Best Bowen Therapy Practitioners in Watsonia VIC

Healing Balance - About Michele / Massage , Bowen Therapy, Reiki

Healing Balance

Healing Balance - About Michele / Massage , Bowen Therapy, Reiki

Dandenong, VIC, 3175

Member since 2007

Do you have neck pain, shoulder pain, back pain, other discomfort? Maybe you have headaches, sinus or jaw problems? Maybe you are just stressed. I have professional qualifications in a number of modalities to assist you to overcome these types of concerns. Why put it off? Give me call and make an appointment for some time just for you. 

Relaxation techniques Musculoskeletal therapy Energy Stretches Movement Tension Massage therapy Vitality Therapeutic massage Vision
Deborah Nicholson

Deborah Nicholson

Deborah Nicholson

Healesville, VIC, 3777

Member since 2010

 Deborah is qualified in soft tissue and remedial body therapies and has been practicing for 19 years, working in the beautiful...

Feeding Trauma Colic Manipulation Transformation Flexibility Movement Tension Elderly Relaxation
Healing Hands Bowen Therapy

Paula Nebauer

Healing Hands Bowen Therapy

Healesville, VIC, 3777

Member since 2014

Have you tried Bowen Therapy?Call Healing Hands to hear about the benefits of Bowen - it's great for rebalancing the body and...

Back pain Fatigue Asthma Colic Energy Manipulation Stretches Movement Tension Elderly
Lara Bowen Therapy; helping you move with more ease and less pain.

Sue Skilton

Lara Bowen Therapy; helping you move with more ease and less pain.

Little River, VIC, 3211

Member since 2012

Lara Bowen Therapy; helping you move with more ease and less pain. Through this gentle soft tissue therapy, this technique stimulates your own natural healing ability, resulting in the repair, and rebalancing of the body, and also shifting the nervous system into a calmer state of being.

Back pain Neck pain Muscular tension Headaches/ migraines Jaw problems Shoulder problems Wrist pain Plantar fasciitis Chronic health issues Menopause symptoms
Bowen Therapy can help reduce Pain, Stress, Anxiety & Depression

Carole Kernohan

Bowen Therapy can help reduce Pain, Stress, Anxiety & Depression

Taradale, VIC, 3447

Member since 2017

A Bowen Treatment is made of gentle moves performed over muscles, connective tissue, the fascia sending messages throughout the...

Arthritis Depression Fatigue Colic Fibromyalgia Migraine Neck pain Tennis elbow Manipulation Flexibility
Physiotherapists, Myotherapists, Podiatrists and Acupuncturists

Coastal Balance Physiotherapy & Clinical Pilates

Physiotherapists, Myotherapists, Podiatrists and Acupuncturists

Geelong, VIC, 3220

Member since 2017

The key to a balanced life is a balanced body. Coastal Balance Physiotherapy and Clinical Pilates provides advanced treatment options for acute and chronic conditions. Serving clients of all ages, young or old, athletes or non-athletes, prenatal or postnatal. Book a consultation today!

Rehabilitation Back pain Pelvic instability Whiplash Business Energy Manipulation Movement Chronic pain Injury prevention
BodyMind Massage & Bowen

Shirley Strachan

BodyMind Massage & Bowen

Belmont, VIC, 3216

Member since 2010

Choose Myoskeletal Alignment Techniques (MAT) integrated with other remedial therapies to assist with physical health, relaxation...

Metabolic syndrome Obesity Energy Movement Tension Bodywork Detoxification Digestive health Myoskeletal Posture

In Touch Therapies


Greensborough, VIC, 3088

Member since 2012

Bowen Therapy, Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), Energy Healing

Heidelberg Natural Health Care

Robert Pryor

Heidelberg Natural Health Care


Member since 2010

"Discover a Natural Approach to Better Health"29 Years in the Field of Naturopathy &

Arthritis Eczema Infertility Back pain Fatigue Migraine Pets Plantar fasciitis Natural health Candida
Align Health Massage

Antish Lollchand

Align Health Massage

Heidleberg Heights, VIC, 3081

Member since 2011

At align Health, we provide a comfortable and relaxed atmosphere for your therapeutic care.

Back pain Neck pain Head injuries Vision Lower back pain
Barbara Swiatkiwsky - Bowen Therapy

Barbara Swiatkiwsky

Barbara Swiatkiwsky - Bowen Therapy

Preston West, VIC, 3072

Member since 2012

Bowen is a soft tissue remedial therapy, which is non-invasive and exceptionally powerful.

Energy Tension Elderly Vision Relaxation Joy Circulation Pain relief Nurturing Muscle tension
Myotherapist, Acupuncturist & Cupping Therapist

Darebin Myotherapy

Myotherapist, Acupuncturist & Cupping Therapist

Preston, VIC, 3072

Member since 2009

Your pain can be relieved naturally no matter what cause it is, whether stress or a physical strain. Darebin Myotherapy can help...

Improving muscle function Sciatica relief Acute sports injuries Posture problems Work injuries
Doncaster Bowen & Massage Therapy

Vince Taranto

Doncaster Bowen & Massage Therapy

Doncaster East, VIC, 3109

Member since 2011

Welcome to Doncaster Bowen and Massage Therapy, where natural healing begins. Mention Natural Therapy Pages for $5 off your...

Reading Manipulation Massage therapy Acute sports injuries
Kundalini House

Billie and Pip

Kundalini House

Fitzroy North, VIC, 3068

Member since 2005

Kundalini House is a professional multi modality Natural Health Clinic and Yoga Studio dedicated to providing you with quality...

Parenting Business Allergies Energy Yoga nidra Induction massage Tension Communication skills Massage therapy Therapeutic massage
Unlimited Healing

Elinor Bester

Unlimited Healing

Level 1, 391 St Georges RD, Fitzroy North, VIC, 3068

Member since 2012

Bowen Therapy, Energy Healing, Reiki

Bowen Therapy Laurimar

Melinda Dass

Bowen Therapy Laurimar


Member since 2018

We look forward to helping you start the journey of good health.

Asthma Foot problems Heartburn Incontinence Migraine Allergies Plantar fasciitis Bunions Constipation Fluid retention
Melbourne Wellness - Services

Melbourne Wellness

Melbourne Wellness - Services

Blackburn, VIC, 3130

Member since 2007

Are you dealing with poor health conditions, affecting the quality of your life?  We can help you overcome these conditions...

Vitamins Supplements Wellbeing Fears Weight management Manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) Stress Management Nervous system Infertility Sinus
HealthQuest Wellbeing Centre - Bowen Therapy & Massage

HealthQuest Wellbeing Centre

HealthQuest Wellbeing Centre - Bowen Therapy & Massage

Moonee ponds, VIC, 3039

Member since 2007

So you suffer from chronic pain or health conditions that you just can't shake? Book a consultation at HealthQuest for a Remedial...

Type 2 diabetes Arthritis Cancer management Colitis Eczema Feeding Hypertension Liver disease Conflict resolution Depression
The Healing Self

Gill Wealands

The Healing Self

Ringwood North, VIC, 3134

Member since 2009

Helping women rediscover themselves as they heal from within.

Migraine Tension Self discovery Voice dialogue Relaxation Physical pain Nurturing Stress Management Dialogue Emotions
Pawsitive Animal Therapies

Melissa Sciberras

Pawsitive Animal Therapies

Melbourne, VIC, 3031

Member since 2007

“Positive Health and Wellbeing of animals, Naturally”

Rehabilitation Trauma Head injuries Cats Dogs Movement Relaxation Facial Paralysis Nervous system

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