With
- Caringbah Chiropractic Centre
- Caringbah Osteopathic Centre
- Caris Walsh Accredited Practising Dietitian (APD)
- Carita Wong
- Carla Medcalf Remedial Massage Therapist
- Carlie Holborow Naturopath
- Carlo Taranto Massage Therapist and Reiki Practitioner
- Carlton Clinical Psychology
- Carlton Natural Health
- Carly Astill
- Carly Elverd Naturopath
- CARM Therapies
- Carmel Vowles
- Carmen Beard - Mobile Nutrition
- Carmen Bulmer Doula
- Carmen Li - APD
- Carmen Martin Herbalist
- Carmen Richards Naturopath
- Carmit Netanel, Accredited Practising Dietitian
- Caro Hypnotherapy
- Caro White Counselling
- Carol Alexander
- Carol Anne Sensuality & Embodiment Coaching
- Carol Giles Natural Therapies
- Carol Hood Healing
- Carol King Therapies
- Carol Stallan Healing & Colonics
- Carol's Massage Therapy
- Carolane Kinesiology
- Carole Emmett
- Carole's Psychic Tarot Readings
- Caroline Calnan Remedial Massage
- Caroline Connor
- Caroline Crosbie Consulting
- Caroline Dowling Psychologist
- Caroline McKenna
- Caroline Rawson Reiki Practitioner/ Spiritual Healer
- Caroline Robertson
- Caroline Springs Chinese Medicine Clinic
- Carolyn Boniface
- Carolyn Gill Kinesiology
- Carolyn Hartevelt Psychologist
- Carolyn Karski - Emmett and Bowen Therapist
- Carolyn Lerch Counselling
- Carolyn Lowe Naturopathy and Herbal Medicine
- Carolyn Lynn - Allay Therapies
- Carolyn Musgrave Healing & Coaching
- Carolyn Richards ND - Subtle Body Balance
- Carolyn White Naturopathy
- Carolyn's Coaching
- Carolynn Bellantonio
- Carpe Diem Mobile Remedial Massage
- Casacircle
- Casey Allied Health
- Cass Curran Coaching and Counselling
- Cass Hegarty Personal Training
- Cassandra Cagney Remedial Massage Therapist
- Cassandra Hilton Health and Wellness
- Cassandra Leisemann Naturopath
- Cassandra Salmond :: Naturopath, Nutritionist, Massage Therapist, Kinesiologist, & Biomesotherapist
- Cassandra Walsh Massage & Counselling Service
- Cassandrahepburn
- Cassia Wellness Clinic
- Cassie G PT
- Cassie Ryrie Massage Therapist
- Castle Glen Physiotherapy
- Castle Hill Chinese Herbs & Acupuncture
- Castlecrag Chiropractic
- CastorPolllux
- Cat Woods Personal Trainer
- Catalyst Health & Wellbeing
- Catalyst Myotherapy
- Cate Brown Reflexology
- Cate Rooney Pets Therapy
- Cath Flannery Remedial Muscle Therapist
- Cath Manning Energy Healer & Holistic Counsellor
- Catharsis Therapeutic Massage
- Catherine Allegade Massage Therapies
- Catherine Bulters Remedial Massage
- Catherine Bunton
- Catherine Dore Perinatal and Infant Massage
- Catherine Hamber
- Catherine Hewitt Reiki & Laughter Yoga
- Catherine Kato, Eltham Acupuncture
- Catherine Kubiak Remedial Massage
- Catherine Lanigan Homeopath
- Catherine McIver - Reflexologist, Massage Therapist & Reiki Master
- Catherine Robertson - Reiki Practitioner
- Catherine Rodwell
- Catherine Taylor
- Catherine Vaubell
- Catheryn Whyte Shiatsu Therapist
- Cathie's Remedial Therapies
- Catriona McLean
- Caulfield Natural Health Clinic
- Cause and Effect Equine, Canine Muscle Therapy
- Cavalari Hypnosis & Acupuncture
- CB Wellness Therapy
- CBD Massage - Amy Mathiesen
- CBD Wellness
- CC Counselling & Coaching
- Ceci Chang Massage Therapist
- Cecilia Barberis Massage Therapy & Doula Support
- Celestial Aromatics
- Celestial Essence by Jess
- Celestial Psychic Readings
- Celestial Therapies
- Cell Vitality
- Celtic Healing
- Cend Oriental Clinic
- Centenary Natural Therapies Clinic
- Central Brunswick Physiotherapy Clinic
- Central City Chiropractors
- Central City Physiotherapy
- Central Coast Counselling & Therapy
- Central Coast Hypnosis
- Central Coast Massage & Naturopath Clinic
- Central Coast Natural Therapies Clinic
- Central Coast TCM
- Central Garden Clinic
- Central Osteopathy
- Central Victorian Rehabilitation Services
- Centre 4 Health
- Centre 4 Inspiration
- Centre for Brain Training
- Centre for Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture
- Centre for Play Therapy
- Centre For Work Life Balance - Dr Jessica Hartup Osteopath
- Centre Of Health Ivanhoe
- Centre Road Chinese Medical Centre
- Centre Wellbeing
- Centrepoint Acupuncture Clinic
- Ceremonial Art Healing Centre
- Cessnock Chiropractic
- Chakra Harmony -Usui/Tibetan Master Reiki Practitioner
- Chakra Healing
- Chalisa Morrison Strategies for Life, Love & Business
- Challenge Coaching
- Challenge Life International - Counselling
- Chamomile
- Chandana Ayurveda
- Chang Qing Ye
- Change Happens Counselling and Consultancy
- Change of Course
- Change quickly and easily
- Change Time
- Change Your Mind
- Change your MIND
- Change your mind and keep it
- Change Your Mind Change Your Life
- Changes In Between
- Changez
- Changing Perspectives
- Channel Therapies
- Channeling Angels and Angelic Reiki
- Chantel Ahearn Counselling
- Character Care
- Charis Brown
- Charleyoga
- Charlie Hunter Coaching
- Charlotte Inwood Naturopathics
- Charlotte's Living Harmony
- Charmaine Carney - Psychotherapist Bondi Junction
- Charmaine Dove Kinesiology
- Charmaine Holmes
- Charmaine Iversen
- Charmaine Knox
- Charu Ayurvedic Wellness Centre
- Chat Thai Massage
- Chateau 25 Skin Gym
- Chatswood Golden Massage
- Chatswood Holistic Medical Centre
- Chatswood Physiotherapy Centre
- Chelsea Body Care
- Chelsea Leigh Haworth
- Cheltenham Osteopathic Clinic
- Cherel Sue Waters
- Cherie Richey-Lowe Hypnotherapist
- Cherish Health
- Cherished Parenting Services
- Cherry Creek Health
- Cherrysh Massage Therapy
- Chery Austen
- Cheryl Campbell Counselling
- Cheryl Floyd/Shilamurti
- Chez Marjolaine Health and Beauty
- Chi 2 Transform - Tai Chi Qi Gong
- Chi Balance Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine
- Chi Body Spirit
- CHI Connection Healing Insight
- Chi Essentials Massage
- Chi Flow Clinic East/West
- Chi Harmony - Northern Beaches Acupuncture & Laser BioTherapy Centre
- Chi Link Massage and Acupuncture Centre
- Chi Spirit - for your body, mind and spirit
- Chiangrai Nuad Thai
- Child's Play Healing
- Children's Health Team
- Chill Technology
- Chimes of Light
- China Dragon Medical
- Chinawest Clinic Fremantle
- Chinese acupuncture herbal and massage clinic
- Chinese Herbal Clinic
- Chinese Injury Therapy (Dit Dar Jow)
- Chinese Massage Shop
- Chinese Medicine / Remedial Massage - Health and Wellness Foundation
- Chinese Medicine & Wellbeing Centre
- Chinese Medicine Centre
- Chinese Medicine Sports Injury Clinic
- Chinese Medicine Studio
- Chinese Natural Health Clinic
- Chinese Point Massage
- Chinese Therapeutic Massage & Acupuncture
- Chinese Therapy
- Chiro on the Run
- Chiroease
- Chirolates
- Chiropaedic
- Chiropractic First
- Chiropractic Health Plus
- Chiropractic Life
- Chiropractic Moves
- Chiropractor Port & South Melbourne 03 9646 8600
- Chirosports Northern Beaches
- Chloe Ariell Soul Sessions
- Chloe Gin Hypnotherapy & Coaching
- Chloe Potter Yoga
- Chloe Sacks Dietetics
- Choice Chiropractic
- Choose Confidence
- Choose Nutrition
- Choose to Heal
- Choosing You
- Chris Brazel Transformation Guru
- Chris Chicoteau Life Counselling
- Chris French Personal Trainer
- Chris Frost Remedial Therapy
- Chris J Webb
- Chris McCure - Massage Therapist
- Chris Murphy
- Chris's Healing Handz Massage Therapy
- Chrissy's Caring Hands
- Christella Jayawadena
- Christian Binder
- Christian O'Grady
- Christie Britton
- Christie Moran Transcend Limitations
- Christina Borgefjord Reflexologist
- Christina Burki
- Christina Cluer - Yoga Teacher
- Christina Ettore
- Christina Hicks
- Christina Leach Chiropractor
- Christina Spaccavento Counsellor
- Christina Tester Art Therapy
- Christine Ammann
- Christine Aubrey
- Christine Bird Adv. Bowen Therapist
- Christine Brett Vickers Counselling and Psychotherapy
- Christine Cook Sound Vibration Therapy
- Christine Domino (Myotherapy)
- Christine Fahey Bowen Therapy
- Christine Faris
- Christine Forsey • Soul Centred Psychotherapist & Counsellor
- Christine Grzona Flower Essences
- Christine Hart
- Christine Henriksen’s Lifestyleresults
- Christine Katralis
- Christine Lee - Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine
- Christine Lindner Hypnotherapy
- Christine Ludke
- Christine Maudy - Living Inspired
- Christine Parker Counselling, Numerology, Healing
- Christine Pfeiffer Acupuncturist
- Christine Ryan
- Christine Stewart
- Christine Wearne
- Christine's Bowen Service
- Christine's Crystals & Angels
- Christopher Balogh Life Transformation Coaching
- Christopher Dimond Massage Therapist
- Christopher Dodd Hills Physiotherapy
- Christopher Mills : Acupuncture, Chinese Medicine & Laser Therapy
- Christopher Neill ND
- Christopher Nesbitt Acupuncture
- Chronic Pain Acupuncture Clinic
- Chubby Heart Connection
- Chung's Acupuncture
- Chunying Liu Remedial Massage Therapist
- Cindy Morris Naturopath
- Cindy Stanton Personal Training
- Cindy's Myotherapy
- Cine Holland
- Circa Naturopathy
- Circle of Friends Healing Centre
- Circuitry
- CIT Counselling
- City Bowen & Natural Therapies
- City Cave Mona Vale
- City Cave Stones Corner
- City Chiropractic Clinic
- City Physiotherapy & Sports Injury Clinic Adelaide
- City Sauna Spa & Massage
- City Walk Traditional Thai Massage
- City2Coast Counselling
- Claire arnes- Myotherapy
- Claire Belton
- Claire Georgiou Naturopath
- Claire's Sports Therapy & Conditioning
- Clairvoyance - Spiritual Healing - Psychic Tarot
- Clairvoyance by Tina
- Clairvoyant Darrel
- Clara Bitcon Naturopath & Herbalist
- Clare Carney
- Clare Deale Homeopathy
- Clare Evans Holistic Counselling
- Clare Stride Homeopath & Wellness Coach
- Clarence Natural Therapies
- Claridge Naturopathics
- Clarity by Mehtap
- Clarity CWW Counselling
- Clarity Family Therapy
- Clarity Hypnosis
- Clarity Massage & Wellbeing
- Clarity Psychology Holistic Therapy
- Classical Acupuncture Sydney
- Classical Pilatestudios
- Claudette Wadsworth - Specialist Naturopath & Nutritionist
- Claudia Devora Counsellor
- Claudia Veith-Skinner
- Claudia Warner Naturopathy
- Claudine Grace
- Clayton Chiropractic
- Clazzzic Massage
- Cleanse Colon Hydro Therapy
- CleanseClinic - Nutrition & Colon Hydrotherapy
- Cleansing Skin & Soul
- Clear and Calm Healing
- Clear Day Consulting Sydney CBD
- Clear Hypnotherapy
- Clear Mind Clinic
- Clifton Hill Chiropractic
- Clinic 151 - Debra Elton - Massage
- Clinic 21 Naturopathy
- Clinic 27
- Clinic at LaTrobe
- Clinic Of Ancient Traditional Chinese Medicine
- Clinical Hypnotherapist
- Clinical Hypnotherapy and Counselling
- Clinical Hypnotherapy in Melbourne
- Clinical Hypnotherapy Vanessa Benson
- Clinical Hypnotist -RoseLyn
- Clinical Massage Therapy
- Clinical Psychological Services
- Clinical Tai Chi for Wellness
- Clint Smith
- Clint Smith Massage Therapist
- Clive's Quality Training
- Closed
- Closed
- CLOSED FOR NOW : KaHuna & Lomi Lomi Massage
- Cloud 9 Boutique Fitness Studio
- Club Rhythm | Best Pilates & Barre in Adelaide
- Clunes Massage and Healing Treatments
- Clynic Enhancing Natural Beauty
- CMB Naturopathy
- Co-Creation Theta Healing
- Coach Keith Brady
- Coach Turner Transformative Life Coaching
- Coachable
- Coaching For New Opportunities
- Coast Chiropractic
- Coast Chiropractic Caloundra
- Coast Chiropractic Kawana
- Coast Yoga Centre
- Coastal Balance Physiotherapy & Clinical Pilates
- Coastal Community Acupuncture
- Coastal Float Health & Wellness Pty Ltd
- Coastal Kinesiology
- Coastal Muscle Therapies
- Coastal Natural Energy Therapies
- Coastal Natural Health
- Coastal Read
- Coastal Yoga & Kitchen Medicine Apollo Bay
- Cobram Chiropractic
- Coco Calm
- Cocoon Spa & Wellness
- Coffs Coast Mobile Massage
- Coffs Coast Osteopathy
- Cognitive Hypnotherapy
- Cognitive Therapy - Biblical Divine Healing Ministry
- Cogntive Principle Matrix
- Coherence Personal Counselling
- Cohesion Therapies
- Cohuna Massage Therapy
- Cole Laser & Whole Body Therapy
- Colette Oram - Kinesiology and Yoga
- Collaborative Counsellor
- Collaroy Colonics
- Collective Health Institute
- Colleen Allman Homeopathy
- Colleen For Pranic Healing
- Colleen's Herbals
- Colon Care Clinic
- Colon Irrigation Melbourne
- Colonic Care with Cindy Cerecer
- Colonics Darwin
- Colour and Touch with Rozália
- Colourcare EPTC
- Colours Hair Beauty & Body
- Combined Massage Therapy
- Combined Therapies
- Commonhealth Massage / Hypnotherapy
- Community Therapy
- Como Health & Fitness Centre
- Compass Counselling & Psychotherapy
- Compass Holistic Health and Wellbeing
- Compassionate Hearts Centre
- Compassionate Therapy & Training Centre
- Complementary and Traditional Chinese Medicine
- Complementary Medicine Centre of Ferntree Gully
- Complete Being Kinesiology
- Complete Body Balance
- Complete Care Health
- Complete care heath
- Complete Chiropractic
- Complete Chiropractic Caringbah
- Complete City Health
- Complete Counselling
- Complete Feng Shui
- Complete Health Chiropractic
- Complete Health Management
- Complete Holistic Health Fiona Steed
- Complete Integration
- Complete Nutrition Clinic
- Complete Therapies Centre
- Completely Me
- Compliment Your Wellbeing
- CompMed Health Institute
- Compounding Chemist & Wellness Centre
- Comprehensive Psychological Assessment Centre: Edgecliff
- Conception Health - Yoga, Naturopath, Doula
- Concepts for Growth
- Concern-Cottage
- Concise Kinesiology
- Concord Foot Clinic
- Confidence Chinese Medicine Centre
- connect chiropractic
- Connect Chiropractic
- Connect Health + Movement
- Connect Hypnosis
- Connect the Dots Art therapy
- Connect To Health - Toowoomba Osteopathy
- Connect U Yoga
- Connected Hypnobirthing
- Connected Journey Doula & Counselling
- Connecting the Dots- Child & Adolescent Psychologist
- Connection Counselling Australia
- Connection PNT: Psychology and Nutrition Therapy
- ConnectionsHealth
- Connective Health
- Connective Myotherapy
- Connexion Therapies
- Connie Lacey Myotherapist
- Connie Morgan Counselling for Wellbeing
- Connie Page Herbalist Kinesiologist
- Connie Robinson Yoga
- Connie s Healing Hands
- Connolly Maureen
- Conny Van Balen
- Conny Wehland
- Conscious Connections
- Conscious Dying Services
- Conscious Hands Remedial Massage
- Conscious Healing Matters
- Conscious Life Development Foundation
- Conscious Life Yoga
- Conscious Living Australia
- Conscious Love And Relationships
- Conscious Touch
- Conscious Wellness with Bianca
- Consciously By Hannah
- Consulting ME Kinesiology
- Contact Dr Goodman for Moore financial support for homoeopathy consultations
- Contradicting Convention Counselling
- Conversational Hypnosis Academy
- Conversations in Counselling
- Coogee Osteopathy
- Coogee Remedial Therapies
- Coolangatta Chiropractic
- Coole Balance
- Cooloola Better Health Centre
- Cooloola Fitness Centre
- Coolum Bowen & Massage
- Coolum Integrated Therapies
- Coolum Naturopathic
- Coolum Remedial Therapies
- Coolum Thai Massage
- Cooper Fitness Personal Training
- Cooroy Lakeridge Health, Skin & Beauty
- Coorparoo Integrated Healthcare Centre
- Coorparoo Massage Therapy
- Coral Majoor
- Core 101
- Core Changes
- Core Development
- Core Fusion Pilates & Physiotherapy
- CORE gymball classes
- Core Health Coaching
- Core Health Group
- Core Holistic
- Core Life Yoga
- Core Physiotherapy
- CORE Principles
- Core Strength Health & Wellness
- Core Values Massage & Coaching
- Core Values Personal Training & Massage Therapy
- Core Wisdom
- Core Women's Physiotherapy
- Core-Connections
- Corenergy
- Corey's Massage Therapy
- Corinda Chiropractic Clinic
- Corinne Day
- Corinne Nijjer Hypnotherapy
- Cornelia Pulvermacher
- Corner Chiropractic and Acupuncture
- Cornerstone Chiropractic Centre
- Coroneos Chiropractor
- Corporate Bodies
- Corporate Hands
- Correct Personal Training and Corrective exercise
- Corrective Massage Therapy
- Corrimal Thai Massage
- Corrinne Williams Personal Fitness Trainer
- Cosmetic Acupuncture , Acupuncture & Physiotherapy
- Cosmic Attunement with Bood Hickson
- Cosmic Connection Embracing Mind Body & Spirit Wholeness
- Cosmic Harmony
- Cosmic Vibrations
- Cotham Road Osteopathy
- Cottesloe Naturopathic Clinic
- Cotton Tree Massage
- Counselling - Aaron's Mobile Counselling, Perth WA
- Counselling @ Voxen
- Counselling & Art Therapy with Danlie
- Counselling & Coaching for Separated Parents
- Counselling & Guidance Services
- Counselling & Psychology Service
- Counselling 2U
- Counselling and Life Coaching
- Counselling and Psychotherapy
- Counselling and Therapy Services by Luciano Sbisa
- Counselling Confidence and Chakra Spinach
- Counselling Connections
- Counselling Conversations
- Counselling Of The Deep
- Counselling On Collins
- Counselling Resolutions
- Counselling Service for You
- Counselling with Carol
- Counselling with Clarity
- Counselling With Coaching
- Counselling with Kate
- Counselling.Life
- Counselling4Kids Dr Olweny
- Country Karma
- Courtenay duBois
- Courtney's Healing Hands
- Cover Girlz
- CQ Centre for Change
- Cracknell Chiropractic
- Crafting Possibilities
- Craig Whelan Massage
- Craig's Body Mechanix
- Cranbourne Physiotherapy
- Cranio Flow
- Cranio Solutions
- Craniosacral Shiatsu Therapy
- Craniosacral Therapy Brighton
- Craniosacral Therapy Brisbane
- Craniosacral Therapy Sharlene Broughton
- Crazy to Calm Life
- Create Peace in Your World
- Creating Change Dietitian
- Creating Differently - Counselling & Life Coaching
- Creating Health Naturally
- Creating Oneness - Tania Purgar
- Creating Pathways
- Creating Rainbows
- Creating Visions
- Creating Wellness
- Creating with Light
- Creating your Best Life
- Creative Balance Avoca Beach
- Creative Catalyst Art Therapy & Consulting
- Creative Counselling Arts Therapy
- Creative Empowerment
- Creative Energy Connection
- Creative Energy Healing
- Creative Evolution
- Creative Fountain Expressive Therapies
- Creative Kids Therapy
- Creative Kinesiology
- Creative Life Solutions coaching & Counselling
- Creative Mind & Body
- Creative Soul Australia
- Creative Sparks
- Creative Spirit Centre
- Creative Stillness
- Crisis Counselling in Toowoomba
- Cronulla Physio Active
- Crosbie Chiropractic Health
- CrossFit Iron Lion
- CrossFit Origin
- Crossing The Divides/Beyond Trauma - Transformative Somatic Psychotherapy
- Crows Nest Clinic
- Croydon Naturopathic Clinic
- Crunch Free Chiropractic
- Crystal and Energy Healing
- Crystal Angels
- Crystal Bed Healing
- Crystal Calling
- Crystal Clear
- Crystal Discoveries
- Crystal Dreaming ® Brisbane & Sunshine Coast
- Crystal Embrace
- Crystal Energies - PSYCH-K
- Crystal Grid Holistic Healing
- Crystal Light Bed Therapy Joondalup
- Crystal Pink Auras
- Crystal TranceFormations
- Crystal Wolf Healing
- Crystalline Academy
- Crystalline Soul Brilliance
- Crystallise Your Essence
- Cuddle Melbourne
- Culburra Counselling
- Cullen Bay Day Spa and Wellness Centre
- Cullen Therapies
- Cura Integrative Medicine
- Curious Minds
- Curl Curl Chiropractic
- Curves Gym
- Cut The Crap
- Cutting Edge Performance Centre
- Cyber - Band Hypnotherapy
- Cyclopea Method Australia
- Cynthia Enthoven Remedial Massage Therapist