Best Kinesiologists in Kelmscott WA


Dorothea Bassett


Harrisdale, WA, 6112

Member since 2004

Live and Learn! TUNE UP YOUR LIFE!

Arthritis Mental health Phobias Fatigue Insomnia Learning difficulties Reading Business Telehealth Allergies
Natura Acupuncture Clinic

Natura Acupuncture Clinic

Natura Acupuncture Clinic

Kalamunda, WA, 6076

Member since 2010

Natura Acupuncture Clinic is your local acupuncture and wellness clinic, where Chinese Medicine and Western therapies merge.

Assessments Energy Memory Tapping Matrix reimprinting Love Emotions Negative emotions Wellbeing
Kinesiology for Pain, Emotional Trauma, PTSD, etc.

Glenda Napier

Kinesiology for Pain, Emotional Trauma, PTSD, etc.

Kalamunda, WA, 6076

Member since 2016

Kinesiology is an alternative method of healing that is natural and drug-free. We can tap into the bodies own bioelectro magnetic...

Depression Ageing Collagen Chakras Pets Anti-aging Feet Facials Aura Habits
Katy Lane Love

Katy Furnival

Katy Lane Love

Kalamunda, WA, 6076

Member since 2008

Tried everything? Try Kinesiology

Cancer management Depression Trauma Insomnia Reading Fillers Energy Self-healing Feet Movement
Kinesiology with Natalia

Kinesiology with Natalia

Kinesiology with Natalia

Cockburn Central, WA, 6164

Member since 2024

Hi! I am Natalia and l am a complementary therapist. I hold Advanced Diploma in Functional Kinesiology and a Graduate Diploma in Counselling. I started my practice in 2017 feeling inspired and spiritually guided to work with individuals to help them to work through difficult life questions and experiences.

Anxiety Stress Management Relaxation Immunity boost Trauma Perimenopause Period pain Muscular pain Healing relationships Chakra balancing
Balance Your Being - Kinesiology

Judith Boersma

Balance Your Being - Kinesiology

Como, WA, 6152

Member since 2013

Kinesiology, Vibrant Health and Balance

Phobias Learning difficulties Reading Business Allergies Energy Weight management Goal setting Memory Joy
Functional Kinesiologist & Bodyworker

Kylie Marsh

Functional Kinesiologist & Bodyworker

Applecross, WA, 6153

Member since 2013

Kylie Marsh: Functional Kinesiologist | Functional Massage Therapist | doTERRA Essential Oil Consultant | AromaTouch Practitioner.

Arthritis Eczema High cholesterol Hormonal imbalance Menopause Muscle pain Reflux Anger management Conflict resolution Depression
Brain Gym & Kinesiology Centre of W.A

Lee-Anne MacLeod

Brain Gym & Kinesiology Centre of W.A

Palmyra, WA, 6157

Member since 2004

My specialty is Brain Gym, Kinesiology & Neuro-Kinesiology. Working from a Medical Surgery in Palmyra plus our clinic in Nedlands. I stimulate your bodies own ability to heal itself by using movement, touch and energetic science. This empowers the individual to help him/herself while gaining confidence and control again!

Central auditory processing Trauma Assessments Dyslexia Dyspraxia Parkinson's disease Learning difficulties Auditory processing Speech delay Business
BodyTalk Therapist & Forensic Healer

Charmaine Iversen

BodyTalk Therapist & Forensic Healer

Baldivis, WA, 6171

Member since 2010

When there are energy blockages in the body, they manifest as physical symptoms. You can bring your body's natural healing process...

Depression Migraine Energy Subconscious Happiness Emotional wellbeing Headaches Energy blocks Wellbeing Stress
Massage Break

Mary East

Massage Break

Rockingham, WA, 6168

Member since 2010

Welcome to “Massage Break”“Massage Break” brings to you a chance to change your life in a holistic way. “Change your...

Therapeutic massage Facial Manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) Pregnancy support
Renata Jurza Holistic Kinesiology

Renata Jurza

Renata Jurza Holistic Kinesiology

Subiaco, WA, 6008

Member since 2006

"We are beginning to understand in medical science the degree to which nature of thoughts and emotions actually determines the physical substance and structure and function of our bodies" Dr.John Hagelin, Quantum Physicist (Secret)

Phobias Trauma Dyslexia Allergies Energy Transformation Tension Goal setting Memory Injury prevention
Mind Body & Soul Kinesiology

Sharolyn Ashworth

Mind Body & Soul Kinesiology

Ellenbrook, WA, 6069

Member since 2019

Access Bars, Energy Healing, Kinesiology, Reiki




Brigadoon, WA, 6069

Member since 2024

Nestled high in the picturesque Swan Valley on the Darling escarpment, with stunning city views and overlooking Bells Rapids, Alchemy of Life offers a serene retreat.

Energy Movement Vitality Lifestyle Depression Coaching Overwhelm Spiritual guidance Illness Reading
Neurofeedback Services - non-invasive brain optimisation program for focus, anxiety and stress relie

Vicki Bowden

Neurofeedback Services - non-invasive brain optimisation program for focus, anxiety and stress relie

Mandurah, WA, 6210

Member since 2016

Neurofeedback (brain training) reduces stress and anxiety and brings balance back into your life. If you feel like your life...

Mental health Anger management Trauma Business Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) Decision making Relaxation Nervous system Stress Management Loss

Arielle Sisinni


Clarkson, WA, 6030

Member since 2014

Kinesiology is a holistic approach to health and well-being, with instant and long-lasting results. It combines ancient eastern...

Cancer management Hormonal imbalance Mental health Family therapy Trauma Back pain Fatigue Insomnia Migraine Neck pain
Donna Christine Amelioration

Donna Rowe

Donna Christine Amelioration

Armadale, WA, 6112

Member since 2014

Donna Rowe of Byford Kinesiology is committed to helping you leave the never-ending roller-coaster of “Why does this always...

Depression Reading Energy Empath Elderly Self-esteem Motivation Pain relief Love Aches & pains
Armadale Kelmscott Kinesiology - Kinesiology

Pamela Henderson

Armadale Kelmscott Kinesiology - Kinesiology

Mount Richon, WA, 6112

Member since 2018

A holistic natural therapy integrating the ancient wisdom of oriental medicine with modern science... 

Arthritis Eczema Menopause Thyroid problems Depression Phobias Fatigue Period pain Scoliosis Abuse
Rachel Dhanjal - Kinesiologist + Mindset Coach

Rachel Dhanjal

Rachel Dhanjal - Kinesiologist + Mindset Coach

Bull Creek, WA, 6149

Member since 2018

Clear Your Confidence Blocks Break out of fear and believe in yourself.

Bullying Depression Trauma Back pain Mind-body connection Business Emotional eating Natural health Energy Self-sabotage
Shaguntala Sangarapillay

Shaguntala Sangarapillay

Shaguntala Sangarapillay

Jandakot, WA, 6164

Member since 2019

Kinesiology/muscle monitoring enables the client to understand their patterns of behaviour and with this insight, effectively...

Phobias Addiction Motivation Joy Physical pain Stress Management Fears
Love Healing

Emma Chamberlain

Love Healing

Applecross, WA, 6153

Member since 2015

Enhancing your Inner Peace Have you ever wondered if you could take a look at your past and make significant changes to create...

Depression Pain management Trauma Asthma Learning difficulties Allergies Energy Cravings Weight management Memory

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