Wholistic Health Group
Herbalists ~ Jessika Schaad
Servicing area
Newcastle, New South WalesFocus areas
What is Herbal Medicine?
Herbal Medicine is a complementary health modality designed to increase your well being and quality of life. Herbal Extracts provide vital and supportive actions which strengthen your physiological functions and recuperative abilities.
Our wholistic approach
We treat you as a person and not an illness or condition, therefore addressing and working with the underlying cause.
No two people are the same. Even when people present with similar symptoms the underlying causal dysfunction can be very different.
There is no one way. Every person will find the best way that suits their needs. Herbal medicine can support every form of healing and self discovery.
The wholistic approach is an integration and collaboration of each and every facet of life, health and illness which includes recognition of your predisposition.
What may I expect in a consultation?
During your initial session, we will take a detailed case history including medical history, life style, diet, stress factors, current medications and supplements and of course the presenting problem.
Iridology assesses constitutional strengths and weaknesses and observes the possible underlying cause of an issue. A photograph is taken of the iris for analysis and to show you what we can learn from your iris.
Muscle testing is used to affirm appropriate herbal combinations and test possible allergies.
The herbal remedy (no ready made formulas used), is prepared in front of you. Each ingredient is named and explained. You are considered individually and no two remedies are the same.
Small doses are used to stimulated the body’s healing response.
Nutrition and supplement advice – To guide you towards the right diet or eating plan. Eg Blood Type diet, low reactive diet (gluten and dairy free), liver and gut detoxification diet. Supplements may or may not be required, however we guide you towards effective brands and effective use.
Bach and Bush flower remedies are also used in the remedy to support emotional and stress patterns. Supportive counselling is offered and co-operative decisions are reached to restore the balance.
Aromatic Botanical therapy - Jessika uses therapeutic grade essential oils and may be a part of your medicine. She prepares blends both for aromatic and internal or external use to assist in restoring the balance.
Herbal Medicine works with all health problems as well as maintaining good health. Some areas include;
Women’s Health – fertility, pregnancy, pre &post natal support, puberty & menopause, hormonal balance, menstrual problems, endocrine problems, PCOS.
Children’s health – nutrition, hyperactivity, learning difficulties, self confidence, immune health.
Digestion – digestive and bowel problems, candida, irritable bowel/ leaky gut syndrome.
Respiratory – asthma, sinus, hay fever, ear/nose and throat problems.
Immune health - chronic fatigue, viral colds and flu’s, glandular fever, allergies, acute and chronic illness, auto-immune conditions.
Lymphatic and circulation – stimulating and assisting the removal of internal toxins. Improving lymphatic and blood circulation.
Emotional support during – depression, grief, anxiety, stress, low self confidence, life changes and challenges.
Other – stress, arthritis, diabetes, muscular cramps, headaches and migraines, high cholesterol, high and low blood pressure.
Herbal Medicine supports medical treatments you may be undergoing.
Jessika Schaad Qualifications and Bio
- Dip Medical Herbalisim, Dip Medical Science, Dip Iridology, Bachelor Health Science Complementary Medicine, Bachelor Fine Art, Certificate of Process Oriented Psychology
- ATMS and NHAA registered
- Practicing Herbal Medicine and Iridology at the Wholistic Health group since 2003
Herbal Medicine - Natural fertility, Digestive health, Women's health, Children's health, Emotional and mental health
Iridology - A photograph of your iris may be taken. Together we look at your irises to assess constitutional strength and weakness. I will also interpret iris signs to help you understand the patterns of your health and how interconnected and fascinating the body / mind connection is. For more information see the Herbal Medicine tab.
More about Jessika
Jessika is continually studying and updating information regularly attending conferences, seminars and intensive training. Qualifications include Bachelor of Health Science, Advanced Diploma of Herbal Medicine and Iridology, as well as a Bachelor of Fine Art. Jessika is a member of the Australian Traditional Medicine Society.
She has a certificate in Process Oriented Psychology, to be able to further facilitate the mental and emotional challenges in illness, addiction, depression/anxiety and other processes.
Jessika gives regular talks to various groups about nutrition and herbal medicine.
Jessika has over 17 years worth of experience seeing people from infancy right through to senior ages. She does not discriminate anyone and will see people from all cultural backgrounds, gender/ sexual orientation, religious/ spiritual beliefs.
Special interest areas - women and children's health
- PCOS, endometriosis
- Peri-menopause
- natural fertility, pregnancy, birth and post natal support
- digestive issues - IBS, SIBO
- immune and auto immune conditions
- chronic fatigue and adrenal fatigue
- cancer support
Jessika also offers..
This is a special 1hr session to create a signature scent especially for you. Together we explore your senses, memories and dreaming. I will then blend the chosen essential oils for your unique mix.
“Scent creates an atmosphere and mood within and around us. It refreshes, invigorates and soothes us. Our wonderful sense of smell connects us to memories and feeling states. Your Spiritscent will help you access the necessary mental and emotional qualities you need at this time”.
Available for clinic appointments
~ Tuesday and Friday
(Online and telephone consultations available on request)
contact directly on 0434700911
Please visit www.jessikaschaad.com
Business Hours
We're open 6 days.
Monday |
9:00 am | To | 5:00 pm |
Tuesday |
9:00 am | To | 5:00 pm |
Wednesday |
9:00 am | To | 5:00 pm |
Thursday |
9:00 am | To | 5:00 pm |
Friday |
9:00 am | To | 5:00 pm |
Saturday |
9:00 am | To | 5:00 pm |