Best Homeopaths in Australia

Victor Tuballa - Naturopathy, Herbal Medicine, Nutrition & Iridology

Victor Tuballa Natural Therapies

Victor Tuballa - Naturopathy, Herbal Medicine, Nutrition & Iridology

Penrith, NSW, 2750

Member since 2004

Victor Tuballa is available on Saturdays. Wednesday and Friday afternoons after 5:30pm are also available by request

Muscle pain Inflammation Weight management Detoxification Body composition Cellular health Wellness Hydration Digestive system
Malvern Natural Health Care - Naturopathy

Benjamin Deutscher

Malvern Natural Health Care - Naturopathy

Melbourne, VIC, 3000

Member since 2004

Naturopathy is a holistic system of healing that brings together natural therapies including herbal medicine, nutrition, diet, homeopathy, counselling and more.

Colitis Crohn's disease Menopause Depression Sleep disorders Assessments Fatigue Ankle pain Foot problems Insomnia
Botanica Naturopathy

Nicole Macfadyen

Botanica Naturopathy

Brighton East, VIC, 3187

Member since 2004

Nicole is a fully qualified naturopath with over 25 years of clinical experience. Nicole specialises in pre-conception health, infertility, IVF support, pregnancy & post-natal care, women's health & menopause & children's ailments & also treats general health complaints. Health fund rebates and after-hour appointments are available.

Menopause Conception Endometriosis Optimal health Lifestyle Pregnancy support Hormonal imbalance General health Healthcare for children
Mary Rooke

Mary Rooke

Mary Rooke

Ashburton, VIC, 3147

Member since 2004

Dorn Therapy, Homeopathy

Allergies, Anxiety, Autoimmune Diseases, Cancer Care, Detoxification & Pain Management


Allergies, Anxiety, Autoimmune Diseases, Cancer Care, Detoxification & Pain Management

Balmain, NSW, 2041

Member since 2004

We support your body's natural healing processes. Using the very best in medical advancements combined with a holistic therapies programme, we've helped make a significant difference in the quality of life for people suffering from chronic illnesses or disease.

Arthritis Cancer management Eczema High cholesterol Hormonal imbalance Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) Kidney disease Mental health Reflux Depression
Naturopathy, Energy Healing, Nutrition & Weight Counselling

Gillian Rose

Naturopathy, Energy Healing, Nutrition & Weight Counselling


Member since 2004

Therapeia Healing Centre offers natural, non-invasive therapies that help improve nutrition, lifestyle, physical and mental health...

Mental health Fatigue Holistic healing Energy Feet Manipulation Bodywork Therapeutic massage Restoring balance Weight management
About Cottesloe Naturopathic Clinic

Michael Blanch

About Cottesloe Naturopathic Clinic

Perth, WA, 6000

Member since 2004

Michael Blanch is an experienced and expert Homeopath and Naturopath that is situated in Perth. He established Cottesloe Naturopathic clinic over 20 years ago.

Eczema Hypertension Infertility Bipolar disorder Depression Obsessive Phobias Trauma Back pain Fatigue
Integrated Health and Wellness - Naturopathic Medicine Sydney

Integrated Health Sydney

Integrated Health and Wellness - Naturopathic Medicine Sydney

Bullaburra, NSW, 2784

Member since 2004

Centre for personalised medicine with the latest technology for your health needs.

Arthritis Feeding Rehabilitation Trauma Assessments Back pain Neck pain Telehealth Energy Functional testing
Bernadette English

Bernadette English

Bernadette English

Mona Vale, NSW, 2103

Member since 2004

Bernadette English

Adolescents Mental health Mental illness Parenting Spirituality Reading Energy Coaching Creativity Adults
Judy Harland - Wellness Programs

Judy Harland

Judy Harland - Wellness Programs

Cairns, QLD, 4870

Member since 2004

Specialising in All health matters anti aging, Asthma, Acid Reflux, Arthritis, Allergies/allergy testing, Adrenal fatigue, Anxiety, Autoimmune disease, Blood pressure, Chronic fatigue, Counselling/life and wellness coach, Detoxification, Diabetes, General Health Concerns, Heartburn, Gut bugs/parasites, Mental Health, Thyroid problems, Hormone problems, Weight problems.... all general health concerns for young and not as young

Swallowing Wellbeing Arthritis Cancer management High cholesterol Osteoporosis Infertility Kidney disease Liver disease Menopause
About Soul Purpose Healing Centre

Elizabeth Backler

About Soul Purpose Healing Centre

Hunters Hill, NSW, 2110

Member since 2004

"Restore Direction, Purpose and Harmony in your LIFE" Supportive, Comforting and Professional advice given with a spiritual understanding. Giving you the tools to become who you truly are! Physically, emotionally and mentally.

Arthritis Depression Trauma Abuse Telehealth Chakras Vibrational medicine Natural health Energy Chakra balancing
Dianne Levick ND - Naturopathy & Iridology

Dianne Levick ND

Dianne Levick ND - Naturopathy & Iridology

Cronulla, NSW, 2230

Member since 2004

If you're looking for a professional Naturopath & you live in the greater Caringbah area, then look no further than Dianne Levick

Cancer management Eczema Heart disease Mental health Reflux Depression Phobias Relaxation techniques Trauma Ageing
My Naturopath

Leanne Jenkins

My Naturopath

Albury, VIC, 2640

Member since 2004

Specialising in Natropathic consultations Natural Fertility, SCIO Machine, Diet and Lifestyle Counselling, and Weight Loss.

Ageing Candida Energy Immunity Feet Vitality Weight management Detoxification Healthy ageing Health issues
Registered Acupuncturist and Chinese practitioner in Australia. Senior doctor in China.

Chris Ma

Registered Acupuncturist and Chinese practitioner in Australia. Senior doctor in China.

Surry Hills, NSW, 2010

Member since 2004

Acupuncturist and Chinese medicine practitioner over 40 years.Senior doctor in China. Good results for: (1) pain management such as Low back pain, Sciatica pain, Neck and Shoulder pain, Sport injury, Headache, Migraine; (2) Mental and nerve disorders, Stress, Anxiety, Stroke Paralysis, Bell' Palsy, Insomnia; (3) Skin and Hair diseases, Eczema, Dermatitis, Psoriases, Acne; Alopecia, Androgenetic Alopecia (4) Long Covid Issues; (5) Women' disorders, Period...

Arthritis Cancer management Hypertension Infertility Menopause Depression Pain management Fatigue Asthma Fibromyalgia
Naturopathy Services


Naturopathy Services

Blacktown, NSW, 2148

Member since 2004

Your health is your greatest asset. What can you do today to optimise this?

Gestational diabetes Type 2 diabetes Cancer management High cholesterol Lactation Menopause Obesity Depression Trauma Ageing
About Sutherland Shire Naturopathic Clinic

Tracie Acheson ND & Colleagues

About Sutherland Shire Naturopathic Clinic

Sutherland, NSW, 2232

Member since 2004

Recommended as 1 of 5 best Natural Therapy Clinics by the Sydney Morning Herald "Good Weekend" magazine. Winner - Business Awards "Most Outstanding Specialised Business"

Arthritis Cancer management Eczema Heart disease Hormonal imbalance Infertility Osteoporosis Depression Fatigue Breast cancer
Vital Healthgenics

Carol Schafer

Vital Healthgenics

Mount Warren Park, QLD, 4207

Member since 2004

Bowen Technique, Naturopathy,Managing Peoples Health and Wellbeing,  Food Sensitivity Testing, Counselling, Ear Candling, Flower...

Growth Sadness Anxiety Grief Stress Management Body reading Natural medicine Depression Reading Business
Mick Jordan Natural Therapies - Scientific Naturopathy

Mick Jordan

Mick Jordan Natural Therapies - Scientific Naturopathy

Black Rock, VIC, 3193

Member since 2005

Most Experienced Naturopath In Bayside area + A Scientifically Backed, Drug-Free, Natural Way To A Lifetime Of Great Health + Book Today

Arthritis Cancer management Eczema Gastrointestinal disorders Heart disease High cholesterol Infertility Obesity Depression Rehabilitation
Childrens Health

Anke Koelman, Spec. Nat., MHSc

Childrens Health

Adelaide, SA, 5000

Member since 2005

We specialise in helping babies and children with Autism and Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), neuro-developmental delay, learning difficulties, behaviour problems, gut issues, eczema, asthma and allergies by improving brain and gut function.

Autism spectrum disorders Brain injuries Dementia Early intervention Learning disabilities Colitis Crohn's disease Disabilities Eczema Reflux
Alternicare Health Solutions

Tanya Nolte

Alternicare Health Solutions

Bexhill, NSW, 2480

Member since 2005


Health assessment Chronic health issues Wellbeing Acute health complaints Revitalizes energy Immune support

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