What is Massage Mobile Service?
Mobile massage is a type of massage service in which the massage therapist visits the client at their home, office, hotel, or wherever the latter might be, to provide massage therapy. Massage therapists ensure that clients receive quality service by bringing along all the necessary massage equipment: a portable massage table or chair, oil, towels and music, if needed.
What are the Benefits of Massage Mobile Service?
With the advent of massage mobile service, everyone can reap the benefits of massage therapy anytime, anywhere. Receiving a massage mobile service saves you lots of time, money and energy. You don't have to worry about getting stuck in traffic or driving back home after a restful massage when all you really want to do is doze off. Moreover, getting a massage in your preferred location ensures quality, personalised services.
How Much Does a Massage Mobile Service in Melbourne Cost?
Most massage companies in Melbourne will quote you a price based on how long their therapist will be working with you. For mobile massage service at offices or corporate events, the total number of people who will be getting a massage, the number of therapists working and the length of the event will determine the rate of the service. A rough estimate of the cost of a mobile massage service in Melbourne would be around $50 to $180.
How Many Practitioners of Massage Mobile Service are There in Melbourne?
As a complementary medicine profession, massage occupies a dominant position in Australia, especially if the numbers of practitioners and customers are to be taken into account. There are currently 19,000 massage therapists in the country. More than 41% of whom are based in Melbourne and other parts of Victoria, offering a wide range of services, including massage mobile service which happens to be among those in demand.
How Many People in Melbourne Use Massage Mobile Service?
A 2007 Australian study shows that 70% of respondents are avid users of different forms of complementary medicine, including mobile massage service. There are more people in Melbourne and the rest of Victoria who would book massage therapy services in a 12-month period, compared to other states. It's also worth noting that visits to a massage therapist were much higher in the region than in other states.