Best Myofascial Release Therapists in Osborne Park NSW

About Energy Essence Natural Healthcare

Dominique Latouf

About Energy Essence Natural Healthcare

Lane Cove, NSW, 2066

Member since 2005

Dominique established Energy Essence in 2004 and practices at Lane Cove Natural Therapies Clinic on the North Shore.

Massage therapy Back pain Muscle tension Relaxation Lymphoedema Lymphatic congestion Fluid retention Circulation Cellulite Swelling
Suzannegoldbery - Massage and Reflexology

Suzanne Goldbery

Suzannegoldbery - Massage and Reflexology

Lane Cove, NSW, 2066

Member since 2005

Massage is defined as the systemic manipulation of the soft tissues of the body for a curative, relaxative effect. Soft tissues are made more pliable through massage to promote circulation, relaxation and increase blood flow, lymph flow and bring about healing effects. The benefits of massage creates feelings of well-being, trust and joy. On a spiritual level, the benefits of massage are hard to describe, we are working with the essence , the life-force.

Manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) Wellbeing Relaxation Anxiety Lymphatic system Stress Management Circulation Stiffness Inflammation Tension
Rainbow Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture & Massage Centre

Rainbow Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture & Massage Centre

Rainbow Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture & Massage Centre

Chatswood, NSW, 2067

Member since 2005

Acupuncture, IVF & Infertility Acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM),Herbal medicine, Chinese Massage, Deep tissue massage, Remedial...

Arthritis Eczema Hypertension Infertility Fatigue Asthma Insomnia Migraine Neck pain Neuralgia
Myofascial Cupping Therapy

Jade Tran

Myofascial Cupping Therapy

Chatswood, NSW, 2067

Member since 2012

Myofascial Cupping Therapy is a form of remedial massage treatment combining and using Myofascial Release Therapy and Trigger Point Therapy. Myofascial Cupping Therapy is unlike all other massage techniques that use compression, it is unique in that it ‘lifts and separates’ soft tissue, known as negative or tensional pressure. This in turn can increase nutrient rich blood supply  to the tissue, while giving a gentle passive stretch to the underlying...

Trauma Energy Flexibility Movement Tension Restoring balance Scar tissue Posture Circulation Nervous system
Steven La Greca Remedial Massage Therapist

Steven La Greca

Steven La Greca Remedial Massage Therapist

North Ryde, NSW, 2113

Member since 2018

Ayurvedic & Whole Body Massage, Connective Tissue Massage, Deep Tissue Massage, Myofascial Release Therapy, Remedial Massage, Sports...


Janine Grant


Middle Cove, NSW, 2068

Member since 2004

NB: Why Choose AMAZING MASSAGE & REIKI? Janine has over 20 years professional experience in the therapeutic arts, specialising in Myofascial Release Therapy, Reiki, massage therapy and energy healing. She knows how to help you FEEL AMAZING! and can utilise...

Intuitive healing Natural health Holistic healing Energy Immunity Tension Massage therapy Therapeutic massage Fluid retention Relaxation
Softouch Therapeutic Services

Elise & Kevin Chichian

Softouch Therapeutic Services

Putney, NSW, 2112

Member since 2004

At Softouch, our therapists (male and female) specialise in assisting your body to recover from pains and aches by using Physiotherapy, Massage...

Back pain Neck pain Energy Feet Stretches Movement Tension Massage therapy Chronic pain Relaxation
Sports & Remedial Massage

Jackie Schmidt

Sports & Remedial Massage

Sydney, NSW, 2000

Member since 2004

We focus on your body and therefore give you the highest quality of sports and rehabilitation services you’ll ever find in Sydney.

Feeding Muscle pain Back pain Hip replacements Tension Massage therapy Inflammation Fluid retention Injury prevention Relaxation

Endeavour Wellness Clinic


Sydney, NSW, 2000

Member since 2014

Myotherapy/MST is all about identifying and addressing the underlying causes of musculoskeletal conditions as well as treating symptoms.

Supervision Eczema Back pain Musculoskeletal therapy Asthma Allergies Natural health Movement Tension Elderly
Therapy Central

Therapy Central

Chiswick, NSW, 2046

Member since 2019

All staff at Therapy Central are fully qualified and experienced

Articulation Muscle pain Depression Rehabilitation Fatigue Neck pain Collagen Energy Manipulation Stretches
OsteoLife - Osteopathy Treatments

Dr Valerie Johnston-Dugamin

OsteoLife - Osteopathy Treatments

Potts Point, NSW, 2011

Member since 2010

We help you to a greater level of well-being and health by focusing on the prevention of injury and the restoration and promotion of a healthy lifestyle.

Feeding Pain management Trauma Back pain Migraine Neck pain Neuralgia Energy Empath Manipulation
Supple Massage

Supple Massage

Supple Massage

Balgowlah, NSW, 2093

Member since 2011

Welcome to Supple Massage Amanda is a highly skilled and experienced massage therapist, specialising in rehabilitative, sports and pregnancy massage. Working in collaboration with Bioathletic in Manly, bookings can be made online or through FOH on 99771580.

Massage Tension Rehabilitation Pregnancy support Fitness Stress Management Private health Health insurance Relaxation
Effective treatments for musculoskeletal-neuromuscular conditions & general maintenance/well-being.


Effective treatments for musculoskeletal-neuromuscular conditions & general maintenance/well-being.

Surry Hills, NSW, 2010

Member since 2024

Hey there, my name is Jet; a certified Manual Therapist and accredited member of the Australian Traditional Medicine Society (ATMS) with over 7 years of industry experience in allied health. I do what I do because I find much joy in alleviating the suffering of such a diverse range of people daily and watching my patients regain and maintain a quality of life that allows them to live, work and play at their full potential.

Pain management Imbalances & posture Acute & chronic injuries General maintenance & wellbeing Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) Thoracic outlet syndrome Nerve pain Movement Massage therapy Massage



Turramurra, NSW, 2074

Member since 2004

A minimally invasive, hands on treatment that treats the person as a whole.

Neck pain Wellbeing Back pain Trauma-informed care (TIC) Chronic pain Jaw pain Foot problems Pregnancy related musculoskeletal pains Migraine Trauma-sensitive
Therapeutic Axis - Centre for Wellbeing

Therapeutic Axis - Centre for Wellbeing

Therapeutic Axis - Centre for Wellbeing

Glebe, NSW, 2037

Member since 2007

Counselling, Psychotherapy, Psychology, Massage, Life Coaching, Acupuncture, Energy Healing, Kinesiology. Chat with our Client Support if you are unsure of the type of therapist to best suit you.

Anger management Bipolar disorder Depression Obsessive Panic attacks Trauma Abuse Holistic healing Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)
Integrative Approach to Natural Healing: Integrative Therapy, Kinesiology & BCST

Cornelia Pulvermacher

Integrative Approach to Natural Healing: Integrative Therapy, Kinesiology & BCST

St.Ives, NSW, 2075

Member since 2009

Integrative approach to therapy for holistic health and wellbeing.

Tinnitus Feeding Hormonal imbalance Trauma Back pain Fatigue Vertigo Colic Fibromyalgia Insomnia
Trish Power - Massage Therapies

Trish Power Massage Therapy

Trish Power - Massage Therapies

newtown, NSW, 2042

Member since 2010

Unwind and restore function 

Cancer management Muscle pain Depression Back pain Fatigue Collagen Chakras Disease prevention Energy Feet
Integrated Health - Remedial Massage Sydney

Integrated Health Sydney

Integrated Health - Remedial Massage Sydney

Annandale, NSW, 2038

Member since 2004

Treat yourself or a loved one to a professional Massage Treatment, when you give the friendly team here at Integrated Health a call today. Servicing the greater Leichhardt, Glebe & Balmain areas.

Arthritis Feeding Rehabilitation Trauma Assessments Back pain Neck pain Telehealth Energy Functional testing
Bonn Massage Therapist

Bonn Massage Therapist


Member since 2018

I'm a massage therapist.I work at Luxury Thai Massage and Day Spa in Sydney CBD. Fully Qualified Therapist. If you need massage, Let...

Myocentric Remedial Massage

Brad Pitt

Myocentric Remedial Massage

Stanmore, NSW, 2048

Member since 2012

Remedial Massage, Myofascial Release, Craniosacral Therapy

Massage Sports Cranio Fascial release

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