Marie Spencer-Rowland
Human Design
Focus areas
I’m Marie, and I’m a Generator with a Sacral authority.
My passion has always been about finding the truth, the reason, the core.
Somewhere deep inside of us is a place where it all started – be it because we were born with it (which is where Human Design (HD) comes in), or because we were moulded by those around us.
Some things we have to face up to and deal with because it actually no longer resonates with who we are on a soul level, or who we want to be and envision ourselves to be going forward, but other things are naturally a part of us – it’s our natural energy and how we’ve chosen to experience the world at this time and in this incarnation.
This is where Human Design can really help shed some light on who we are.
So what is Human Design?
There are many different ways of explaining Human Design but here is mine:
It’s a natural body and energetic wisdom.
It blends different modalities into one system which is then displayed in a physical chart so you can see for yourself how magnificent, unique and intricate you really are.
If you’ve ever had your astrology chart done then you’ll understand the concept of the chart but Human Design goes deeper.
Astrology is one of the modalities used within Human Design as is the I-Ching, the Chakra system (which shows your energy centres and how reliable or unreliable they are energetically), and the Kabbalah.
These energetic forces are all then encapsulated within the Rave Mandala and intertwined to give you a specific ‘personality’ and dare I say ‘understanding’ to your life.
No more wondering why you're different...
The part I loved most about deep diving into my own personal energy system was that I felt it actually gave me permission to be me – because I could now say “This is me and how my energy works. I no longer have to do it like everybody else”.
Having spent a lifetime trying to please other people (and in particular, please their energy!), I could now see why I wasn’t getting anywhere in certain areas of my life and where I would actually thrive if I altered a few things that actually felt normal for me to do but I’d been brought up to be, and do, the opposite.
Perhaps you find it really hard to calm down and you’re always on the go? You don’t necessarily need medication for that. You could just have an open root centre and so are taking on everyone else's energies as your own.
Perhaps your emotions can be up and down like a yo-yo day in and day out? Believe it or not, if you’re an Emotional Authority that’s exactly how you’re supposed to be. The trick is to work with the energies and not against them.
One of the first things I learned was that I need to investigate - everything! It’s not part of my genetic design to just trust what people say about a situation, an event or even a person. Part of my survival mechanism is to investigate everything so I know all the in’s and out’s of the issue that is put in front of me. (I'm a great detective).
But this also means that I don’t really do quick responses – and yet we’re bought up in a world where you are taught to not keep people waiting and to respond quickly.
So as you can imagine, and which you may have experienced too, this actually caused me anxiety and stress and living this way, which I have done for 45 years - I very quickly lost the ability to listen to my own gut instinct and what actually felt right for me because I was so driven to do what was right for others.
And this is just one very small part of the puzzle.
Your Human Design chart will show you where you are strong and where there is learning and wisdom to be gained and this can take you out of the “matrix” that has been put on us by society.
It gives you an understanding of how you operate in the world and with others – including if you naturally thrive in the mountains or on the shoreline of where you live, or if you have a ‘Saviour energy’ which means people are naturally attracted to you.
So much information and inner wisdom can be found by looking at your Human Design energy – your natural and chosen energy.
And the beauty of it is, once you know, you now have a base, or a foundation, of where to build yourself up from.
As I mentioned earlier, I like to think knowing how you operate within the world gives you permission to be (unapologetically) you.
Some interesting discovery’s
Did you know that there is a percentage of people out there that can’t function in a 9-5, Monday to Friday job? It can actually make them sick as their energy is just not cut out for it. The world looks at them as lazy and points the finger and says “get off your ar*e and go and get a job!” – but again, that day in and day out monotony just doesn’t work for them. They work differently and have a different structure to how they operate in the world.
There is a percentage of people that have such pinpointed and focused energy that it can make people uncomfortable with them just being in the room, yet at the same time, they can pinpoint what your natural abilities are.
There are even people out there who need to eat their meals in low light or in a calm environment as it aids in their digestion, thereby helping their health, naturally.
We’re all so incredibly different, and the more we know about ourselves and understand ourselves, I feel the kinder we become. Both to ourselves and to others. Even more so if we know how the another person operates because we realise we all have different ways of working through and processing the world around us.
Some people can even ‘complete’ you. (This will depend on your circuitry…).
And if you are a couple, when your energies come together, you can either become a powerful force. (Your opposing Gates can ‘link up’ energetically and form a channel, thereby making you more powerful). Alternatively, your energies may also clash, but if you are aware of the places that your energies are similar, then it’s a lot easier to balance things out and realise that you’re both strong in certain areas so compromises can now be made rather than using force to get your points across.
What do I need to do?
In order to arrange for your human design chart to be completed, I need only three pieces of information:
1) Your full name
2) Your date of birth
3) The place/city and country where you were born
From there, your chart can be generated and a full report will be sent over to you, approximately 24-48hrs after payment has been received.
How is it delivered?
After compiling all the information about you, I will then send you a PDF with approximately 38-45 pages of basically everything you need to know about yourself.
Depending on how complex your energy systems are will depend on how long it takes me to compile the information. Generally it can be about 8+hours of work for me to research you and bring it all together in an easy to read and visually appealing document that you can then reference back to time and time again.
When I do your chart I’ll be giving you all the information about:
1) Your type and what that means/how you best operate in the world.
2) Your authority and what you need to know about how to best interact with the world.
3) Your definition and what that says about you in terms of your relationships.
4) Your channels to show you where your energy flows most powerfully.
5) Your profile - also known as your archetype. The role you grow into.
6) I go through all 9 of the centres in detail (be it defined, undefined or open), so you’ll know where you’re strong and where you are vulnerable.
7) I do also give you a run down on all of your activated gates, just because it’s good to have those, especially in terms of other people in our lives and their activated gates.
8) Your incarnation cross (your purpose in this life).
9) And then finally I advise you on the best environment to be in, your strongest senses and the best way to eat your food i.e. digestion, for optimal health.
10) I even touch on the 4 arrows that you see in the chart and what they mean for you and your energy.
I break everything down so that you can see all and every different area to help you gain a better and deeper understanding of yourself.
My intention for you is that you’ll know yourself better, know how you can now best operate in the world and, hopefully, that will then help you with your own personal development and what you can potentially use that energy for.
Once you’ve gone through the document, if you would like to discuss it further or have any questions about it, you can book a face to face session with me, via Zoom, in 30 minute increments.
These follow up sessions aren’t normally required as I make the information easy to read and understand, but the option is there if you wish to book it.
How long does it take once I’ve contacted you?
Once you’ve contacted me to compile your Human Design chart, I will add you to my list of ‘charts to complete’.
I operate on a first come first served basis.
I’ll be able to tell you, approximately, how long it will take me before I can get to your chart creation, and then as soon as I’m available, I will send you an invoice for the full payment.
Once payment has been received I will then start working on your chart.
Once I start your chart, you will generally receive it within 24-48hrs.
I will always keep you in the loop of my progress so that you’re not drumming your fingers on the desk waiting for your completed chart to be delivered.
Do you offer discounts for more than one chart?
Yes I do!
What is really helpful with Human Design is knowing how the people around you operate.
If you are in a relationship or have a child that you butt heads with – it could be because you both have similar energy hubs that are fighting to be the lead energy.
Or, if you have a child or someone in your family that can’t sit still and can’t seem to ever calm themselves down, their energy hub may be feeding off of yours and they are desperately needing to keep up with you even though they aren’t designed to do that.
So sometimes having a chart done for all the members of the family can be helpful.
Prices for charts are as follows:
Individual chart: $95.00
Two charts: $175.00
Three charts: $250.00
All the people that I have done charts for come back to me and say “I can’t believe how ‘me’ and how accurate this is – I’m blown away!”.
From there, they can start to put things into place, without guilt (!), so that their life becomes a bit (if not a lot) easier and flows more.
For some of us, it is easier than we thought – we just need to let go and allow the energy that we chose and naturally understand within us, to guide us.
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Business Hours
We're open 6 days.
Monday |
9:00 am | To | 8:00 pm |
Tuesday |
9:00 am | To | 8:00 pm |
Wednesday |
9:00 am | To | 8:00 pm |
Thursday |
9:00 am | To | 8:00 pm |
Friday |
9:00 pm | To | 6:00 pm |
Saturday |
9:00 am | To | 1:00 pm |
- Reiki Master
- NLP Practitioner
- Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner
- Level 4 Diploma In Counselling (Cambridge Open College)
- New Insights Life Coach
- Diploma In Body Love Therapy
- Diploma In Psychology of Success
- Diploma In Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Awareness
- Diploma In Colour Therapy
- Diploma In Crystal Healing
- Diploma In Domestic Abuse & Violence Awareness
- Diploma In Energy Anatomy
- Certified Eft Practitioner (International Advanced Accredited)
- Shamanic Techniques Healer
- Soul Rescue Healer
- Diploma of Human Design
Professional Membership
- EFT International