Y Yoga Studio
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Teaching mastery of the body as a way of attaining a state of spiritual perfection in which the mind is withdrawn from external objects.This happens through a scientific matrix of poses, meditation and pranayama
Y Yoga Studio
Focus areas
Far infrared
About Us
Jullan has been studying the science of Yoga for the last twenty years.
She first experienced Yoga at Patabi Jois's school in Mysore, India, twenty three years ago.
She has trained in Iyengar and Astanga Yoga with respected Teachers between India and Australia.
Jullan holds numerous diplomas in physical education, her backround studies include Ayurveda, Metaphysics and she is currently undertaking a TH.D in Natural Medical Science.
Jullan has been teaching physical education for the last twenty years and has been teaching Yoga for ten of those years.
She is the founder of the Y Yoga Studio in Doubleview, Perth, which she established in 2003.
Having a childhood backround in gymnastics, Jullan's lifetime love is in physical movement. Through the practice of Yoga and meditation this love made a natural transition into Soul movement. In her experience, the science of Yoga is about being aware of self from moment to moment or being aware of all that is not Soul. Jullan's emphasis as a teacher is on body biomechanics (balancing energies all over the body), through Yoga movements which activate energy points.
These energy points or life centres in the body are an important factor to consider in all yogic practices, from asana to pranayama and meditation. They are an integral part of Yogic thinking and understanding of body and mind. This in combination with Bandhas (internal locks) and pranayama (breath control) is what leads the student to a disiplined mind, flexible body and a purified subtle body (energy body), which then gives longivity to life.
There is no substitute for the degree of movement you will attain from Yoga, mental, physical and spiritual, as practicing Yoga is an exploration of our individual bodies.
About Yoga Therapy
The term Yoga stems from the root yuj, which means to yoke or unite.
Yoga is that which unites the individual soul with the one true absolute soul. This happens through the practical discipline of purifying the physical body, subtle body (energy body) and calming or drawing the mind to a one pointed focus on the individual self.
The practice of Yoga postures, breath awareness and control, concentration, meditation, mantra, mudra and so on, set forth a path that allows the limited individual to tap into a deeper conciousness, to get to know the true self and to ultimately express the creative and spiritual side of its nature, through manifestation.
At the Y Yoga Studio, the student will be introduced to Hatha Yoga, predominantly Iyengar style with variations of Astanga style, creating an interesting flow and an all over balancing of energies.
I have experienced the ill effects the repetitive moves of Astanga Yoga had on my body and spine over the years, therefore it should be noted that I do not teach the Astanga series or sequence.
Mr Iyengar introduced alignment and technique into Hatha Yoga, which then became Iyengar Yoga.
Having more time for correct alignment and breath work in a posture, is more beneficial for the organs of the body. By adding flow to the correct structure of postures, this then creates a very safe and therapeutically beneficial way to practice Yoga.
One of the main purposes of asana practice (yoga postures) is to insure a non obstructed flow of prana through the energy life centres of the body. Different body parts that are sore or stiff, indicate a need for asana to bring fresh circulation to energy regions, that may have become obstructed or tense.
The classical text on Hatha Yoga which is, "The Hatha Yoga Pradipika", describes the Asanas or postures and pranayama or breath regulation, which forms the basis of the modern practice of yoga today.
There are thousands of postures within the system of Yoga, ancient texts suggest 840,000 to be percise. However, through the regular practice of only 12 to 15 postures, one will experience the transfomation of the physical, mental and spiritual state.
This is the primary focus of Yoga.
"The Hatha Yoga Pradipika" says that, "controlling the breath and observing its rhythm brings the consciousness to stillness."
By drawing the consciousness within (Pratyahara), one will develop one pointed attention and self awareness. Pratyahara is a door between the outer and inner aspects of Yoga that allows us to turn our energy inward. It's roll is to take Yoga practice away from being mere physical exercise to a deep spiritual disipline.
Our Studio
About the Y Yoga Studio, in Doubleview Perth.
The letter "Y" In Y Yoga Studio denotes the word Yajna (Worship), as in 'Worship Yoga'.
This is a beautifull Sanskrit word (classical language of India) which sums up the purpose of practicing Yoga, worshiping the divine within yourself, or more effectively, the divine worshiping himself within you. This happens through a scientific matrix of poses or a physical energetic weave and meditation.
The Y Yoga Studio was opened in 2003 and for many local people it has become a place of meditation and peace. It is a perfect, clean and specially designed space, which is required for the practice of Yoga and meditation.
The studio is conveniently located in Doubleview, behind IGA on Scarborough Beach road with ample parking provided. The area is quiet as it is set back from the main road. It is a 90sqm studio, very private and comfortable with wooden floors, ambient lighting and a meditative water feature. The studio is an excellent facility, fully equipped with all the traditional Yoga equipment. We have a state of the art two seater Infrared Sauna, which provides the ulltimate bone marrow, body detox and deep tissue treatment. We have a 6mtr x 3.5mtr full lenght wall filled with bars, ropes and Yoga swings. We also have Yoga swings hanging from the ceiling.
With this type of equipment, we are well set up to help the most experienced student to the absolute beginner. Also with the bars, ropes and swings we can create a most safe and therapeutic practice for the less flexible or injured student. Being the only studio with yoga swings we can help even the most unco-ordinated student get into the swing of things.
On arrival student Yogis often remark on the energy or beautiful ambience the studio has. I put this down to the spiritual connection myself and the beautiful souls of my students create on a daily basis. These are the good spiritually oriented people you will meet at Y Yoga Studio.
It makes me very happy and fills my heart with love, having the oppurtunity to teach people in such a spiritual gathering. I am pleased with the progress my students are making on a mental, physical and spiritual level over the years and I always look forward to meeting and helping new students who come through my door daily.
Detox Sauna
Burn calories and controls weight
Producing sweat, pumping blood and burning calories, you lose weight not just water.
Increases blood circulation and strengthens the cardiovascular system
Conditioning benefits of continous exercise. Heart rate, cardiac output and metabolic rate increases, while diastolic blood pressure drops, for improved overall cardiovascular fitness.
Relieves pain
Helps peripheral blood vessels dilate, bringing relief and healing to muscle and soft tissue injuries. Eases joint pain and stiffnesss associated with many forms of arthritis.
Remove toxins and mineral waste
Increased blood circulation stimulates the sweat glands, releasing built-up toxins and waste.
Improves skin
Improved tone, elasticity, relieve acne, eczema, psoriasis, burns, lesions and cuts. In addition, open wounds heal more quickly, reducing scarring. Reduces cellulite.
Improves the immune system
Resistance to disease is increased.
Reduces stress and fatigue
Simple relaxation.
Completely safe and natural
What makes this particular Far infrared Sauna better than others? The most advanced technology from Japan. The carbon fibre panels comprised of multiple heat sensors that are calibrated to ensure continuous FIR heat at a lower surface temperature than other FIR sauna heaters - better performance well within the "Vital range" average 9.4, which is the frequency at which a water molecule resonates or vibrates.
Class Descriptions
Iyengar style yoga. Suitable for every age and level of ability. The course will introduce the student to basic, standing, sitting and inverted postures. It includes relaxation methods and an introduction to Pranayama or gentle regulation of the breath.
Level one
This class is open to students who have completed a beginner course and the more experienced student. It gives the student more time to discover the changes happening in the physical and mental body. Iyengar style yoga focuses on postural alignment, breath control and self awareness.
Level two
This class is open to all experienced levels. Predominantly Iyengar style Yoga with variations of Astanga style. Stronger emphasis is laid on strenght and flexiblity, stamina, balance, synchronization of breath with movement, breath control, core strenght stability. Through meditation techniques an overall deeper sense of concentration and self will be experienced.
All yoga practice has its therapeutic value and whilst it goes to the root of all disease, its use is better as a preventative medicine. Therapy means to heal, to take care of, so for those students suffering from scoliosis, arthritis, neck/back problems, injuries and other difficult physical conditions, this class provides a more individual approach to these ailments.
Open class
This class is suitable for the beginner student as well as the experienced student. Combining dynamic postures with restorative postures. More emphasis is laid on restorative poses, with pranayama, meditative cleansing practice.
Inverted power
Complete and concentrated focus on technique and understanding of the phenomenal benefits and powers of inversions. Through a series of inverted postures, one will experience increased brain and concentration power, improved overall body strength and intuition, lifted energy levels and a more balanced emotional state. These are just some of the benefits of inversions, so turn your world upside down and all will be revealed!
Meditation cannot be taught it comes by itself, in its own time. But if you follow the right process to begin with, you can speed up your progress considerably.
In the old tradition of meditation, there are a many varieties of different techniques - some use the power of sound, others use visual objects or pranayama. The common aim of these techniques is to focus the scattered rays of mind to a one pointed position.
The technique that I most recommend for long term practice is Japa or the repitition of a Mantra.
Beginner students to meditation may find it hard to focus their attention, narrowing your field of concentration to a category of objects and practicing breath control will help train and disipline the mind to begin with.
The beginner student may find it hard to sit with a straight spine for even a few minutes. As it is the job of the spine to keep the mind alert, it is important to practice asana and meditation, in order to strengthen mind and body in combination.
Mantra is a form of silent or vocal suggestion, usually repetitive; a word or group of words that induce a meditative state and illuminate consciousness. According to ancient sages, of all the mantras Om is the best as it includes every mantra.
It is the chief of all mantras, has a cleansing effect on the chakras and improves concentration.
The heart region (Anahata chakra) and the third eye (Agni chakra) are good points of focus for meditation to control the subconcious mind, instincts, deep seated emotions and to aid in Pratyahara or internalization of mind.
Shifting one's attention from head to heart is also a good method of Pratyahara, for overcoming anxiety and agitation of mind. Agni means order, this centre of awareness brings order in the body, mind and consciousness. With practice it steadies the fluctuations of thoughts, induces a profound sense of inner peace and allows one to witness the flame of inner awareness.
The Indian mystic and poet Kabir, described this flame as Atma Jyotis, the light of the Soul.
Karma is the creation of ignorance. When ignorance is banished by meditation there is no question of karma.
Jullan has been studying the science of Yoga for the last twenty years.
She first experienced Yoga at Patabi Jois's school in Mysore, India, twenty three years ago.
She has trained in Iyengar and Astanga Yoga with respected Teachers between India and Australia.
Jullan holds numerous diplomas in physical education, her backround studies include Ayurveda, Metaphysics and she is currently undertaking a TH.D in Natural Medical Science.
Jullan has been teaching physical education for the last twenty years and has been teaching Yoga for ten of those years.
She is the founder of the Y Yoga Studio in Doubleview, Perth, which she established in 2003.
Having a childhood backround in gymnastics, Jullan's lifetime love is in physical movement. Through the practice of Yoga and meditation this love made a natural transition into Soul movement. In her experience, the science of Yoga is about being aware of self from moment to moment or being aware of all that is not Soul. Jullan's emphasis as a teacher is on body biomechanics (balancing energies all over the body), through Yoga movements which activate energy points.
These energy points or life centres in the body are an important factor to consider in all yogic practices, from asana to pranayama and meditation. They are an integral part of Yogic thinking and understanding of body and mind. This in combination with Bandhas (internal locks) and pranayama (breath control) is what leads the student to a disiplined mind, flexible body and a purified subtle body (energy body), which then gives longivity to life.
There is no substitute for the degree of movement you will attain from Yoga, mental, physical and spiritual, as practicing Yoga is an exploration of our individual bodies.
About Yoga Therapy
The term Yoga stems from the root yuj, which means to yoke or unite.
Yoga is that which unites the individual soul with the one true absolute soul. This happens through the practical discipline of purifying the physical body, subtle body (energy body) and calming or drawing the mind to a one pointed focus on the individual self.
The practice of Yoga postures, breath awareness and control, concentration, meditation, mantra, mudra and so on, set forth a path that allows the limited individual to tap into a deeper conciousness, to get to know the true self and to ultimately express the creative and spiritual side of its nature, through manifestation.
At the Y Yoga Studio, the student will be introduced to Hatha Yoga, predominantly Iyengar style with variations of Astanga style, creating an interesting flow and an all over balancing of energies.
I have experienced the ill effects the repetitive moves of Astanga Yoga had on my body and spine over the years, therefore it should be noted that I do not teach the Astanga series or sequence.
Mr Iyengar introduced alignment and technique into Hatha Yoga, which then became Iyengar Yoga.
Having more time for correct alignment and breath work in a posture, is more beneficial for the organs of the body. By adding flow to the correct structure of postures, this then creates a very safe and therapeutically beneficial way to practice Yoga.
One of the main purposes of asana practice (yoga postures) is to insure a non obstructed flow of prana through the energy life centres of the body. Different body parts that are sore or stiff, indicate a need for asana to bring fresh circulation to energy regions, that may have become obstructed or tense.
The classical text on Hatha Yoga which is, "The Hatha Yoga Pradipika", describes the Asanas or postures and pranayama or breath regulation, which forms the basis of the modern practice of yoga today.
There are thousands of postures within the system of Yoga, ancient texts suggest 840,000 to be percise. However, through the regular practice of only 12 to 15 postures, one will experience the transfomation of the physical, mental and spiritual state.
This is the primary focus of Yoga.
"The Hatha Yoga Pradipika" says that, "controlling the breath and observing its rhythm brings the consciousness to stillness."
By drawing the consciousness within (Pratyahara), one will develop one pointed attention and self awareness. Pratyahara is a door between the outer and inner aspects of Yoga that allows us to turn our energy inward. It's roll is to take Yoga practice away from being mere physical exercise to a deep spiritual disipline.
Our Studio
About the Y Yoga Studio, in Doubleview Perth.
The letter "Y" In Y Yoga Studio denotes the word Yajna (Worship), as in 'Worship Yoga'.
This is a beautifull Sanskrit word (classical language of India) which sums up the purpose of practicing Yoga, worshiping the divine within yourself, or more effectively, the divine worshiping himself within you. This happens through a scientific matrix of poses or a physical energetic weave and meditation.
The Y Yoga Studio was opened in 2003 and for many local people it has become a place of meditation and peace. It is a perfect, clean and specially designed space, which is required for the practice of Yoga and meditation.
The studio is conveniently located in Doubleview, behind IGA on Scarborough Beach road with ample parking provided. The area is quiet as it is set back from the main road. It is a 90sqm studio, very private and comfortable with wooden floors, ambient lighting and a meditative water feature. The studio is an excellent facility, fully equipped with all the traditional Yoga equipment. We have a state of the art two seater Infrared Sauna, which provides the ulltimate bone marrow, body detox and deep tissue treatment. We have a 6mtr x 3.5mtr full lenght wall filled with bars, ropes and Yoga swings. We also have Yoga swings hanging from the ceiling.
With this type of equipment, we are well set up to help the most experienced student to the absolute beginner. Also with the bars, ropes and swings we can create a most safe and therapeutic practice for the less flexible or injured student. Being the only studio with yoga swings we can help even the most unco-ordinated student get into the swing of things.
On arrival student Yogis often remark on the energy or beautiful ambience the studio has. I put this down to the spiritual connection myself and the beautiful souls of my students create on a daily basis. These are the good spiritually oriented people you will meet at Y Yoga Studio.
It makes me very happy and fills my heart with love, having the oppurtunity to teach people in such a spiritual gathering. I am pleased with the progress my students are making on a mental, physical and spiritual level over the years and I always look forward to meeting and helping new students who come through my door daily.
Detox Sauna
Burn calories and controls weight
Producing sweat, pumping blood and burning calories, you lose weight not just water.
Increases blood circulation and strengthens the cardiovascular system
Conditioning benefits of continous exercise. Heart rate, cardiac output and metabolic rate increases, while diastolic blood pressure drops, for improved overall cardiovascular fitness.
Relieves pain
Helps peripheral blood vessels dilate, bringing relief and healing to muscle and soft tissue injuries. Eases joint pain and stiffnesss associated with many forms of arthritis.
Remove toxins and mineral waste
Increased blood circulation stimulates the sweat glands, releasing built-up toxins and waste.
Improves skin
Improved tone, elasticity, relieve acne, eczema, psoriasis, burns, lesions and cuts. In addition, open wounds heal more quickly, reducing scarring. Reduces cellulite.
Improves the immune system
Resistance to disease is increased.
Reduces stress and fatigue
Simple relaxation.
Completely safe and natural
What makes this particular Far infrared Sauna better than others? The most advanced technology from Japan. The carbon fibre panels comprised of multiple heat sensors that are calibrated to ensure continuous FIR heat at a lower surface temperature than other FIR sauna heaters - better performance well within the "Vital range" average 9.4, which is the frequency at which a water molecule resonates or vibrates.
Class Descriptions
Iyengar style yoga. Suitable for every age and level of ability. The course will introduce the student to basic, standing, sitting and inverted postures. It includes relaxation methods and an introduction to Pranayama or gentle regulation of the breath.
Level one
This class is open to students who have completed a beginner course and the more experienced student. It gives the student more time to discover the changes happening in the physical and mental body. Iyengar style yoga focuses on postural alignment, breath control and self awareness.
Level two
This class is open to all experienced levels. Predominantly Iyengar style Yoga with variations of Astanga style. Stronger emphasis is laid on strenght and flexiblity, stamina, balance, synchronization of breath with movement, breath control, core strenght stability. Through meditation techniques an overall deeper sense of concentration and self will be experienced.
All yoga practice has its therapeutic value and whilst it goes to the root of all disease, its use is better as a preventative medicine. Therapy means to heal, to take care of, so for those students suffering from scoliosis, arthritis, neck/back problems, injuries and other difficult physical conditions, this class provides a more individual approach to these ailments.
Open class
This class is suitable for the beginner student as well as the experienced student. Combining dynamic postures with restorative postures. More emphasis is laid on restorative poses, with pranayama, meditative cleansing practice.
Inverted power
Complete and concentrated focus on technique and understanding of the phenomenal benefits and powers of inversions. Through a series of inverted postures, one will experience increased brain and concentration power, improved overall body strength and intuition, lifted energy levels and a more balanced emotional state. These are just some of the benefits of inversions, so turn your world upside down and all will be revealed!
Meditation cannot be taught it comes by itself, in its own time. But if you follow the right process to begin with, you can speed up your progress considerably.
In the old tradition of meditation, there are a many varieties of different techniques - some use the power of sound, others use visual objects or pranayama. The common aim of these techniques is to focus the scattered rays of mind to a one pointed position.
The technique that I most recommend for long term practice is Japa or the repitition of a Mantra.
Beginner students to meditation may find it hard to focus their attention, narrowing your field of concentration to a category of objects and practicing breath control will help train and disipline the mind to begin with.
The beginner student may find it hard to sit with a straight spine for even a few minutes. As it is the job of the spine to keep the mind alert, it is important to practice asana and meditation, in order to strengthen mind and body in combination.
Mantra is a form of silent or vocal suggestion, usually repetitive; a word or group of words that induce a meditative state and illuminate consciousness. According to ancient sages, of all the mantras Om is the best as it includes every mantra.
It is the chief of all mantras, has a cleansing effect on the chakras and improves concentration.
The heart region (Anahata chakra) and the third eye (Agni chakra) are good points of focus for meditation to control the subconcious mind, instincts, deep seated emotions and to aid in Pratyahara or internalization of mind.
Shifting one's attention from head to heart is also a good method of Pratyahara, for overcoming anxiety and agitation of mind. Agni means order, this centre of awareness brings order in the body, mind and consciousness. With practice it steadies the fluctuations of thoughts, induces a profound sense of inner peace and allows one to witness the flame of inner awareness.
The Indian mystic and poet Kabir, described this flame as Atma Jyotis, the light of the Soul.
Karma is the creation of ignorance. When ignorance is banished by meditation there is no question of karma.
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