Best Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Practitioners in Mount Crosby QLD

Whistling Kite Healing Therapies

Abbey Boland

Whistling Kite Healing Therapies

Nambour, QLD, 4560

Member since 2015

Discover, Connect and Transform with Whistling Kite Healing Therapies.

Cancer management Depression Ageing Fatigue Holistic healing Energy Feet Movement Healing therapies Massage therapy
Rachel Bourne - Holistic Coaching and Sound Healing

Rachel Bourne

Rachel Bourne - Holistic Coaching and Sound Healing

Sunshine Coast, QLD, 4560

Member since 2024

Rachel assists you to activate your infinite self healing abilities, and discover your true self. Learn how to embody an integrative approach to your transformation journey by gently releasing emotional trauma with mindfulness, body work/somatic therapies energy psychology (EFT) & frequency/sound healing Biofield tuning and shamanic practices.

Telehealth Sexual abuse Trauma Abuse Business Yoga therapy Energy Holistic health Mediumship Coaching
Health Inspirations Northside - Reiki

Patricia Newton

Health Inspirations Northside - Reiki

Brisbane, QLD, 4000

Member since 2008

Reiki rebalances the body on physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels and re-integrates the person, soothing their soul.

Pain management Trauma Back pain Fatigue Palliative care Neck pain Aged care Abuse Spirituality Reading
Kinesiology: Unlock your Inner Wisdom and Elevate your Whole Life.

Rachael Dunn

Kinesiology: Unlock your Inner Wisdom and Elevate your Whole Life.

Brisbane, QLD, 4000

Member since 2010

Experience Kinesiology to restore balance and vitality by alleviating stress from the whole system. The art of Muscle Monitoring locates deep imbalances and then assists in finding your own personalised corrections. The feeling of freedom spiritual harmony. Finding and clearing the root cause of an imbalance or stress frees up energy for healing and return to optimal health, peace and calm.

Depression Trauma Ageing Back pain Abuse Natural health Energy Self-sabotage Flexibility Movement
Energy Clearing Practitioner

Beverly Amos

Energy Clearing Practitioner

Brisbane, QLD, 4000

Member since 2014

Did you know that stimulating specific acupoints on the face, head, hands and upper body can help to relieve powerful emotions such as anger, grief and sadness? Beverly can teach you how to use EFT to treat physical, psychological and emotional issues.

Anxiety Fears Virtual gastric band hypnosis Emotions Quit smoking Clinical hypnotherapy Irritability Stress Management Gastric banding Subconscious
Essensual Being - EFT

Marina Fick

Essensual Being - EFT

Yandina, QLD, 4561

Member since 2007

Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT)

Arthritis Cancer management Disabilities Hormonal imbalance Depression Parenting Phobias Trauma Fatigue Insomnia
Holistic Counsellor & Certified Therapist

Joanne Rynsdorp

Holistic Counsellor & Certified Therapist

Bundamba, QLD, 4304

Member since 2020

Access the tools that will help you deal with your current situation and move forward with your life with joy and confidence.

Mental health Depression Parenting Personality assessment Suicide Trauma Social skills Telehealth Empath Coaching
Faster Emotional Freedom Techniques or Tapping

Rebecca Jones

Faster Emotional Freedom Techniques or Tapping

Springfield, QLD, 4300

Member since 2019

Leave all your fears behind, take control of your actions, and live light and free with Faster EFT

Bullying Phobias Rehabilitation Trauma Abuse Neglect Telehealth Epilepsy Mindset Public speaking
Jan Blumke Counselling

Jan Blumke

Jan Blumke Counselling

Forest Lake, QLD, 4078

Member since 2017

Art Therapy, Breathwork, Counselling, Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), Holistic Counselling, Meditation, Men's Health, Mindfulness, Psychotherapy, Women's...

Jane Tredrea

Jane Tredrea

Jane Tredrea

Palmwoods, QLD, 4555

Member since 2013

I am a natural Allergy Therapist using Kinesiology and TCM to help your body deal with allergies and food sensitivities.

Arthritis Colitis Eczema Thyroid problems Depression Obsessive Phobias Fatigue Vertigo Asthma
Universal Energy EFT

Monique Mackin

Universal Energy EFT

New Beith, QLD, 4124

Member since 2015

Tapping into a New State of Wellbeing: Emotional Freedom Technique

Bullying Depression Pain management Parenting Phobias Smoking cessation Trauma Back pain Migraine Abuse
Mindful Moments Counselling

Christine Lawless

Mindful Moments Counselling

Sherwood, QLD, 4075

Member since 2017

We provide confidential Counselling, Mindfulness and Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) services to suit and strengthen individuals, couples...

Energy Empath Resilience Memory Tapping Happiness Emotional wellbeing Self-esteem Loneliness Complementary therapies
The Energy Healing Space

The Energy Healing Space

Moggill, QLD, 4070

Member since 2021

Counselling, Counselling Online, Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) Online, Energy Healing, Energy...

Trauma Holistic healing Disconnection Joy Trauma release Stress Management Anxiety Abuse Domestic violence Reconnection
Soul Discoveries

Jo Steckelbruck

Soul Discoveries

Sunshine Coast, QLD, 4560

Member since 2017

Soul Discoveries is a safe place to heal and become empowered. Providing holistic counselling, incorporating numerous techniques, each...

Depression Spirituality Energy Self discovery Coaching Creativity Tapping Happiness Addiction Relaxation
Naamba Holistic Day Spa - Bodywork, Beauty & Day Spa Rituals

About Us

Naamba Holistic Day Spa - Bodywork, Beauty & Day Spa Rituals

Nambour, QLD, 4560

Member since 2017

retreat • relax • receive - Bio-Energetic Bodywork, Therapeutic Massage, Relaxation Massage, Vibrational Healing, Oriental...

Feeding Menopause Depression Relaxation techniques Back pain Fatigue Musculoskeletal therapy Asthma Insomnia Migraine
24 Hour Wealth Coach

Jeremy Britton

24 Hour Wealth Coach

Brisbane, QLD, 4000

Member since 2012

Why do you need a Wealth Coach?

Light House Healing

Jess De Simone

Light House Healing

Brisbane, QLD, 4000

Member since 2017

Energy healing-Pranic healing, Reiki, Isis Seichem, chakra & crystal healing, Emotional Freedom Tapping. Yoga- classes & private...

Evonne Fisher Hypnotherapy - Eliminate Unwanted Fears and Phobias

Evonne Fisher

Evonne Fisher Hypnotherapy - Eliminate Unwanted Fears and Phobias

Indooroopilly, QLD, 4068

Member since 2008

Eliminate Unwanted Fears and Phobias: Restore Calm Naturally

Infertility Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) Panic attacks Phobias Smoking cessation Trauma Fertility issues Dogs Lung Energy
Potent Minds

Liz Champtaloup

Potent Minds

Bardon, QLD, 4065

Member since 2012

Combining PSYCH-K, Hypnotherapy, Emotional Freedom Technique, Energy Clearing and the elegant wisdom of Ancient Chinese Medicine...

Reading Holistic healing Energy Transformation Coaching Subconscious Tapping Relaxation Purpose Facial

Deanna Young


Camp Hill, QLD, 4152

Member since 2016

Counselling, Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), Holistic Counselling, Life Coaching, Wellness Coaching, Women's Health, Workshop...

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