Dr Penelope Jones - Working Posture
Dr Penelope Jones - Working Posture & Feldenkrais
Focus areas
Working Posture and Feldenkrais
WorkingPosture is a healing modality that is based on the Feldenkrais method and any help extras. We instruct a Daily Program to unlock tight muscles and limber up before work for the effective prevention of injuries plus a selection of moves to be utilises if emergency situations arise throughout any sporting activity or whilst at work.
We instruct you how to utilise your core correctly to support increased flexibility WITH strength and how to take all the forces through your skeleton rather than through tight and tense muscles.
The Feldenkrais method is a type of somatic education that utilises directed and gentle movement and direction to enhance the fluidity and the range of motion, enhance your coordination and your flexibility, and allows you to re-establish your intrinsic ability to be efficient and graceful in movement.
The Feldenkrais method is based on principles of biomechanics, physics and an empirical understanding of the human body and its development.
For more information, click here.