Best Colonic Irrigation Clinics in Australia

Ultimate Detox Solutions and Indian and Oriental Head Massage Institute Colonics

Michele Wolff

Ultimate Detox Solutions and Indian and Oriental Head Massage Institute Colonics

Cheltenham, VIC, 3192

Member since 2004

Ultimate Detox Solutions offers a safe, supportive environment and uses high-tech techonology. We aim to make your colonic experience as comfortable as it can possibly be.

Arthritis Cancer management Colitis Fatigue Migraine Abuse Acne Chakras Lung Natural health
Integrated Health Integrated Life

Debra Carter

Integrated Health Integrated Life

Mysterton, QLD, 4812

Member since 2005

Gut Health is finally at the forefront medical awareness.Cleansing the colon is an important health step.If your system is sluggish or bloated there is no better 'fresh start' than a colonic.

Movement patterns Family health Bloating Hydrotherapy Parasites Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) Constipation Habits Circulation Breakdown
Perth Colon Health & Wellness Centre

Perth Colon Health & Wellness Centre

Perth Colon Health & Wellness Centre

Maylands, WA, 6051

Member since 2006

Perth Colon Health & Wellness Centre provides exceptional customer care and service

Body contouring Energy Weight management Hydrotherapy Wellness Circulation Far infrared Reconnection Complementary therapies Complementary
Temple Cleansing Studio

Angelika Fritz

Temple Cleansing Studio

Leopold, VIC, 3220

Member since 2006

Colonic Irrigation And Massage Therapy

Back pain Neck pain Acne Allergies Energy Constipation Cleansing Massage therapy Eating habits Habits
urBodiDetox Clinic - Colonic Hydrotherapy

melinda atha

urBodiDetox Clinic - Colonic Hydrotherapy

Woodvale, WA, 6026

Member since 2008

Your colonic hydrotherapist is also a qualified nutritional therapist and can offer you a detailed treatment plan which will give you supplement, diet and lifestyle advice.

Crohn's disease Fasting Candida Cleansing Weight management Detoxification Health issues Hydrotherapy Far infrared Fitness
Clear Colonics and Hypnotherapy

Sally Hawkins

Clear Colonics and Hypnotherapy

Mudgeeraba, QLD, 4213

Member since 2008

Sally is a Colon Therapist, Hypnotherapist and Homeopath with over 25 years experience as a Practitioner. She specialises in...

Depression Back pain Fatigue Candida Energy Gut Health Constipation Cleansing Aura Hydrotherapy
Nurtura Health - Treatments

Nurtura Health

Nurtura Health - Treatments


Member since 2008

Our Treatments

Early intervention Colitis Obesity Depression Trauma Ageing Assessments Back pain Fatigue Shoulder problems
Lockyer Valley Colonics - Colonic Irrigation

Val & Terry Merrick

Lockyer Valley Colonics - Colonic Irrigation

Ipswich, QLD, 4305

Member since 2009


Arthritis Cancer management Colitis Eczema Infertility Menopause Back pain Burns Fatigue Asthma
Renaissance Skin and Body - Colonic Irrigation

Renaissance Skin and Body

Renaissance Skin and Body - Colonic Irrigation

Essendon, VIC, 3043

Member since 2009

Colonic Irrigation, also known as Colonic Hydrotherapy/ Colonic Cleanse is a great way to kick start any detox or weight loss program. The benefits achieved by this highly effective form of detoxification are unquestionable. Colonic Hydrotherapy is the infusion of Ultra filtered warm water into the colon via the rectum. Gentle flushing of the colon softens faecal waste and impacted solids that may have collected over time and washes them away.  

Arthritis Ageing Back pain Acne Botox Collagen Cosmetic surgery Fillers Brow Lift Allergies
Certified Colon Hydrotherapist

Carolyn Burnett

Certified Colon Hydrotherapist

Ormiston, QLD, 4160

Member since 2009

The lifestyle we lead is what affects our health and senses. Internal cleansing aids your well-being by detoxifying your body and mind. By hydrating the colon, colonic hydration aids in the removal of impacted fecal matter within the colon and boosts your immune system. Schedule an appointment today!

Arthritis Depression Back pain Fatigue Bladder problems Insomnia Leukemia Business Allergies Natural health
Colon Hydrotherapy, Lymphatic Drainage, Massage & Iridology

Innovative Body Solutions Clinic

Colon Hydrotherapy, Lymphatic Drainage, Massage & Iridology

Newcastle, NSW, 2300

Member since 2010

Protect your health and start with these treatments & services, which will make valuable savings for your mind, body and soul.

Tinnitus Wellbeing Arthritis Cancer management Eczema Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) Mental health Depression Lymphedema Insomnia
Toxin Release for Accelerated Recovery

Hardo Bottin

Toxin Release for Accelerated Recovery

Adelaide, SA, 5000

Member since 2010

Are you experiencing bloating, headaches, or simply wish you could manage your weight better? Our advance colon hydrotherapy...

Arthritis Cancer management Eczema Hypertension Depression Obsessive Panic attacks Trauma Fatigue Asthma
Kate Cooke - Colonic Irrigation in Sawtell

Flushed With Health Colonics

Kate Cooke - Colonic Irrigation in Sawtell

Coffs Harbour, NSW, 2450

Member since 2011

You are what you eat. Yes, absolutely. You are also what you don’t eliminate. That’s an interesting thought.

Energy Tension Detoxification Adults Hydrotherapy Far infrared Headaches Hormones Nurturing Bloating
Colon Hydrotherapy Specialist

Raewynn Black

Colon Hydrotherapy Specialist

Mount Eliza, VIC, 3930

Member since 2013

As our lifestyles continually change and the amount of processed and refined foods in our diets is increasing, colonic hydrotherapy...

Back pain Constipation Stomach pain Health issues Hydrotherapy Lower back pain Chronic skin conditions Colon cleansing Detoxification Far infrared sauna
About Rebecca Cook Naturopathy

Rebecca Cook Naturopathy

About Rebecca Cook Naturopathy

Austinmer, NSW, 2515

Member since 2013

'Book your Initial consultation today and receive a FREE 1/2 hr head, neck and shoulder massage!' Rebecca has been involved in, worked in and had a strong passion for the wellness and health industry for more than 15 years. She is a trained and fully qualified Herbalist, Naturopath, Doula and Nutritionist, and has previously worked as a Remedial Massage Therapist for more than 8 years.

Feeding Fatigue Telehealth Allergies Energy Adrenal fatigue Detox programs Energetic medicine Vitality Weight management
Why Colonics Works

Joel Grace

Why Colonics Works

Maroochydore, QLD, 4558

Member since 2015

The Power of Colonics: Discover how one man utilised the power of colonics to help himself heal from cancer and now help other people heal

Cancer management Eczema Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) Acne Colon cancer Energy Constipation Cleansing Flexibility Inflammation
Colonic Hydrotherapy, Colonic Irrigation or Colonics

Belle Hogan

Colonic Hydrotherapy, Colonic Irrigation or Colonics

Crestmead, QLD, 4132

Member since 2010

Detox for Health and Weight Loss Cleaning the #1 elimination organ of the body is the most important step of an effective cleanse. Every time you remove built up wastes from the bowel it has this wonderful systemic effect on what the rest of the body...

Wellness Wellbeing Health retreats Open colonics Yoga therapy Detoxification Ageing Confidence Joy Vitality
Adelaide Colonic Health

Adelaide Colonic Health

Adelaide Colonic Health

Norwood, SA, 5067

Member since 2016

Adelaide’s premier colon hydrotherapy clinic. Our aim is to bring a higher understanding of the benefits of internal cleansing...

Cancer management Colon cancer Energy Constipation Cleansing Weight management Detoxification Hydrotherapy Headaches Optimal health
Authentix Eco Beauty and Wellness Salon

Shahnee Froome

Authentix Eco Beauty and Wellness Salon

Braddon, ACT, 2612

Member since 2016

Authentix – eco beauty and wellness is about beauty and health and how you can combine the two using natural and/or organic...

Bowel cancer Cancer management Eczema Infertility Depression Colic Acne Collagen Psoriasis Rosacea
Cleansing & Detox

Acqua Health

Cleansing & Detox

Launceston, TAS, 7250

Member since 2018

The colon is a 1.5-metre-long tube-like structure located at the end of the digestive tract. It is in charge of waste elimination; however, waste...

Arthritis Cancer management Eczema Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) Pain management Fatigue Fibromyalgia Acne Psoriasis Allergies

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