Cherise Vallet
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Yoga Delicious
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About Me
Yoga is a word that has many meanings for people today. In its original context, this Sanskrit word meant ‘union’ and was indicative of a process of self-realisation as a whole and connected being. Yoga is a state of being – connected, whole, complete.
My lifetime exploration has always been about experiencing the full breadth of what it means to be alive, what this world has to offer, and how I fit into it. I have been an explorer of many approaches and structures that have been dedicated to this end.
‘Delicious’ is part of my other business name – Graphically Delicious – which is more about my graphic design pursuits. I chose ‘Delicious’ to be part of this yoga-focussed pursuit because that’s exactly what it is to me.
I believe that all of life has the potential to yield the most delicious of experiences. And that we have the power to create this deliciousness through our own actions.
Yoga brings me home to my body and brings me into a delicious state of being – connected to my heart, my deepest intuitions, my best intentions.
This is how I teach and guide my classes and retreats. Gentle practices, mindful moments, luscious stretching, quiet breathing. So happy to have you here.
Classes On Offer
Community Yoga
Every MONDAY (except public holidays)
Class on temporary hold – new announcement in September 2017
(Back of the recreation ground at Kangarilla/Yaroona Oval)
Join with Debbie & Cathy throughout the rest of July, all of August, and first half of September for some wonderful explorations of yoga sequences, breathing and relaxations. I’ll be back teaching on Monday 11 September.
$17/casual drop-in class
$150/10-class pass
No need to book in advance; all welcome!
Restorative Yoga
The effectiveness of Restorative Yoga, however, in terms of creating balance between activity and relaxation lies in the specificity of intention. The singularity of it. We come into this practice with the sole intention of letting go – of everything, but especially of effort. In this sense we are not seeking to ‘change’ our state so much as to ‘allow’ ourselves space, openess, and profound surrender of effort. A sense of vital re-invigoration of our whole body/mind/heart system is the result.
In a restorative yoga class, you are set up in physically very supportive poses that allow the body to profoundly relax. It is more about opening the body, rather than stretching it. Poses are held for longer periods of time, the message to the body and whole system being that there is no rush. As a session progresses, profound spaciousness and stillness of being develop, brainwaves slowing, the nervous system calming, blood pressure lowering. Here the body heals, the mind refreshes, the heart eases. It is a gift to yourself to take this opportunity whenever you can!
I am offering regular classes and workshops in this region, focusing on the art of letting go. 2017 dates and details for upcoming retreats, classes and venues are being worked out now.
Mindful Leader Corporate Classes/Workshops
For the past eight years I have led many classes in the corporate environment, in conjunction with leadership training offered by Face the World and Darren Williams Consulting. These classes have been focused on this premise: “The mastery of the art of leadership comes with mastery of the Self. Ultimately, leadership development is a process of self-development.”
The word ‘mindfulness’ has had a lot of press in recent years, and rightly so. Mindfulness is essentially a process of self-enquiry where one utilises some simple techniques to bring oneself acutely present into this moment with an open and non-judgemental awareness. From this ‘present’ state, calmness and clarity of thinking are natural outcomes.
Contact me today for more information.
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