Best Energy Healers in Happy Valley SA

Bowen & Beyond

Bowen & Beyond

Bowen & Beyond

Flagstaff Hill, SA, 5159

Member since 2008

BOWEN THERAPY - TRAINED BY BOWTECH " the original Bowen technique"-----------Gentle, effective relief for pain and ill health. Do you know someone who could benefit from Bowen Therapy? A Gift voucher is a perfect way to introduce Bowen to a friend, family member or collegue. Contact Michaela at Bowen and Beyond to organise a Gift Voucher.

Back pain Asthma Migraine Scoliosis Feet Constipation Movement Tension Elderly Feet problems
Quantum BioEnergetics - QB

Philip Renfrey

Quantum BioEnergetics - QB

Blackwood, SA, 5051

Member since 2017

Quantum BioEnergetics balancing technique. According to quantum physics, every living organism operates at a vibration with, and as a part of everything around us. Quantum frequency is the light and information which enables these vibrations to operate. It is about bringing your body back to balance so it can heal itself. Ideal for treating conditions such as depression, anxiety and chronic fatigue syndrome. QB uses quantum frequencies to trigger...

Arthritis Cancer management Depression Trauma Back pain Fatigue Fibromyalgia Migraine Neck pain Physical injuries
Serenity Now Healing

Serenity Now Healing

Serenity Now Healing

Hallett Cove, SA, 5158

Member since 2023

Tracy can help you to release frustration, stress, limitations and calm a busy mind, so you can feel clarity, calm and balance. She is passionate to assist individuals to relax, gain clarity and empower them to live healthy and positive lives and drive change in clients to help build confidence, strength and to encourage balance, fun and healing into their lives. Tracy has a special interest in fertility and bringing empowerment into every area of...

Wellbeing Relaxation Mental clarity Energy Wellbeing support Emotional balance Stress Management Stress Calm Pregnancy issues
Chakra Healing


Chakra Healing

Reynella, SA, 5161

Member since 2024

Chakra Healing offers a comprehensive assessment of your energy type (Guna) and temperament to determine the most suitable healing modality for you. Using principles of physical radiesthesia and vibrational science pioneered by Dr. Ibrahim Karim, we identify your personal vibrational wavelength. You will experience a deeply meditative spiritual healing journey, gaining insights into all aspects of life through readings and wellness sessions. These...

Vibrational medicine Chakras balancing Energy & vitality Scalar wave therapy Medical Intuitive Aura photography Manifestation coaching Chakra healing Aura healing Near infrared therapy
Integrative Health Solutions

Integrative Health Solutions

Integrative Health Solutions

Belair, SA, 5052

Member since 2016

Integrative Health Solutions 13 Laffers Road Belair SA 5052 Ph: 08 7231 1628

Paediatrics Adolescents Cancer management Hormonal imbalance Infertility Mental health Bullying Depression Pain management Phobias
Sound Therapy and Soul Journeys.

Caroline Mackenzie

Sound Therapy and Soul Journeys.

Belair, SA, 5052

Member since 2018

Everything is energy. Consciousness is the vast ocean of knowledge which vibrates on many energetic levels and the Soul is just part of that. I can realign the Soul with Consciousness by balancing a person's multidimensional bodies. Through a range of transformational processes, I can help you find inner balance and harmony in life. Sound is also energy and by utilising the frequencies of sound the healing of the body, mind and spirit can also be...

Growth Wellbeing Energy work Purpose Relaxation Realignment Peace Alignment Memory Focus
Dana Salerno Clinical Hypnotherapy - Comprehensive Services in Adelaide

Dana Salerno

Dana Salerno Clinical Hypnotherapy - Comprehensive Services in Adelaide

Panorama, SA, 5041

Member since 2006

Explore a spectrum of clinical hypnotherapy services with Dana Salerno in Adelaide. Specializing in anxiety relief, pain management, and...

Phobias Physical abuse Trauma Abuse Spirituality Business Chakras Pets Energy Chakra balancing
Lindy Poirier Psychotherapist

Lindy Poirier

Lindy Poirier Psychotherapist

Somerton Park, SA, 5044

Member since 2008

Improve Your Life Today! Experience Instant Relief & Significant Positive Gains! Psychotherapy is a positive way to deal with pain, trauma or any issue you have in life so you can become a healthier, happier, more peaceful person. When you develop coping...

Anxiety Fears Depression Phobias Panic attacks Mental health Stress Management Control issues Dysfunctional relationships Weight issues
Trina Bailey Healing

Trina Bailey

Trina Bailey Healing

Glenelg, SA, 5045

Member since 2007

Trina Bailey invites you to experience the nurturing and restorative power of HOLISTIC REMEDIAL THERAPY, MASSAGE and COUNSELLING

Trauma Neck pain Tension Neuroscience Nurturing Wellbeing
About Perry Celani

Nicky Celani & Perry Celani

About Perry Celani

Glenelg, SA, 5045

Member since 2017

Hi, I'm Perry - a qualified Hypnotherapist who specialises in bringing relief and peace to clients who are challenged, creating positive outcomes in a short period of time. My speciality area is Stop Smoking with a 95% success rate.

Depression Phobias Trauma Telehealth Overwhelm Empath Weight management Chronic pain Stress Management Grief

Jane Deans


Goodwood, SA, 5034

Member since 2007

Reiki is an ancient healing technique. Botanical Health provides a supportive and safe nurturing environment to share and release conscious & subconscious blocked emotions.

Lyme disease Covid-related Wellbeing Face to face appointments Fatigue Menopause Infections Autoimmune conditions Digestion Stress Management
Bioresonance Therapist & Nutrition Counsellor

Joanne Garner

Bioresonance Therapist & Nutrition Counsellor

Parkside, SA, 5063

Member since 2015

When the body is at its optimal frequency, it can repair and shield itself from the environment. BioResonance therapy corrects the body's frequency so you can live healthy, happy and stress-free. Contact Jo for a consultation so you can begin your healing process.

Clearing blocks Energetic medicine Personalised nutrition Family nutrition Chronic stress Stress Allergies Insomnia Food intolerance Viral infections
Anita Pagnani - Hypnotherapist | Guidance Counsellor | Mind Coach

Anita Pagnani

Anita Pagnani - Hypnotherapist | Guidance Counsellor | Mind Coach

Glandore, SA, 5037

Member since 2015

I am a mind, body and soul coach, and I love what I do. I offer you a service that allows you to balance your mind and let go...

Depression Pain management Phobias Trauma Spirituality Childhood trauma Weight management Chronic pain Addiction Motivation
Annie OGrady - Matrix Reimprinting with EFT

Annie O'Grady

Annie OGrady - Matrix Reimprinting with EFT

Malvern, 5061

Member since 2007

Matrix Reimprinting with EFT is now a worldwide therapy in its own right, with over 4,000 practitioners and international conferences

Hypertension Bullying Business financial stress Wellbeing Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) Divorce / Separation Adjustment issues Parenting Phobias Victims of crime
Reiki Therapy and Spiritual Healing

Rasha Naser

Reiki Therapy and Spiritual Healing

Parkside, SA, 5063

Member since 2019

Improve your energy levels, heal your past wounds, and reconnect with your inner self.

Trauma Back pain Abuse Reading Business Telehealth Chakras Energy Seichim Memory
Women's Health

Anke Koelman, Spec. Nat., MHSc

Women's Health

Linden Park, SA, 5065

Member since 2005

We specialise in optimising women's health and well-being. Many chronic diseases and conditions are related to poor gut health. Poor gut health can affect your general well-being through symptoms such as inflammation, fatigue, anxiety, food addiction and headaches. If not addressed, these can lead to auto-immune diseases, obesity, chronic conditions and poor mental health. Recently, it was discovered that trauma and stress can also affect gut health...

Autism spectrum disorders Brain injuries Dementia Early intervention Learning disabilities Colitis Crohn's disease Disabilities Eczema Reflux
Bowen Therapy Body Solutions

Greg Whitford

Bowen Therapy Body Solutions

Adelaide, SA, 5000

Member since 2009

Bowen Therapy is a relatively gentle and non invasive therapy providing effective long term pain relief for a number of conditions. It works not only on the physical level but also the emotional, mental and spiritual levels as well.-

Back pain Shoulder problems Asthma Foot problems Migraine Carpal tunnel syndrome Manipulation Movement Tension Elderly
Energy Healing

Maureen Winner.

Energy Healing

Adelaide, SA, 5000

Member since 2012

Experience gentle, calming energies that uplift your mood, rebalance, & revitalize you. This is your opportunity to feel different, with...

Phobias Smoking cessation Insomnia Energy Movement Weight management Personal issues Relaxation Joy Love
Milica Bilandzic - Bach Flower Essences

Milica Bilandzic

Milica Bilandzic - Bach Flower Essences

Adelaide, SA, 5000

Member since 2012

Milica Bilandizic combines her experience as a Certified Reiki Master, Teacher and Healer with her training in Bach Flower Remedies...

Energy Tension Indecision Distant healing Joy Spiritual awakening Stress Management Grief Emotions Anxiety
Louise Armitage Homoeopath & Bowen Therapist

Louise Armitage Homoeopath & Bowen Therapist

Louise Armitage Homoeopath & Bowen Therapist

Adelaide, 5000

Member since 2009

Louise Armitage offers Homeopathic Medicine and Bowen Technique to clients on the Fleurieu Peninsula, via Skype or Face Time. Rural and remote clients welcome!

Arthritis Trauma Back pain Fatigue Neck pain HIV Knee pain Telehealth Allergies Food poisoning

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