What is Emotional Freedom Technique?
Emotional freedom technique (EFT) is an emotional healing technique developed by Stanford-trained psychologist Gary Craig after he read an energy psychology book written by Dr Roger Callahan. EFT involves tapping the body's meridian points with the fingertips while focusing on negative emotions with the goal to release emotional suffering or tension in the body, often resulting in relief from emotional suffering, stress reduction and enhanced emotional wellbeing.
What are the Benefits of Emotional Freedom Technique?
The numerous benefits of emotional freedom technique have been demonstrated in several clinical studies, including calming the nervous system by lowering the body's stress response. Moreover, EFT can be used at any time and anywhere to provide immediate relief from emotional or physical pain. Using EFT can help you deal with a range of different health issues, including:
- Stress
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Sleeping problems
- Panic disorders
- Fears and phobias
- Addictions
- Emotional distress
- Chronic pain
- Tension headaches
- Asthma
- Anger management
- Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
- Smoking cessation
- Sports performance
What is the Cost of Emotional Freedom Technique in Sydney?
In Sydney, emotional freedom technique sessions cost from $150 to $210, depending on the length of the session. A typical session is 60 minutes long, though a full-body EFT session can be done in as little as 30 minutes. Practitioners provide easy payment options that don't break the bank in the case of severe health conditions that require longer treatment sessions. Some EFT practitioners also offer online EFT sessions.
How Many Emotional Freedom Technique Practitioners Work in Sydney?
There are several EFT practitioners across Sydney, as well as EFT clinics that can treat people of all ages. Practitioners of this type of modality specialise in a variety of therapies, ranging from psychology and counselling to hypnotherapy and acupressure.
How Many People in Sydney Use Emotional Freedom Technique?
Although the exact number of EFT users in Sydney is unknown, there is strong evidence that it is widely used throughout the city, if not Australia. This healing technique has benefitted and continues to assist many athletes, students, public speakers and CEOs. Unlike other treatments that require the assistance of a qualified practitioner, EFT is something that many people can use on their own after a registered EFT practitioner has taught them its mechanism.