Belinda Morris
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Well Mind, Well Body
Focus areas
Inner child work
Negative emotions
Muscle tone
Stress Management
Start Transforming Today
By using your body's own innate intelligence, Kinesiology can transform your life by helping you to:
LET GO of negative emotions, limiting beliefs and sabotaging behaviours
ELIMINATE stress, worry and anxiety
FREE yourself of illness, fatigue & pain
ENHANCE mental clarity, creativity & well being
CREATE the results you want in all aspects of your life
FEEL calm, confident and content in any situation
How Does it Work?
Kinesiology considers the body a ‘biocomputer’ and the subconscious brain plays a crucial role in its functioning. The subconscious brain is responsible for the day-to-day running of your body through the central nervous system, which directly controls your muscles, as well as controlling emotions through the limbic system. In other words, the same part of your brain that controls your emotional and physical survival also controls the tone of your muscular system.
The fact that stress is reflected in your muscle tone should make sense– do your shoulders get tense when you’re anxious? Does your stomach tighten when you’re worried?
Mind Detox Method (MDM)
The Mind Detox Method (MDM), created by Sandy Newbigging, is a form of counselling focused on the mind-body connection. It takes into account that our beliefs and thoughts have the power to influence our overall state of physical, emotional and mental wellness. More...
Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by "laying on hands" and is based on the idea that an unseen "life force energy" flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one's "life force energy" is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy.
Cellular Memory Integration (Past Life Regression)
Past Life Regression is used to facilitate healing, integration and fuller expression of our potential in the present by accessing cellular memories and clearing unconscious faulty beliefs, patterns and trauma. Trauma in childhood can lock in dysfunctional survival and belief systems which distort our perception of the world and our place in it. This is also true of unresolved, unconscious memories and resonances of trauma from previous lives and/or genetic inheritance.
Counselling Kinesiology
Counselling Kinesiology is a synthesis of mainstream counselling techniques combined with kinesiology (i.e. muscle testing to identify emotional stress). It is a systematic approach to identifying the emotional patterns which cause unwanted feelings to persist, and is aimed at helping people find long-term solutions to emotionally stressful issues. It works with clients using talk therapy, emotional stress release/inner child work and practical exercises for implementing change.
Private Health Rebates
Rebates are available (provided you have the appropriate level of cover) with the following Private Health Funds:
Australian Health Management AHM, Australian Unity, BUPA (MBF, HBA, Mutual Community), CBHS, CUA, Medibank Private, Grand United Health, Healthcare Insurance, Health Partners, Reserve Bank Health Society, Teachers Health, Transport Health, and HCF as Manchester Unity.
Booking or Enquiry
Ph: 0414 937 583
By using your body's own innate intelligence, Kinesiology can transform your life by helping you to:
LET GO of negative emotions, limiting beliefs and sabotaging behaviours
ELIMINATE stress, worry and anxiety
FREE yourself of illness, fatigue & pain
ENHANCE mental clarity, creativity & well being
CREATE the results you want in all aspects of your life
FEEL calm, confident and content in any situation
How Does it Work?
Kinesiology considers the body a ‘biocomputer’ and the subconscious brain plays a crucial role in its functioning. The subconscious brain is responsible for the day-to-day running of your body through the central nervous system, which directly controls your muscles, as well as controlling emotions through the limbic system. In other words, the same part of your brain that controls your emotional and physical survival also controls the tone of your muscular system.
The fact that stress is reflected in your muscle tone should make sense– do your shoulders get tense when you’re anxious? Does your stomach tighten when you’re worried?
Mind Detox Method (MDM)
The Mind Detox Method (MDM), created by Sandy Newbigging, is a form of counselling focused on the mind-body connection. It takes into account that our beliefs and thoughts have the power to influence our overall state of physical, emotional and mental wellness. More...
Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by "laying on hands" and is based on the idea that an unseen "life force energy" flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one's "life force energy" is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy.
Cellular Memory Integration (Past Life Regression)
Past Life Regression is used to facilitate healing, integration and fuller expression of our potential in the present by accessing cellular memories and clearing unconscious faulty beliefs, patterns and trauma. Trauma in childhood can lock in dysfunctional survival and belief systems which distort our perception of the world and our place in it. This is also true of unresolved, unconscious memories and resonances of trauma from previous lives and/or genetic inheritance.
Counselling Kinesiology
Counselling Kinesiology is a synthesis of mainstream counselling techniques combined with kinesiology (i.e. muscle testing to identify emotional stress). It is a systematic approach to identifying the emotional patterns which cause unwanted feelings to persist, and is aimed at helping people find long-term solutions to emotionally stressful issues. It works with clients using talk therapy, emotional stress release/inner child work and practical exercises for implementing change.
Private Health Rebates
Rebates are available (provided you have the appropriate level of cover) with the following Private Health Funds:
Australian Health Management AHM, Australian Unity, BUPA (MBF, HBA, Mutual Community), CBHS, CUA, Medibank Private, Grand United Health, Healthcare Insurance, Health Partners, Reserve Bank Health Society, Teachers Health, Transport Health, and HCF as Manchester Unity.
Booking or Enquiry
Ph: 0414 937 583
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