Best Pranic Healers in New South Wales

Dianne Levick ND - Pranic Healing, Reiki and Past Life Regression

Dianne Levick

Dianne Levick ND - Pranic Healing, Reiki and Past Life Regression

Cronulla, NSW, 2230

Member since 2004

Looking for a professional Pranic Healing or Reiki Treatment in the Sutherland Shire? Then look no further than Dianne Levick

Cancer management Eczema Heart disease Mental health Reflux Depression Phobias Relaxation techniques Trauma Ageing
Serenity Healing

Lara Hewitt

Serenity Healing

Kirrawee, NSW, 2232

Member since 2005

A Higher Level Of Health:~ Natural Health Practitioner specialising in Kinesiology, Pranic Healing, Body Harmony, Vibrational...

Depression Trauma Back pain Fatigue Shoulder problems Migraine Vibrational medicine Angelic healing Energy Transformation
Carolyn Boniface - Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy

Carolyn Boniface

Carolyn Boniface - Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy

Byron Bay, NSW, 2481

Member since 2006

I offer you deep peace, healed expansive boundaries, comfort in body and mind and alignment with joy... all hallmarks of true Health.  Safe, fast results. In one session, feel the difference!

Relaxation Wellbeing Self awareness Love Headaches Healing art Wellness Joy Purpose Boundaries
Wellspring Consultancy

Tiyana Maksimovich-Binno

Wellspring Consultancy

Earlwood, NSW, 2206

Member since 2008

Holistic healing for: Mind, Emotions, Body & Spirit, Relationships, Life and Career Coaching. Practice since 1986. Works from Earlwood.

Distant healing Nurturing Wellbeing Home visits Physical health Life path Purpose Stress Management Life direction Growth
Naomi Tarrant

Naomi Tarrant

Naomi Tarrant

Lismore, NSW, 2480

Member since 2008

Naomi is a qualified Cranio Sacral therapist. This means help with; difficult to treat conditions, pain, accident and injury, pregnancy, post-natal...

Feeding Reflux Depression Obsessive Panic attacks Trauma Back pain Colic Fibromyalgia Migraine
Vibrational Healing - Energetic Healing

Marisa Secco

Vibrational Healing - Energetic Healing

Castle Hill, NSW, 2154

Member since 2010

Energetic Healing Focuses on the Subtle Anatomy such as the Chakras, Meridians, and Auric field around the body as well as the...

Reconnection Hydration Love Aches & pains Dialogue Anger Hormones Emotions Shame Anxiety
Healing Modalities

Catherine Pourreau

Healing Modalities

Armidale, NSW, 2350

Member since 2016


Cancer management Hormonal imbalance Mental health Trauma Back pain Fatigue Migraine Physical injuries Telehealth Complementary medicine
Mystic Lightworker

Mystic Lightworker

Stanwell Tops, NSW, 2508

Member since 2023

Meditation, Pranic Healing, Reiki

Coastal Natural Energy Therapies

Coastal Natural Energy Therapies

Coastal Natural Energy Therapies

Chain Valley Bay, 2259

Member since 2024

Certified Kinesiologist and bioresonace therapist, Courses in Reiki and pranic healing, incorporating intuitive healing, utilizing crystals, bush essence, essential oils, Aetherx energy decks, Tarot and many other card decks to facilitate healing on all levels Where clients are interested will work with archangels and other spirit guides, Also offer Sessions in Quantum Bio Health mat which incorporates 8 therapies Far infrared ray therapy PEMF...

Hormonal imbalance Intuitive healing Energy Emotional pain Intuition Physical pain & suffering Smart body connection Heavy metal detoxification Detox electro magnetic fields Vaccine detox
Gorokan Bowen Clinic

Gorokan Bowen Clinic

Gorokan Bowen Clinic

Gorokan, NSW, 2263

Member since 2007

I believe in treating people holistically, and individually, being genuine and interested in each person's story.

Infertility Shoulder problems Asthma Migraine Allergies Energy Elderly Sinus Sciatica Respiratory problem

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