Kim Narelle Wise
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Kim Wise is a World leading Health and Rehabilitation Specialist: Who is a Scientist (Anatomy Major), Registered Physiotherapist, Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner and Bones For LIfe & Movement Intelligence Practitioner, Teacher and Trainer.
Effective treatments for people with chronic pain, impeded movement and neurological conditions.
Wise Health Education
Servicing area
Mid North Coast & AustraliaFocus areas
Back care
Based on the Coffs Coast, NSW Australia.
Available for treatments and workshops on the NSW mid-North Coast and soon Australia-wide.
Registered Provider for all Health Funds, Worker's Compensation, EPC, Third Party Injury & Veteran Affairs.
Kim’s Background
Kim has great compassion and is a natural born healer uniquely equipped with an extensive university education. She has a comprehensive understanding of the connections in science of chemistry, biology, physics, organic chemistry, human anatomy of all systems, the brain and neurology, physiology, mammalian and comparative embryology and histology, anatomy of vertebrates and invertebrates, chordate anatomy, animal behaviour, biochemistry, microbiology, and subsequently an understanding of the evolution of the nervous system.
In 1975 Kim graduated as a Bachelor of Science (Anatomy Major), then in 1976 as a Physiotherapist, in 1990 a Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner and 2013 a Certified Bones for Life Practitioner/Teacher. in 2015 Kim was selected and recognised as a Professional Trainer of Movement Intelligence in Australia. See Qualifications.
She has attended extensive continuing education over the past 40 years – including advanced trainings, workshops, presentations, lectures, and conferences. Kim has also been a presenter at workshops, lectures and conferences over the past 30 years.
Kim is driven to continually refine diagnosic, treatment, management and client empowerment skills. Clients learn to heal themselves applied to many conditions, including chronic pain syndromes such as fibromyalgia, migraines, tinnitus, TMJ syndrome, frozen or painful shoulders, OA knees, hips, ankles, RSI, low back pain, neck pain, nerve root pain and sciatica, neurological conditions to include CVAs, CP, brain injury, spinal cord injury, Parkinson's disease, Dupytrons Contractures, Paediatrics, Musculo Sclerosis and many other conditions.
Kim has also experienced a couple of very serious spinal injuries as well life threatening health issues herself. She is a survivor who walks her talk.
Kim experienced her first serious spinal injury in a motor cycle accident when she was 19: suffering 8 fractures of the lumbar-sacral spine. Doctors said she could possibly spend the rest of her life in a wheelchair with her right leg partially paralysed and without bladder or bowel control if she did not have surgery (5 operations!). Surgeons were sharpening their knives but Kim, who was in her final year of a BSc (Anatomy Major), said NO. She then spent the next nine years wearing a steel spinal brace (Boston Brace) and did not stop seeking help from many health professionals including neurosurgeons, orthopaedic surgeons, physiotherapists, osteopaths, chiropractors, acupuncturists – all to no avail in the long term. Kim was slowly becoming more disabled while dealing with insufferable pain.
While contemplating suicide, Kim discovered Feldenkrais in 1982 through a close friend and in 1987 began attending the 4-year Professional Feldenkrais Practitioner Training Program through La Trobe University in Melbourne until 1990; She graduated literally doing back flips from headstands. Kim says the moral of her story is: "You don't have to break your back in eight places to be that flexible!”
Kim no longer suffers from that old pain that seriously disabled her for nearly 10 years of her life. She continues to run a farm with beef cattle, rides horses and drives her tractor with a front end loader without back pain.
"Healing myself was a huge learning curve,” says Kim. The experience turned into a positive for Kim, which has resulted in sharing the learning with thousands of others of how to overcome pain and disability. To be able to experience the freedom and safety to move without pain, and to become exceptionally functional after serious disability feels like living a miracle every day to Kim. As Dr Moshe Feldenkrais said: “The impossible becomes possible, the possible easy and the easy graceful". And Kim knows this is true.
"I am passionate about my work, my learning and my life," says Kim. “I am always learning more and more ways to empower individuals to change and learn through a simple and enjoyable process which engages the nervous system – all to learn the path to health and happiness. Whatever you do or whatever sport you play, whatever dance you dance you can improve how you do what you do; from musicians to elite athletes to those with brain injury or crippled with pain or disability.”
Since receiving her first degree in the seventies, Kim has never stopped learning. She has attended countless courses, trainings and workshops over the past 40 years.
- 1975 - Bachelor of Science (Anatomy Major) - UNSW Sydney
- 1976 - Post Graduate Diploma in Physiotherapy - CCHS Sydney
- 1990 - Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner - La Trobe Uni. and LIHS – Melbourne
- 2009 / 2013 - Bones For Life Cert 1, 2, 3 and Train the Trainer with Ruthy Alon http://www.movementintelligence.com
Advanced Trainings
Attended extensive advanced trainings and workshops over the years – too many to list them all.
Most recent trainings
- 2009 - Professor Mary Galea's on Neuroplasticity - Gold Coast University
- 2009 - Scoliosis - Paul Newton (USA)
- 2009 / 2010 - Bones For Life 1, 2, 3 and TT-Train the Trainer with Ruthy Alon (Israel)
"The Movement Intelligence of Bone Strength and Weight-Bearing Posture. Based on Dr. Feldenkrais’ approach to somatic learning. Intelligent Fitness • Quality , Osteoporosis Prevention, Personal Ergonomics, The Body Language of Leadership." by Ruthy Alon http://www.movementintelligence.org/
- 2010 – Bones For Life Masterclass with Ruth Alon (Israel)
- 2011 - Jerry Karzen
"Feldenkrais is about awareness, how to take effective action in the world and ultimately how to "turbocharge" your own self-development." Jerry Karzen
- 2014 – Bones For Life Practitioner/Teacher
Kim has received hundreds of testimonials from hugely grateful patients over the years. Here are some of the most recent ones ...
"Apart from bending, twisting and lifting more easily than in 20 yrs, i'm more focussed, grounded and tranquil than ever i was in my life. Have seen Kim Wise only twice and look fwd to my half hour practise each day. I would never have believed it possible to let my brain heal degenerative disc disease but cannot deny Kim's unique programme seems to be doing exactly that. She is gentle, artful, and highly qualified,"
"Recently my heart specialist could not believe how fit I am for my age, when he did the stress test he kept saying over and over again: ‘I do not believe this!’. I am 89 years old and the Dr said my heart results were in the outstanding range for well under a 70 year old. Only 4 years ago I was crippled with pain and could not walk for more than 5 metres. I spent years seeing other therapists to no avail prior to seeing Kim. I have been having Feldenkrais lessons with Kim on and off for 4 years. Now, I move with grace and flexibility without pain and I feel wonderful. Many people comment that I move like a young woman. I feel 30 years younger than I did 4 years ago and I have recently fallen in love again. I say I owe my life to Kim Wise."
(Brief: On admission Iris had a 8 mm lithesis of L4 on L5 vertebrae with severe degenerative changes in her spine and had had a hip replacement. She was moderately obese, very dysfunctional regarding mobility, no freedom from pain without medication - she was on extremely high doses of pain medications and anti-inflammatories for many years prior to intervention.)
"I suffer from severe osteoporosis and had been on heavy doses of pain killers 4x daily for the past 6 years. After only 5 Bones For Life processes with Kim I am now completely free of pain, full of energy and vitality. I have stopped taking pain medication - I am looking forward to strong bones as well."
"The pain in my wrists and hands has almost disappeared after only 5 ATMs. Also I don't have neck problems either. Even after doing heavy gardening on weekends. I always used to have a sore back of neck after gardening. When I stop e.g. while on holidays sometimes it re-surfaces. So a huge thank you for all you do for us. I am finding it SO helpful to return to vital health."
"I have suffered from dizziness since I saw a chiropractor for a neck manipulation some months ago. 3 ATMs with Kim and my dizziness has gone. What I find is amazing is that the improvements are permanent."
Work Experience
- 1977- Rehabilitation, Intensive Care & Ward Physiotherapist at St Vincent’s Hospital Lismore.
- 1978- Sole Paediatric Physiotherapist for the Central Coast Region: included three early intervention clinics, three schools for physically and developmentally delayed children and one school for only physically handicapped children who were integrated into mainstream education.
- 1978 - 1982- Travelling Consultant Physiotherapist to intellectually and physically handicapped school aged children in State of NSW.
- 1980 - 1982- Member of Management Committee of Early Intervention (EI) Physiotherapist experts to establish Advanced Trainings for Physiotherapists working in Early Intervention.
- 1982 -1983- Development of physiotherapy assessments and programs while assisting in the establishment of 'Minimbah' in Epping NSW. First Activity Therapy Centre for profoundly physically and mentally disabled young adults (many became employed!).
- 1983 - 1986- EI Physiotherapist - Coffs Harbour.
- 1987 - 1994- Director/Owner/Principal of 'The Wise Health and Fitness Education Centre' in Coffs Harbour (8 staff).
- 1994 - 2010- Semi-retired private practice in Upper Orara.
- 2002 - 2005- Consultant Physiotherapist to Mid North Coast Region of NSW for Dept. of Aged, Home Care & Disability, for school aged children with an intellectual handicap or significant physical handicap - to include running Improving Breathing Awareness Through Movement Classes - in mainstream education schools in the Mid- North Coast Region of NSW. A pilot study revealed the program improved breathing to include a remarkable and significant improvement of total lung capacity. Teachers and parents reported improvement also in children's ability to pay attention, concentration, learning, posture, gross motor and fine motor skills. Program = 1hr/wk for 6 wks.
- 2005- Presentation at Sydney Conference for Paediatric Physiotherapists/Feldenkrais Practitioners and School Teachers - Introducing Feldenkrais Breathing programs for children in primary schools. Kim has extensive paediatric knowledge and experience in cerebral palsy, ADHD, ADD, spina bifida, rhetts syndrome, scoliosis, head & brain injury, multi-level orthopaedic surgery, and general orthopaedics, learning difficulties and autism.
- 2006 - 2009- Weekly Back Care Classes in Coffs Harbour.
- 2007 - 2010- Consultant Physiotherapist and Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner for the elderly at'Strathlea' now known as 'Ken Thompsen Lodge'. Benchmark study showed the best improvement and maintenance of functional mobility and range of movement results out of 130 facilities for the elderly in NSW for two years.
- 1990 - 2010- Feldenkrais with Horses & Riders - (Teaching at Mel Flemings Workshop in Upper Orara in 2007).
- 2008- Private practice and movement classes one day per week in Macksville for horse riders.
- 2008- Presentation of ATM to Ability Inc Advocacy Service Conference.
- 2009- Winter Back Pain Classes in Coffs Harbour.
- 2009- Bones for Life One with Jenny Groves.
- 2009- Bones for Life Train The Trainer with Ruthy Alon
Youtube Video: 'Movement Nature Meant, Part I'
- 2009- Presentation to 'Go Girls' Coffs Harbour followed by a 6 weeks of ATM classes.
- 2009- Accreditation granted by Govt for Feldenkrais services at Aged Care Facility in Armidale (Kim attained best Rehab results for Elderly in Aged Care Facilities in NSW- study done by Agewell Physiotherapy Sydney).
- 2009- Main author of the 2009 Australian Feldenkrais Guild Inc Health Submission (amended/added to annually by AFG Inc).
- 1994 to Present - Private Practice in Upper Orara near Coffs Harbour.
Call Kim today, or click 'make an Enquiry' below, to find out how her treatments can benefit you specifically, or to book your first appointment.
Professional Membership
- Physiotherapy Board of Australia
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