Best Energy Healers in North Ryde NSW

Transform Your Life With The Power Of Astrology, Numerology, And Tarot Revelations

Tarot Cloud Divine Power

Transform Your Life With The Power Of Astrology, Numerology, And Tarot Revelations

Macquarie Park, NSW, 2113

Member since 2024

Illuminate Your Path Today: Embrace the Wisdom Of Tarot, For Real-Life Alignment And Achievements.

Telehealth Reading Spelling Business Numerology Transformation Astrology Boundaries Love Life path
Spiritual / Reiki Healing (Distance Healing)

Elizabeth Backler

Spiritual / Reiki Healing (Distance Healing)

Ryde, 2112

Member since 2004

Start your journey of transformation with the help of spiritual & Reiki healing, which includes distance healing.

Arthritis Depression Trauma Abuse Telehealth Chakras Vibrational medicine Natural health Energy Chakra balancing
Martina Nussbaumer - Complementary & Nutrition Medicine Practitioner,  Nutritionist,  Remedial, Spor

Martina Nussbaumer

Martina Nussbaumer - Complementary & Nutrition Medicine Practitioner, Nutritionist, Remedial, Spor

Gladesville, NSW, 2111

Member since 2006

25 years experience. Massage Therapies: Remedial, Sports, Relaxation; Lymphatic Drainage (Lymphoedema), Trigger Point Therapy, Reflexology; Nutrition...

Complementary medicine Nutritional therapy Tactile therapies Therapeutic massage Massage Chronic pain Foot problems Inflammation Stress Management Back pain
Massage For Wholeness

Wendy Gilchrist

Massage For Wholeness

Gordon, NSW, 2072

Member since 2009

Need a good massage? One that gets all the right spots, is deep, and yet still relaxes you. Call Wendy today and make an appointment.

Flexibility Movement Tension Bodywork Aura Posture Private health Relaxation Stress Management
Coaching & Counselling with Jocelyn

Jocelyn Harvey

Coaching & Counselling with Jocelyn

Pymble, NSW, 2073

Member since 2011

Is anxiety, panic or trauma keeping you chronically stuck? It’s time to free yourself… Let’s get you back on track!

Anxiety Fears Panic attacks Feeling stuck Trauma Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) Childhood trauma Abuse Coaching Transformational therapy

Petrana Barac-Dunn


Chatswood, NSW, 2067

Member since 2007

Inner Sanctum Natural Therapies provides a focus on you. Our services support emotional health and well-being in your everyday life to regain inner peace and harmony. Todays’ busy lifestyle and expectations can make it hard to find time to care for ourselves and allow us to explore our potential. Make time for you!

Bach flower remedy Emotional wellbeing Wellbeing Tension headaches Aches & pains Anxiety Loss Overwhelm Mums health & wellbeing Postpartum recovery
Rainbow Medicine

Rainbow Medicine Acupuncture Herbal Medicine Fertility Gut Health

Rainbow Medicine

Lane Cove, NSW, 2066

Member since 2022

Welcome to Rainbow Medicine: Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine Clinic Christine Shen at Rainbow Medicine in Sydney North-Shore Balgowlah Clinic provides unique Acupuncture, Herbal Chinese Medicine and Holistic Psychotherapy services tailored to your individual needs. Our highly trained and experienced acupuncturist and Chinese Herbalist assist you in relieving pain and stress using the revolutionary acupuncture balance method and classical...

Fertility acupuncture Ivf acupuncture Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) Endometriosis Women's wellness Emotional healing Infertility Fatigue Constipation Inflammation
PEMF Sales/Product Info

PEMF Sales & Rentals

PEMF Sales/Product Info

Chatswood West, NSW, 2067

Member since 2021

High Quality Portable PEMF Machines

Cancer management Fatigue Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) Incontinence Business Brain cancer Frequency therapy Continence Health issues Rapid pain relief
Azure Wellbeing

Azure Wellbeing

Azure Wellbeing

Hunters Hill, NSW, 2110

Member since 2007

Enjoy empowerment and fulfill your potential: Live your own life.

Spirituality Reading Intuitive reading Energy Chakra balancing Empath Transformation Massage therapy Bodywork Joy
Rose Banham - Reiki

Rose Banham

Rose Banham - Reiki

Crows Nest, NSW, 2065

Member since 2007

Reiki | Energy Healing Restore and Heal. Reduce Stress.

Clinical hypnotherapy Wellbeing Optimal health Nurturing Stress Management Self-realisation Coaching Habits Personal growth Relaxation
Intuitive Healing

Intuitive Healing

Intuitive Healing

Crows Nest, NSW, 2065

Member since 2012

All matter has an energy field (or electromagnetic field), including the human body. This field has been verified by scientific instruments and specialised photography.

Anxiety Shift in consciousness Relationship issues Emotional wellbeing Personal growth Inner peace Energetics Tension Vibrational medicine Intuitive healing
Resonance Crystal Healing

Helen Efstathiou

Resonance Crystal Healing

Drummoyne, NSW, 2047

Member since 2014

If you are feeling mentally, physically, and emotionally overburdened, or struggling to keep your head above water, Reiki and crystal healing treatments may be able to help. Feel calmer, more grounded and cope with daily challenges and decisions better with these modalities. Schedule your appointment with Helen today!

Depression Trauma Ageing Fatigue Neck pain Collagen Telehealth Chakras Allergies Childhood trauma

Janine Grant


Roseville, NSW, 2069

Member since 2004

NB: Why Choose AMAZING MASSAGE & REIKI? Janine has over 20 years professional experience in the therapeutic arts, specialising in Myofascial Release Therapy, Reiki, massage therapy and energy healing. She knows how to help you FEEL AMAZING! and can utilise...

Intuitive healing Natural health Holistic healing Energy Immunity Tension Massage therapy Therapeutic massage Fluid retention Relaxation
Elemental Space Clearing (On-site & Remote Clearing)

Sophy Robertson

Elemental Space Clearing (On-site & Remote Clearing)

Drummoyne, NSW, 2047

Member since 2020

Space clearing allows you to feel, live and work better in your home and office with a sense of renewed energy.

Stress Management Wellbeing Pain management Love Emotional wellbeing Space clearing Energy cleansing Mediumship Burnout Addiction
Inspire Freedom Kinesiology

Janette Harris

Inspire Freedom Kinesiology

Crows Nest, NSW, 2065

Member since 2016

For Powerful Healing of the Mind, Body & Spirit. Kinesiology is a gentle and non-invasive complementary therapy that enable us to identify stress in the body, whether emotional, mental, physical, nutritional or energetic.

Transformational kinesiology Family health Fears Stress Management Growth Emotions Love Purpose Motivation Transformation
Debra Dawn - Services

Debra Dawn

Debra Dawn - Services

Beecroft, NSW, 2119

Member since 2016

Healing , intuitive readings and counseling with messages from your spirit guides, angels and those in spirit. Healing to release blocked emotions. Clearing and protection Past life regression Be guided to a joyful and peaceful future.

Intuitive counselling Regression therapy Anxiety Palmistry Adults Empath Phobias Fatigue Energy Aura
Life Coach, Psychic & Energy Healer

Life Coach, Psychic & Energy Healer

Drummoyne, NSW, 2047

Member since 2023

Change your life for the better with thorough holistic therapy tailored to your specific needs and experiences. Liz's assertiveness coaching methods, along with energy healing and spiritual guidance, can assist you in identifying and resolving the underlying reasons of your present circumstances, allowing you to accomplish long-term, permanent change.

Telehealth Energy work Energy clearing Intuitive energy healing Energy medicine Energy balancing Negative energy removal Spiritual coaching Spiritual guidance Spiritual mentor
Joanna Healey - Art Therapy / Counsellor

Joanna Healey

Joanna Healey - Art Therapy / Counsellor

St Leonards, NSW, 2065

Member since 2024

Art Therapist / Holistic Counsellor / Energy Healer, Nurturing creative expression to promote heart centered healing and growth. Art therapy and energy healing for transformation through creating a safe space to explore self discovery. Compassionate, intuitive, and creative guide. Weaves art, energy, and counselling to nurture emotional healing, wellbeing and self-discovery. Joanna empathetic engages and gently facilitates you on your journey towards...

Autism spectrum disorders Attention deficit Adoption Adolescents Emotional wellbeing Trauma Sexual abuse Abuse Depression Complex post-traumatic stress disorder (CPTSD)
The Silva Method Australia - Intuition System

The Silva Method Australia

The Silva Method Australia - Intuition System

Concord, NSW, 2137

Member since 2017

Total intuitive living is the goal for every Silva student.

Business Energy Transformation Decision making Coaching Creativity Memory Indecision Leadership Happiness
Trauma based Emotional Healing

Tayo Hayashi

Trauma based Emotional Healing

Turramurra, 2074

Member since 2019

Trauma based Emotinal Healing I offer at Tayo's Harmony is based on  Metaphysical anatomy technique(MAT)™ MAT is a is a trauma release personal development process.  During the session I identify key issues that are related to your condition or block, you...

Menopause Trauma Fatigue Learning difficulties Energy Feet Movement Vision Subconscious Tapping

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