Best Women's Health Specialists in Brighton VIC

Naturopath & Nutritionist

Sandra Tenge

Naturopath & Nutritionist

Brighton, VIC, 3186

Member since 2005

Sandra Tenge, the IBS Naturopath has over 25 years experience specialising in IBS, food intolerances, SIBO, leaky gut, constipation, the gut brain connection and restoring the gut microbiome naturally.

Learning disabilities Arthritis Cancer management Disabilities Eczema Hormonal imbalance Hypertension Obesity Reflux Depression
Chinese Medicine at Balance

Balance Complementary Medicine

Chinese Medicine at Balance

Brighton, VIC, 3186

Member since 2007

Acupuncture aims to stimulate and strengthen the body's natural healing mechanisms and restore balance.

Arthritis Cancer management Eczema Hormonal imbalance Menopause Depression Pain management Rehabilitation Trauma Ageing
Hamish Everard Natural Therapies

Hamish Everard Natural Therapies

Hamish Everard Natural Therapies

Brighton, VIC, 3186

Member since 2005

Naturopathy, Nutrition, Osteopathy, ShakeIt Weightloss Program, Live Blood Screening, Allergy Testing, Nutrient and Toxic Element Testing, Remedial Massage, Deep Tissue, Trigger Point Therapy, Relaxation Massage, Acupuncture, Chinese Herbal Medicine, Ear Candling, Cupping

Articulation Arthritis Eczema Hormonal imbalance Infertility Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) Menopause Metabolic syndrome Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) Reflux
Your #1 lifestyle medicine solution for PCOS & other health issues

Vively Health

Your #1 lifestyle medicine solution for PCOS & other health issues

Brighton, VIC, 3186

Member since 2022

Working with your doctor and other providers to improve your PCOS symptoms, glucose levels or sleep hygiene is crucial but can...

Telehealth Online consultations Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) Holistic practitioner Holistic wellness Irregular periods Acne Hormonal acne Anxiety Menstrual health
Kelly Major Reiki and Intuitive Healing

Kelly Major

Kelly Major Reiki and Intuitive Healing

Elsternwick, VIC, 3185

Member since 2017

Energy Healing, Men's Health, Reiki, Women's Health

Naturopathy, Energy Healing, Nutrition & Weight Counselling

Gillian Rose

Naturopathy, Energy Healing, Nutrition & Weight Counselling


Member since 2004

Therapeia Healing Centre offers natural, non-invasive therapies that help improve nutrition, lifestyle, physical and mental health...

Mental health Fatigue Holistic healing Energy Feet Manipulation Bodywork Therapeutic massage Restoring balance Weight management
Melbourne Kinesiology & Detox Centre - Kinesiology & Healing

Soul Alchemist

Melbourne Kinesiology & Detox Centre - Kinesiology & Healing

Caulfield, VIC, 3162

Member since 2007

Kinesiology & Kinergetics

Purpose Wellbeing Fears Psychic development Physical health Love Energy clearing Physical pain Indigestion Headaches
Hampton Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine

May Mei

Hampton Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine

Caulfield, VIC, 3162

Member since 2008

Dr. May Mei Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioner

Arthritis Hypertension Depression Pain management Asthma Insomnia Migraine Allergies Energy Constipation
Integrative Medicine for Weight Management, Nutrition, & Mental Health


Integrative Medicine for Weight Management, Nutrition, & Mental Health

Caulfield North, VIC, 3161

Member since 2008

Wellmed can help increase your energy and clarity of mind, no matter what your health challenges may be. Get in touch with the...

Mental health Fatigue Anti-aging Weight management Thermal Thermal imaging
Ravens Nest Chinese Medicine

Keren Rochwerger

Ravens Nest Chinese Medicine

St Kilda East, VIC, 3183

Member since 2008

Chinese Medicine Practitioner Acupuncture Chinese Herbal Medicine Dietary Therapy

Eczema Menopause Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) Depression Fatigue Asthma Migraine Acne Psoriasis Allergies
Melbourne TMJ & Facial Pain Centre

The Practice Manager

Melbourne TMJ & Facial Pain Centre

Caulfield North, VIC, 3161

Member since 2009

Welcome to Melbourne TMJ & Facial Pain Centre. Jaw pain (TMD) and other associated symptoms usually respond well to very specific physiotherapy treatment, which is sole area of our professional focus.

Tinnitus Arthritis Muscle pain Snoring Pain management Rehabilitation Trauma Back pain Fatigue Spinal cord injuries
Ritu Tangri Homeopath

Ritu Kinra Tangri

Ritu Tangri Homeopath

Ormond, VIC, 3204

Member since 2014

Homeopathy works by stimulating our immune system. I have been practising Homeopathy for more than 23 years. Authored books for homeopathic students and have written articles for health magazines. I regularly provide tips on my Facebook page- Ritushomeopathy101

Colitis Eczema Reflux Snoring Fatigue Asthma Migraine Period pain Acne Ear infection
In Focus - Naturopathy & Nutrition

In Focus

In Focus - Naturopathy & Nutrition

Bentleigh, VIC, 3204

Member since 2005

George provides a range of professional Naturopathy, Nutrition, Homotoxicology and Western Herbal Medicine services, perfect to help treat a range of health issues and conditions.

Pain management Wellbeing Muscle pain Nervous system Energy Emotions Lifestyle Natural medicine Nurturing Facial
Robyn Reynolds

Robyn Reynolds

Robyn Reynolds

Elwood, VIC, 3184

Member since 2010

Cert IV Kinesiology, Grad Dip Education, Ba Eng / Ba Sci (Hons)

Depression Panic attacks Ageing Learning difficulties Business Telehealth Overwhelm Energy Empath Decision making
Holistic Psychology

Holistic Psychology

Holistic Psychology

St kilda, VIC, 3182

Member since 2018

Claudia Guersenzvaig trained as a Gestalt, Psychodynamic and Family Therapist and has been in private practice in Australia since...

Depression Family therapy Pain management Trauma Victims of crime Infidelity Communication skills Chronic pain Family counselling Emotional wellbeing
Acupuncture, Kinesiology, Cupping, Moxibustion, Tuina Massage, Chinese Herbal Medicine, Dietary

Irma Korn

Acupuncture, Kinesiology, Cupping, Moxibustion, Tuina Massage, Chinese Herbal Medicine, Dietary

St Kilda, 3182

Member since 2016

Learn how to bolster your body’s innate healing abilities to combat various health conditions.

Menopause Mental health Depression Sleep disorders Trauma Fatigue Fibromyalgia Insomnia Telehealth Holistic healing
Malvern Natural Health Care - Naturopathy

Benjamin Deutscher

Malvern Natural Health Care - Naturopathy

Malvern East, VIC, 3145

Member since 2004

Naturopathy is a holistic system of healing that brings together natural therapies including herbal medicine, nutrition, diet, homeopathy, counselling and more.

Colitis Crohn's disease Menopause Depression Sleep disorders Assessments Fatigue Ankle pain Foot problems Insomnia
Pathology Testing, Iridology, Herbal Medicine, Lymphatic Drainage, Ear Candling, Nutrition.

Margaret Boyd-Squires

Pathology Testing, Iridology, Herbal Medicine, Lymphatic Drainage, Ear Candling, Nutrition.

Prahran, VIC, 3181

Member since 2007

Margaret uses herbs, vitamins and minerals, dietary and lifestyle advice, functional pathology and other comprehensive screening tools and iridology in her practice.  

Gut Health Autoimmune disease Inflammation Lymphatic system Tiredness Detox programs Anxiety Food intolerance Weight management Functional testing
QHHT Past Life Regression, Reconnective Healing & Reconnection

Mayda Parseghian

QHHT Past Life Regression, Reconnective Healing & Reconnection

Malvern East, VIC, 3145

Member since 2008

Welcome to Reconnect to Heal a holistic practice promoting healing and wellness on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level. We offer QHHT Quantum Healing Hypnosis, Past Life Regression, Reconnective Healing and the Personal Reconnection for healing,, transformation and to empower your life and achieve a higher level of consciousness.

Cancer management Disabilities Suicide Back pain Migraine Neck pain Spirituality Breast cancer Telehealth Pets
About Melbourne Chiropractic & Bedding Clinic

Dr. Jim Skivalidas | Chiroprac

About Melbourne Chiropractic & Bedding Clinic

Albert Park, 3206

Member since 2010

Welcome to The Melbourne Chiropractic Wellness House & Bedding Clinic at the beautiful 55 Rouse Street in the heart of Port Melbourne. We offfer Musculoskeletal Pain Relief for Back Pain, Neck Pain and Headaches and Posture Correction Programs for families (Adults and Children) including Family Chiropractic Care, Kinesiology and Massage, Exercise Program and advice on Sleep Mattresses, Pillows and Bed Protectors

Paediatrics Back pain Fatigue Neck pain Orthotics Mind-body connection Flexibility Injury recovery Movement Tension

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