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Member since 2005

Michael Alder

Yoga 2000 Essendon

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Yoga students can expect an increase in flexability, strength, and stamina along with increases in energy and emotional control.

Yoga 2000 - Yoga Classes

Servicing area

Essendon, Ascot Vale, Flemington, Brunswick, Strathmore, PascoeEssendon, Ascot Vale, Flemington, Brunswick, Strathmore, Pascoe Vale, Maribyrnong, North Melbourne

Focus areas

Lifestyle Fitness Relaxation Boundaries Tantra Posture

About our classes

Classes contain elements of various styles of Yoga but may focus from week to week on Ashtanga, Iyengar, Gita, Bikram, Kriya,etc. all classes conclude with breathing exercises and guided relaxation.

We offer three levels of yoga:
  • Yoga for Beginners This is an eight week course available to people of all ages & fitness levels and concentrates on the basic postures in a non demanding way.

  • Yoga General A class structured for those with some experience of Yoga and concentrating on the finer details and variations of the basic postures plus some more challenging postures and introduction to different styles of Yoga.

  • Yoga Intermediate This class includes more advanced postures and challenging variations which are completely optional. More breathing techniques and yoga principles are introduced.

    Yoga Styles

    Throughout each term you will be introduced to various Yoga traditions and a brief description of some of these follows:-

    On which most of our classes are based - an anatomically precise form of Yoga where the desired alignment of the body is described in detail and may be aided by the use of various props, such as blocks, belts, bolsters, ropes, etc. Postures are held for longer than in most other traditions to allow fine adjusment and greater experience of the result.

    A more aerobic practise with rapid movement from posture to posture, more emphasis on breath control, and adherenc e to a set sequence of postures, or vinyasa, according to the level of practice being undertaken. Degrees of expertise may vary considerably within any one class and allowance is made for the less experienced.

    Normally practised in a room heated to 38 degrees, simulating conditions in parts of India. Heavy perspiration is said to purge the body of toxins and heat allows joints to move more freely. A sequence of 27 postures from the Yoga traditions are followed each time and regular practice is encouraged by Bikram schools. At Yoga 2000 we do not have heated rooms and practice the Bikram sequence purely for varity.

    Practice emphasis flexibility of the spine as theprinciple conduit for energy transfer and many of the excercises are focased on this principle. Kudalini is said to be a latent form of energy coiled like a serpent at the base of the spine waiting to be released through ethical lifestyle, physical excercises and breathing practises. Some of the excercises can be aerobically challanging and may vary in emphasis according to the time of year but in the main it is a gentle form of Yoga and usually includes chanting in some form and reference to the CHAKRAS or energy centres. At Yoga 2000 we often include Kundalini excercises as part of our warm up sequence and our guided relaxation may include a Chakra visualisation.

    The Gita school also follows a fixed sequence of postures taken from traditional Yoga and places some emphasis on the effects upon the endocrine system of hormone releasing glands. Breathing practice and relaxation are also an important feature. At Yoga 2000 we occasionally include a Gita sequence for the sake of variety.

    A powerful flowing sequence of movements and postures designed to challange the whole body and focus the mind. Less difficult versions are an option for most postures. At Yoga 2000 we occasionally spend up to three(3) classes on one of the sequences.

    There are many many other traditions and variations of Yoga and at Yoga 2000 we hope to have added as much as possible to the mixture which we present to you so that your experience is enriched by the variety and always exciting.

    Click here to view our current timetable

    Call today to find our more about the different types of yoga, and which one would benefit you most.

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