Zsuzsa Toth
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Kinesiology by Zsuzsa
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How a Kinesiology Balance works
Your body has energy paths running through it called meridians. There are 12 base meridians a kinesiologist refers to which in turn correlates to a body organ or system. The 12 meridians are heart, small intestine, circulation/sex, triple warmer, spleen, stomach, large intestine, lung, liver, kidney, bladder, gall bladder and liver and they are in turn linked to a group of muscles. When the meridian pathways are blocked, there is an imbalance in the body which presents itself as an illness, ailment or emotional turmoil.
A kinesiologist will discover this imbalance when they test muscles and find a weakness. This then guides the practitioner to understand whether the imbalance is physical, mental, emotional, spiritual or environmental. The balance then begins as the kinesiologist uses a variety of tools to open up the blocks and create communication between the physical and energetic bodies to create wellness on every level.
Using muscle bio-feedback system via muscle testing, it gives you greater insights as to why patterns of behaviour or ailments are occuring. Your awareness is heightened and deep subconscious memories are brought up to create a fast track of shifting yourself on every level. Kinesiology is a self responsibilty module and empowers you with great insights as to why you may be stuck in areas of your life.
Consider your body being a mirror that reflects what is going on for you mentally and emotionally and your subconscious being the filing cabinet of all your life's memories and emotions that you have experienced up until now. In every moment of our being, we autonomously tap into these opinions and operating systems and present ourselves in a reactive manner. So if you find yourself asking "I don't know why I said that", "I don't know why I feel this way" or "I don't know why I keep doing that", then it's a great insight that you are running from old patterns that no longer serve you. Kinesiology will help you to have a greater understanding of all the behaviours and emotions you have embedded throughout life that no longer serve you. The balance will then help reset you so that your mental, emotional and physical body can heal itself.
Kinesiology for You
Your initial session runs for one and a half hours whereby a detailed case history is taken. Any following balances are designed to last for one hour, however in some circumstances more time may be required.
After understading the multi facets of how your feel, think and what is going on with your physical body, we then find a goal as a priority to work with during the session.
For example, if someone is feeling really anxious and hypersensistive, thinking that this will never go away and that life is just scary and then showing physical symptoms of being unable to sleep, grinding their teeth and struggling with their digestion, then we would create an intenion that would shift this stuck phase. The goal may read "I am calm, empowered and my life flows smoothly".
About Zsuzsa
Your Awakening is My Greatest Honour in Life
I have spent my life being fascinated by human behaviour, quantum physics & our subconscious & super conscious (higher self) selves. All this fascination really began when I was growing up in a challenging emotional environment, that as a child I felt super sensitive to. I never ceased pondering the question of why a person behaved the way they did and what triggered them to become who they are. How did they conclude on their perspective of the world and once they had this particular belief system, what could they possibly do to shift this if it didn't serve them. Of course, now as a mature adult, I sum this up with ease and insight because I’ve spent my life seeking and searching for answers.
And now I have them, I am very passionate about sharing them with you!
I do what I love and love what I do by working as a Kinesiologist and Public Speaker on how you too can shift your imbedded belief systems, behavioural patterns and free yourself up so you can really attain the delights in life you so desire and deserve.
As a KINESIOLOGIST, I am able to help you attain insights that create breakthroughs on a mental, emotional, physical & spiritual level. And as a public speaker, I present the FREEDOM TO FEEL GOOD WORKSHOP that will not only entertain you, but ultimately feed your heart and soul as to how to rise above adversity.
I live and run my consultations from the Mornington Peninsula, however I am very flexible in bringing my services to you. I am a certified and registered practitioner and continue to evolve and expand my professional repertoire.
For all enquiries contact us today!
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