Best Animal Therapists in New South Wales

Alternicare Health Solutions

Tanya Nolte

Alternicare Health Solutions

Bexhill, NSW, 2480

Member since 2005


Health assessment Chronic health issues Wellbeing Acute health complaints Revitalizes energy Immune support
Carolyn Boniface - Biodynamic Animal Therapy

Carolyn Boniface

Carolyn Boniface - Biodynamic Animal Therapy

Byron Bay, NSW, 2481

Member since 2006

I specialise in providing professional Biodynamic Animal Therapy treatments for happy, healthy furry and hoofed friends.

Relaxation Wellbeing Self awareness Love Headaches Healing art Wellness Joy Purpose Boundaries
Animal Equilibrium - Animal Therapies

Animal Equilibrium

Animal Equilibrium - Animal Therapies

Sydney, NSW, 2000

Member since 2008

If you're interested in managing your animal's health in a natural, pharmaceutical-free way, contact Animal Equilibrium today.

Feeding Trauma Allergies Cats Dogs Pets Energy Empath Flexibility Tension
The Pet Practitioner

Leanne Wilson - DipAlHom BHSc

The Pet Practitioner

Sydney, NSW, 2000

Member since 2005

Hi, I'm Leanne Wilson and my business The Pet Practitioner offers natural health solutions for your pet via online and home consults.

Anxiety Skin problems Gastrointestinal disorders Arthritis Allergies Infections Rashes Strains (soft tissue injuries) Heart disease Tumours
Sheryl Hockey, Holistic Herbalist & Reiki Healer

Sheryl Hockey

Sheryl Hockey, Holistic Herbalist & Reiki Healer

Salt Ash, NSW, 2318

Member since 2010

I see myself as a Spiritual Gardener. My passion is to help you identify & pull out your inner weeds, and plant seeds for optimum mental, physical emotional and spiritual health!

Arthritis Fatigue Insomnia Menstrual pain Migraine Energy Tension Heavy metal toxicity Weight management Detoxification
Animal Communicator & Pet PsychicReadings

Lynn Overhill

Animal Communicator & Pet PsychicReadings

Sydney, NSW, 2000

Member since 2016

The field of animal communication involves the direct mind-to-mind inter-species telepathic communication between animals and humans. If an animal uses a range of senses such as sight, hearing, feeling, smelling, tasting, etc., so does an Animal Communicator. A reading will help an owner/carer to understand the world of the pet and in return, the pet will feel that their human cares and understands them to a much deeper extent. Dogs, Cats Horses...

Animal communication Cats Dogs Bach flower remedies Healing with horses Healing with cats Healing with dogs Animals who have passed over Communication Reading
Annas Equine Therapy

Anna Stevenson

Annas Equine Therapy

Manilla, NSW, 2346

Member since 2017

My name is Anna Stevenson and I am a practicing Equine Sports Therapist and Equine SCENAR Practitioner working around the New...

Pain management Business Weekend courses Biomechanics Love Articulation Stretches Core strength Massage Digestive system
Self Realization Meditation Healing Centre

Ricananda Daly

Self Realization Meditation Healing Centre

Rydal, NSW, 2790

Member since 2018

Mata Yogananda Mahasaya Dharma is the founder and spiritual head of the world wide Self Realization Meditation Healing Centres.

Feeding Relaxation techniques Transformation Stretches Flexibility Animal healing Coaching Posture Relaxation Joy
Animal Therapy


Animal Therapy

Sydney, NSW, 2000

Member since 2004

If you're looking for a safe, gentle therapy for your animals, we have a range of options and practitioners available including: Naturopathy, Flower Essences, Homeopathy, Applied Kinesiology, Animal Communication, Bowen Therapy, Skin Consultations and BioCompatibility tests.

Arthritis Liver disease Thyroid problems Bladder problems Telehealth Animal communication Allergies Cats Dogs Constipation
Reiki & Reiki Distance Healing - Diana's Guide to Wellbeing

Diana Fels

Reiki & Reiki Distance Healing - Diana's Guide to Wellbeing

Sydney, NSW, 2000

Member since 2015

Clients value Diana’s gentle approach and qualifications in Reiki, Reiki Distance Healing, Counselling, Coaching, Spiritual healing, Business management, Courses "Diana is caring, open, thoughtful and responsive.” – Joanne, Canberra

Wellbeing Fears Anxiety Animal reiki Stress Management Wellness Relaxation Happiness Chronic pain Business

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